MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. Deborah Arfken, Dr. Richard Brown, Tom Ellis, Dr. Michael Jones (for Dr. Robert Dooley), Dean Theresa Liedtka, Dr. Phil Oldham, Linda Orth, Mike Royster (for Rick Hart), Dr. Mary Tanner
SUPPORT STAFF & GUESTS: Dr. Betsy Alderman, Dr. Dee Dee Anderson, Mike Andrews, Yancy Freeman, Janet Spraker, Jim Pulliam, Monty Wilson
Vice Chancellor Brown opened the meeting by asking for approval of the September 13, 2011 minutes. Dr. Arfken moved to approve, seconded by Dean Liedtka. Minutes were approved.
Dr. Brown updated the committee on the possible bond issue for capital projects being considered by Governor Haslam. If approved, projects that would normally be several years out may happen more quickly. A decision will likely be made early next year. Dr. Brown stated that it is important to prioritize our capital project list appropriate to our planned growth.
RACE-HOOPER SPACE: A drawing was shown of spaces that will be vacated by other moves over the coming months. The Provost’s office and associated functions will be moving into 551 Oak Street as soon as minor renovations and IT wiring is complete. Major exterior repairs will be postponed for a capital maintenance project as they will cost well over $100,000. Human Resources and the Office of Equity and Diversity will move to 720 McCallie Avenue (tentatively to be called the “Human Resource Center”) early in 2012. The Purchasing Office will move back to the Administrative Services Building. Hooper 101 & 102 space formerly occupied by Financial Aid is still vacant.
Several requests for the vacated Race/Hooper space were submitted as follows:
· The Banner office currently housed in Fletcher Hall is proposed for a portion of the Race 2nd Floor space. They need ten offices and a training room. The current Purchasing space (Race 202) and part of the HR suite (208 Suite, 209 Training Room) was discussed as a possibility.
· The Chief Information Officer to be hired by year end will need an office and administrative space.
· Dr. Arfken submitted a request for Race 203 suite, rooms 205/206, and 207 suite in Race Hall to house the Office of Strategic Planning. In addition to her office, this would house staff for the Complete College and Top Five initiatives and the Assistant Director of Strategic Planning for Assessment. Dr. Karen Adsit submitted a memo identifying the need for three offices—the previously mentioned Asst. Director for Strategic Planning, plus two positions associated with the Walker Teaching Resource Center.
· The Records Office is requesting permanent assignment of Hooper 104 suite.
· The Graduate School Dean’s office is requesting Race 105/106.
· Legal Counsel requests a larger suite in either Race or Hooper large enough to accommodate a conference space and storage. This needs to be easily accessible to visitors while providing adequate privacy.
Ms. Spraker then updated the committee on plans to add an elevator to the west of the Race/Founders connector. It would comprise of a new 3-story tower to match the existing architecture. A second floor to the connector would be built to provide access to Founders 2nd floor. Race 204 would be eliminated to create an access corridor.
Discussion ensued regarding the various requests for Race/Hooper space. Dr. Oldham wondered if Race 205/206/207 space on the north side of the hall would be sufficient for now since the Strategic Planning Office is not yet fully staffed? Dr. Arfken said that it would be. Banner and the CIO office is proposed for Race 202 and 207/208, though they may need some of the 203 space to have enough offices. Asst. VC Ellis moved to approve these Race 2nd floor assignments, seconded by Dean Liedtka. Motion carried.
Dr. Brown asked the committee to formally consider the assignment of the current Banner office in Fletcher to the College of Business. Dr. Jones stated that there are several advisors and internship employees that need offices, along with faculty now housed in storage/closet type rooms so this space is sorely needed by the COB. The committee approved this use.
Regarding the Records Office request, Dr. Arfken asked if they had considered moving to the University Center and Ms. Orth stated that her office would move wherever was considered in the best interests of the students, but that there is not currently enough space in the UC for them. It was suggested that all Records offices could relocate to Hooper, but Ms. Orth said she would prefer not to move. The proximity of these staff offices is close enough and a move would be disruptive. Dr. Tanner moved to approve the assignment of Hooper 104 suite to the Records office, seconded by Dean Liedtka. Motion carried.
Race suite 107 was discussed as a possible location for Legal Counsel but it would not be large enough. Dr. Oldham asked if Hooper 101 could be renovated suitably for them. Ms. Spraker said she thought it would be large enough and will review this possibility and other options with Courtney Hoss. Dr. Brown stated that they would bring this matter back to the table and asked that Ms. Spraker get back with the committee with any amendments for consideration.
A motion was made to approve the use of assignment of Race 105 and 106 for the Graduate School Dean’s office by Dr. Tanner and seconded by Dean Liedtka. Motion approved.
Communication Department Chair Dr. Alderman attended the meeting along with Mike Andrews to express their concerns over being housed in Frist Hall. Dr. Alderman stressed that they have significant accreditation issues. Dr. Brown stated that in the future Frist Hall will likely be demolished and they would be moved to more appropriate space. Once a decision is made regarding a bond issue for capital projects, UTC will be better able to move forward with planning the renovation of the existing Lupton Library. Communications may be one of the considerations. Ms. Spraker added that there is a Capital Outlay request for a new Communications/Classroom Building as #4 on the campus priority list.
Dr. Brown stated that UTC is seriously considering acquisition of the Red Cross building. It would be used for surge space and surface parking for now. A motion was made by Dr. Arfken to proceed and seconded by Dr. Liedtka. Motion carried.
Dr. Brown also told the committee that the city has approached him about our interest in a church property that is being demolished two blocks further down McCallie. It could be considered for parking once the building is completely removed. The committee agreed that he should continue to gather information on this property.
Ms. Spraker showed the committee a link on the UTC webpage where they can view Master Plan concepts and submit their thoughts and comments on each concept. The link can be found at http://blog.utc.edu/news/2011/11/campus-master-planning-needs-your-input/.
Meeting adjourned.
Valerah Hodges
Recording Secretary