National Talent Camp

Application Form for Young Officials

Loughborough University

Friday 19th December 2013 – Monday 22nd December 2014

England Athletics is inviting young officials to apply to be part of the National Talent Camp, which will be held at Loughborough University in December 2014.

The Camp is organised by the Youth Sport Trust and is a one of a kind event, offering a unique opportunity for you to work in a shared learning environment alongside other promising and aspiring young officials, coaches and athletes aged between 14-19 years of age. Coaches, officials and athletes from athletics will take part in this event, along with selected individuals from the sports of Boccia, Cycling, Football, Swimming, Tennis and Volleyball.

The purpose of the Camp is to help you to develop your officiating skills, inspire and motivate you to achieve your personal best. Over the course of the event, you will be supported to develop your personal and officiating skills (philosophy, honesty and ethics, analysis, observation, giving and receiving feedback, emotional intelligence, owning your brand and team you). You will take part in sport specific sessions to apply your learning in an athletics context but you will also benefit from mixed sport session with other young officials, coaches and athletes.

After the camp England Athletics will provide further sport specific support linking you with a mentor and providing opportunities to officiate at top level events.

Throughout the four days, you will be challenged by highly respectedofficials and deliverers to really understand what it will take for you to develop and be the best officialthat you can be. You will also have the opportunity to hear from others who are recognised as achieving great things in their sport.

It will be an exciting four days and at times you will be taken out of your comfort zone, but we are convinced that you will come away with a clearer understanding of the choices you might have to make to ensure that you can succeed in your sport, in your life and in your education.

This is a unique opportunity and one which we hope you will take full advantage of. Applications must be received by Monday 22nd September, to the e-mail address below, and successful applicants will be informed by Friday 25th September

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact June Swift, Young People, Volunteers and Officials Development Officer on E: or mobile: 07912127589


Places at the Campfor young coaches are limited to 20 per sport,therefore a selection process will take place for those who meet the following criteria:

  • Must be 16-19 years of age and in education on Monday 22nd December 2014 (NB University students are NOT eligible for the camp)
  • Have current experience of actively officiating their chosen sport within a club or school environment
  • Demonstrate excellent communication skills
  • Positive leadership qualities and a positive attitude to improving themselves and their sporting performance
  • Be English/educated in England
  • Have a named NGB or club mentor
  • Demonstrate they are committed to achieve an officiating qualification
  • Must have good communication and organisation skills and an ability to inspire young people
  • Demonstrates the ability to work well in a team; respecting the contributions of others and able to share their own ideas and opinions
  • Must be - active and motivated.
  • Must be keen to develop, learn from others and try new activities
  • Must demonstrate positive leadership qualities and a positive attitude to improving themselves and their sporting performance
  • Must be motivated to pass on their knowledge to others
  • Must be committed to working with a mentor coach after the Campto undertake a training needs analysis and commit to working towards an individual personal development plan
  • Must be available from 19th – 22nd December 2014 and able to arrange own transport to and from the Camp (financial support may be available if required)
  • Must commit to attendance at any other specified development opportunities post the National Talent Camp

Please note that upon selection for the Camp, coaches will have to complete an online registration within a short timescale.Failure to complete this within the necessary timescales will result in the place being forfeited to a reserve.

National Talent Camp 2014

Application Form for Young Officials

Your Details:




Telephone Number

Date of Birth


Athletics club and training venue

Athletics qualification

Other relevant qualifications

Coaching History:

How long have you been officiating/ assisting?

How often do you officiate?

Do you currently have a mentor? Yes No

Please provide a brief outline of your involvement in officiating:

What is your officiating ambition?

Why should you be selected to represent athletics at the National Talent Camp?

I understand that if selected to attend the National Talent Camp I must be available from 19th – 22nd December 2014 and arrange my own transport to and from the camp. I commit to fully participating in both the camp and subsequent follow up coach development activities organised by England Athletics.



Please provide details of an official (minimum level 2 or equivalent) to support your application




Telephone Number

Completed applications should be sent to by Monday 22nd September 2014.