February 8, 2016

President Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Groton High School Conference Room. Members present: Hanson, Harder, Kjelden, Nelson, Smith and Weismantel. Absent: Rix.

Moved by Harder, second Kjelden to approve January minutes. Motion carried.

The treasure’s report was presented as follows: Balance January 1, 2016 – 345,508.85; Receipts – 47,179.51; Expenditures – 72,108.67; Balance January 31, 2016 – 320,579.69. Moved by Harder, second Kjelden to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion carried.

Moved by Harder, second Kjelden to approve the following bills (motion carried):

NON-COOP SERVICES: Net Salary – 4,555.06; FIT – 626.33; Medicare – 182.94; FICA – 782.32; SDRS – 768.50; AFLAC – 92.15; SD Supplemental Retirement – 250.00; Wellmark – 146.69; ReliaStar Life – 11.13; Country Inn & Suites – lodging, 93.00; Goethel, Cathy – mileage, 120.22; Grote, Sherron – services, 9,390.48; Hempel, Mary – mileage, 118.08; Hilzendeger, Kristi – mileage, meals, 268.88; Holiday Inn – lodging, 167.00; Johnson, Paula – mileage, 115.85; Quality Inn – lodging, 114.00; Rasmussen, Lyndsay – mileage, 45.40; Ray, Joan – travel expense, stipend, 949.60; Reyelts, Diane – mileage, 142.80; Zinter, Rhonda – services, 11,542.52.

OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE (COOP): Net Salary – 30,458.18; FIT – 3,706.26; Medicare – 1,166.10; FICA – 4,985.94; SDRS – 5,237.80; AFLAC – 955.26; AXA – 300.00; SD Supplemental Retirement – 50.00; Wellmark – 8,573.31; ReliaStar Life – 5.12; Aberdeen American News – legals, 59.21; Century Business – copies, 31.74; Deutsch, Jennifer – travel expense, 885.18; Diede, Cate – meeting expense, 60.51; Goethel, Cathy – travel expense, 700.42; Hempel, Mary – travel expense, 604.84; Hilzendeger, Kristi – travel expense, 270.04; Hoffman, Diane – travel expense, 294.62; Johnson, Paula – travel expense, 226.16; Leola School district – webinar training, 1,319.68; Neiger, Susan – travel expense, 237.64; NSU Finance Office – rent, phone, 450.19; NSU Post Office – postage, 5.18; Quill - supplies, 83.88; Rasmussen, Lyndsay – travel expense, 1,244.06; Ray, Joan – travel expense, 40.00; Reyelts, Diane – travel expense, 232.39; Super Duper Publications – supplies, 88.00; Uttermark, Roxana – travel expense. 302.44.

Moved by Harder, second Kjelden to acknowledge second reading and approve Record Retention and Destruction Policy. Motion carried.

M. J. Weber, Business Manager Steven R. Smith, President

The addition of signatures to this page verifies these minutes as official.

Published once at the total approximate cost of ______.