Have / has got

1 Complete the sentences with have got or has got.

1 Winnie has got a driving licence.

2 Erica ______a brother.

3 l ______two sisters.

4 Mr Wilson ______a car.

5 We ______a good teacher.

6 Mickey ______a dog.

7 You ______my books.

8 Danielle ______a computer.

9 my mum’s dad ______a garden.

10 Mike ______three brothers.

11 John and Peter ______mobile phones.

12 They ______three DVDs.

13 My sister and I ______a camera.

14 My friends ______MP3 players.

15 Our cousin ______a dog.

____ / 15

2 Now say the sentences with short forms.

1 ______

2 ______

3 ______

4 ______

5 ______

6 ______

7 ______

8 ______

9 ______

10 ______

11 ______

12 ______

13 ______

14 ______

15 ______

____ / 15

3 Make the sentences negative.

1 Gary’s got a bike.

Gary hasn't got a bike.

2 We've got a new car.


3 You've got a mobile in your bag.


4 Beverly has got ten DVDs.


5 Mandy's got six compute games.


6 The teacher's got our books.


7 We've got a CD player in our classroom.


8 I’ve got a camera in my bag.


____ / 8

4 Make questions.

Have you got a Pet?

1 You've got a Pet.


2 She's got a brother. ______

3 They've got a car. ______

4 He's got a bike. ______

5 You've got a computer. ______

5 Our neighbours have got a dog. ______

7 Erica's got a CD player. ______

8 Sam's got a mobile. ______

____ / 8

5 Put the words in brackets in the correct order.

I’ve got a big present.

1  I've got ______
(a present big).

2  She's got ______(birds white six).

3  We've got ______(teacher a good).

4  Where's ______(jumper yellow my).

5  I've got ______
(cats two black).

____ / 5

6 Put the words in the correct order

to make sentences and questions.

1 a I got MP3 player new have


2 hair got she has brown ?


3 got they an 've computer old


4 you have mobile phone a got good ?


5 a blue haven't bike I got


6 cat a has long Jeff's tail got?


7 got our French school teacher hasn't a


____ / 7

7 Write questions. Give short answers about yourself.

1 you/ an Internet friend

Have you got an internet friend?

Yes, I have.

2 your family / a dog


3 your classroom / a CD player


4 you/ brothers and sisters


5 your friend / a bike


6 your school / computer room


____ / 12

8 Write down these school subjects.















____ / 14