Fall 2007 Semester Assessment Report Form


Directions: Please complete a form for each of the programs within your department. This form was designed to provide a format for assessment reporting and should not be used to limit the amount of information provided. Each box that is attached to each of the sections is designed to adjust to varying lengths. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Bea Babbitt at x51506 or via email at: .

***Please submit the report electronically to

1. Program Information:

Program / Ph.D. Teacher Education
Department / Curriculum and Instruction
College / Education
Program Assessment Coordinator / Thomas Bean
Semester Data Collected / Fall 07
Report Submitted by / Thomas Bean, Coordinator of Doctoral Studies
Phone/email / 895-1445
Date Submitted / 04/30/2008

2. According to the Assessment Plan for this program, what were the planned assessments to be conducted during the Fall 2007 semester? You may want to copy and paste from this program’s assessment plan.

Which outcomes for this program were measured? / How did you measure the outcomes? / What results did you expect? If the students performed well what would their performance look like, i.e. percentages, means, or comparisons to a national standard?
3____outcomes out of a total of ___4_ outcomes evaluated this semester.
A.- Students will understand and be able to implement research.
C.- Students will develop the ability to teach at a university level.
D.- Students will be able to present their knowledge to relevant parties through clear written and verbal communication. / Course Grades, Performance on Doctoral Comprehensive Exam; Performance on Dissertation
Course Grades in Internship
Course grades, Comprehensive Exam, Dissertation / B- or better in research courses; Well Designed Study; Understanding of how to design, analyze, and present research study
B- or better in internship courses
B- or better, Successful Defense of Comprehensive Exam, Successful Defense of Dissertation

3. Results. What are the results of the planned assessments listed above? Describe below or attach to the form.

A. Of the 53 doctoral students in the C&I Department, 10 were in the Ph.D. Program. The 10 students took a total of 17 courses during Fall, 2007. Of the 17 courses taken, 14 were with a grade of A, 1 was with a grade of B+, 2 courses were in dissertation in progress. One doctoral student successfully defended the Comprehensive Examination during Fall, 2007. The doctoral student who defended the Comprehensive Examination demonstrated an understanding of how to design, analyze and present a research study. Of the 10 students in the Ph.D. program, 1 student presented 1 regional presentation, and 1 student presented 1 national presentation for a total of 2 conference presentations. Fourteen papers were submitted for publication during Fall 2007.
C. Doctoral students who completed internship courses all completed them with a grade of A. Doctoral students who taught part-time in the department received satisfactory course evaluations.
D. Of the 53 doctoral students in the C&I Department, 10 were in the Ph.D. Program. The 10 students took a total of 17 courses during Fall, 2007. Of the 17 courses taken, 14 were with a grade of A, 1 was with a grade of B+, 2 courses were in dissertation in progress. One doctoral student successfully defended the Comprehensive Examination during Fall, 2007. The doctoral student who defended the Comprehensive Examination demonstrated an understanding of how to design, analyze and present a research study. Of the 10 students in the Ph.D. program, 1 student presented 1 regional presentation, and 1 student presented 1 national presentation for a total of 2 conference presentations. Fourteen papers were submitted for publication during Fall 2007.

4. Conclusions and Discoveries. What conclusions or discoveries were made from these results? Describe below or attach to the form.

Conclusions and Discoveries
A. Of the 53 doctoral students in the C&I Department, 10 were in the Ph.D. Program. The 10 students took a total of 17 courses during Fall, 2007. Of the 17 courses taken, 14 were with a grade of A, 1 was with a grade of B+, 2 courses were in dissertation in progress. One doctoral student successfully defended the Comprehensive Examination during Fall, 2007. The doctoral student who defended the Comprehensive Examination demonstrated an understanding of how to design, analyze and present a research study. Of the 10 students in the Ph.D. program, 1 student presented 1 regional presentation, and 1 student presented 1 national presentation for a total of 2 conference presentations. Fourteen papers were submitted for publication during Fall 2007.
C. Doctoral students who completed internship courses all completed them with a grade of A. Doctoral students who taught part-time in the department received satisfactory course evaluations. More specific data regarding teaching performance are needed.
D. Of the 53 doctoral students in the C&I Department, 10 were in the Ph.D. Program. The 10 students took a total of 17 courses during Fall, 2007. Of the 17 courses taken, 14 were with a grade of A, 1 was with a grade of B+, 2 courses were in dissertation in progress. One doctoral student successfully defended the Comprehensive Examination during Fall, 2007. The doctoral student who defended the Comprehensive Examination demonstrated an understanding of how to design, analyze and present a research study. Of the 10 students in the Ph.D. program, 1 student presented 1 regional presentation, and 1 student presented 1 national presentation for a total of 2 conference presentations. Fourteen papers were submitted for publication during Fall 2007.
Given the excellent record of research papers submitted for publication and the success of the students in their courses, the conclusion is that students are performing well in this area.

5. Use of Results. What program changes are indicated? How will they be implemented? If none, describe why changes were not needed.

A. Given the excellent record of research presentations at conferences, and research success of the students in their courses, the conclusion is that students are performing well in this area. Accordingly, no program changes are indicated at this time. We need to encourage that the students turn papers for conferences into submissions for publications.
C. Students’ performance in internship courses indicates that they are doing well as a group. Accordingly, no program changes are indicated at this time.
D. Students have demonstrated good writing ability given their grades in courses and their records of conference presentations. Rubrics need to be created to help assess their writing of comprehensive exams and dissertation proposals.

6. Dissemination of Results, Conclusions, and Discoveries. How and with whom were the results shared?

A. Results of student performance in research courses will be reported to the Doctoral Studies faculty by the Coordinator of Doctoral Studies. In addition, the Coordinator of Doctoral Studies reported successful comprehensive exam and dissertation proposal defense results to all doctoral students and to all department faculty.
C. Results of student performance in courses will be reported to the Doctoral Studies faculty and to the Doctoral Student Advisory Committee by the Coordinator of Doctoral Studies.
D. Results of student performance in courses will be reported to the Doctoral Studies faculty by the Coordinator of Doctoral Studies. In addition, the Coordinator of Doctoral Studies reported successful comprehensive exam and dissertation proposal defense results to all doctoral students and to all department faculty.