PRESENT: Mickey Thompson, member and Cheryl Cotner, member. Warren V. Nash, president, was not present.
OTHERS PRESENT: Chris Gardner, Michael Hall, Fire Chief Juliot, Police Chief Knight, Major Whitlow, Colonel Pennell, Stan Robison, Linda Moeller, John Burger, Alicia Meredith, David Hall, David Duggins, Jessica Campbell and Vicki Glotzbach
Mr. Thompson called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Item #1 - IN-AWC re: Street Cut Permits for 1025 Prospect Street, 611 E. 7th Street, 109 E. 16th Street.
Mr. Thompson stated that these have all been done.
Ms. Cotner moved to approve, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
Item #2 - Marcey Wisman-Bennett with Indiefest re: Permission to do horse & carriage tour on 9/15/2013
Mrs. Wisman-Bennett stated that this is for the 2nd annual Indiefest which is a local art festival in downtown New Albany. She explained that they wanted to add an element to honor the bicentennial and would like to do a horse and carriage tour of the downtown area. She passed out a map of the route and went over it with the board. Said map is on file with the City Clerk’s office. She explained that they will start at 1:00 p.m. and it will be done by the time the festival is over but more than likely much earlier than that. She explained that the fees will be $10.00 per adult/$5 children (5-12) and stated that all of the money will go to Sunny Acres Stables to cover expenses of the tour.
Mr. Thompson asked if the horses have rubber shoes.
Mrs. Wisman-Bennett stated that she wasn’t sure but she would check.
Ms. Cotner moved to approve contingent upon providing the clerk’s office with insurance and the horses having rubber shoes, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
Item #3 - Andrew Held with Wicks Pizza re: Permission to set up tent in parking lot during Harvest Homecoming
Mr. Held stated that they would like to put up a tent over the entire parking lot during Harvest Homecoming. He explained that they have spoken with Police Chief Knight to address problems that they have had in the past when they have tried to host events during Harvest Homecoming that included capacity issues and traffic flow. He stated that they will be shutting down some of the service components inside to try and redirect people to other areas where they will get better service and they have also limited access points on the first floor. He explained that they will have three capacity checkpoints with a security guard at each location so they do not exceed capacity and the only people that will be allowed on the dining room floor will be those seated and dining in.
Mr. Thompson asked about eliminating all of their parking.
Mr. Held stated that he has hired a shuttle for his employees but parking is a moot point during Harvest either way.
Police Chief Knight stated she met with Mr. Held in the spring and explained that her biggest concern was capacity. She stated she has looked over the plan and feels that it is a very good plan and was assured that they will work with the Fire Marshall to address any capacity issues.
Mr. Thompson asked if he has contacted Harvest Homecoming.
Mr. Held stated that since they are off the main drag and they don’t use the Harvest logo they didn’t see any issues with it as long as it was approved by the board.
Chief Knight stated that she was concerned about the type of entertainment.
Mr. Held stated that everything going on outside would be family driven.
Fire Chief Juliot asked if he has been in touch with the State Fire Marshall and Homeland Security.
Mr. Held stated that he has been in touch with the Fire Marshall’s office but he hasn’t contacted Homeland Security.
Mr. Hall stated that he would have to contact Homeland Security regarding setting up a stage for entertainment.
Mr. Thompson asked Police Chief Knight about her thoughts on the plan.
Chief Knight stated that she is fine with it as long as he follows through with the Fire Marshall’s recommendations.
Ms. Cotner moved to approve contingent upon abiding by all the rules set forth by the Fire Marshall, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
Item #4 - Rob Beckmann with Windstream re: Underground fiber installation
Mr. Beckmann explained that they are proposing to install fiber optics underground going south on State Street and then turning east on to Spring Street to the Main Source building. He stated that there is a possibility that they will have to cut the sidewalk but they will restore them to original or better condition if they have to.
Mr. Thompson explained that they like to take these kinds of requests under advisement so that they can be reviewed in-house and he thinks part of the work will be done on state highway so they would have to get a permit from them as well. He asked when they would like to start the work.
Mr. Beckmann stated that they would like for them to start as soon as possible and be completed by the end of October.
Ms. Cotner moved to take this item advisement, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
Mr. Thompson stated that he will get in contact with him when the board has made a decision.
Item #5 - Crystal Reardon with Café 27 re: Alley closure at 145 E. Main St. on Oct. 10th – 13th
Ms. Reardon stated that they would like to put up a tent in the alley for outside entertainment. She stated that she has contacted both Homeland Security and the Fire Marshall to see what the requirements would be and they will follow whatever guidelines that are set forth.
Mr. Thompson stated that the alley is closed off anyway during Harvest and is used for the vendors to get in and out of so he would be concerned that it might interfere with that. He asked if she has spoken with any one from Harvest Homecoming.
Ms. Reardon explained that she has but was told because they are not an official event with Harvest that she would have to come before the board. She stated that they didn’t say anything about them needing that alley for access and explained that the music won’t start until close to the time that Harvest closes so they would be able to allow them through if they needed it.
Police Chief Knight asked what type of entertainment she planned.
Ms. Reardon replied that it will be mild during the day and family friendly local musicians.
Ms. Cotner moved to take under advisement, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
Ms. Reardon asked if they could get back to her within a week’s time so that she can get the ball rolling.
Item #6 - John Habermel re: Dumpster request 604-606 East 8th Street
Mr. Habermel stated that the dumpster permit that they had expired today and he would like to get another extension.
Mr. Thompson asked if he thinks this will finish it off.
Mr. Habermel stated that he thinks it should.
Ms. Cotner moved to approve, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
Jim Silliman stated that he received a call from TSI and they would like to move on to Country Club Drive. He explained that this is a portion that was requestetd by the Commission to fill in a 450 foot gap of sidewalk on the south side of Country Club Drive. He requested permission for TSI to get started on August 26th
Mr. Thompson asked if this was in the scope of the CDBG project.
Mr. Silliman stated that it was.
Ms. Cotner moved to approve, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
Item #1 - Edwards Moving or Greg Sekula re: Indiana Landmark’s request to relocate house from 1815 Shelby Street to 1718 Shelby via Bulldog Alley
Mr. Thompson stated that they would like to review this in-house and get back with them by next week.
Mr. Duggins requested a curb cut at the new fire station on Daisy Lane.
Ms. Cotner moved to approve, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
Mr. Hall stated that there is one more show at Bicentennial Park and the series has been a real success.
Ms. Cotner requested the use of Bicentennial Park on Friday, September 13th for Employee Appreciation Day.
Ms. Cotner moved to approve, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
Ms. Cotner moved to approve the August 13, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes as amended, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
There being no further business before the board, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Mickey Thompson, Vice President Vicki Glotzbach, City Clerk
1 Board of Works
August 20, 2013
All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office