NEW G-PISD WEBSITE – Info for Teacher Pages
Visit the G-PISD district website ( Under “Quick Links” in the top, right-hand corner, click “Website Staff Portal (Login).” Use the information below to access your Teacher Page for the first time:
Username: [First Name].[Last Name]
Password: [First Initial][Last Name]
*These are case sensitive, so an example is:
Username: Crystal.Matern
Password: CMatern
Email me if you have any trouble logging in:
Recommended – You can change to the same password you use to login to your computer every day so that you don’t forget. You are responsible for keeping track of your password.
- Login (as shown above).
- Click “Profile.”
- Click “Account” tab.
- Enter password you used to login for the first time -- [First Initial][Last Name] – then add a new password. Consider making this password the same password you use to login to your computer every day so that you don’t forget. You are responsible for keeping track of your password.
- Go back to standard view by clicking the “x” in the pop-up window.
- Once logged in, click your name in the top corner and select "Boards" from the list.
- Under your campus name (click to view), you'll see your own name. Click it to access your posts.You will see at least two (2) posts in your Board (Teacher Page):
- ABOUT THE TEACHER is a FEATURED post (with a “Featured Until” date/time in the right-hand column of the editing page -- THIS IS THE ONLY POST that should ever have a FEATURED UNTIL date/time). **This is very important to keep this information in the correct column on the published site.
- Please review the content inABOUT THE TEACHER and make any additions/updates.
- Most of the content you had on your old website page is listed here.
- This section should contain only basic information about your class(es) that is relevant all year (syllabus/syllabi, class rules, supplies, commonly-used links, etc.).
- After making any changes, be sure to click "UPDATE" or “SAVE”in the bottom, right corner of the screen -- this is how you SAVE CHANGES to any post.
- FIRST POST / NEW POSTS - Please know that ALL OTHER POSTS (from the Board view, you can add a post by clicking the green button at top) should contain weekly or even daily class assignments, announcements, updates, etc. View the videos on Page 2 of this handout regarding how to add content and what features are available.
- There is a “First Post” on your teacher page. You need to change the title and content (as indicated), and “UPDATE” or “SAVE” in the bottom/right-hand corner to add your very first weekly post.
- This content can include assignments for the week, a photo(s) of your latest class project(s), important announcement(s), notice about an upcoming event, a word of appreciation or applause for your students, etc. If you post any photo(s) containing students, please ensure those included have media consent (“yes’ to media in Skyward, per parents/guardians).
- These pages are designed in BLOG FORMAT -- so that the latest content is posted at the top, and assignments are not supposed to be posted just once/year … but instead at least weekly.
- Adding fresh content and having students/parents go to your Teacher Page for updates will keep them engaged. Please USE THIS RESOURCE and tool as it was intended and plan to quickly add information/assignments/posts as you can.
- CATEGORIES: There are categories to select in each new post if desired (some added for you, but you can adjust whatever you want) so that you can identify any post for its purpose. For example, "Class Life" is a category to click on any post where you might post a photo of your students' finished projects, or a day in class where students are presenting or engaging in a great activity. (Please keep in mind that any students in photos must have a "yes" for media consent in Skyward.)
Want me to show you step-by-step in person?
If you would like me to walk you through this process, CALL OR EMAIL ME (777-1091 ext. 1031 / ) and tell what time works for you.I will set up a 15-minute appointment to walk you through it on the phone. I will send you a web link prior to our appointment so that you can click it and “screen share” with me (you’ll be able to see my screen and make adjustments while we talk on the phone).
Want to know how to do more with your teacher page?
Training Materialsfrom Finalsite -- can show you how to add videos, images, etc., to a Teacher Page:
Please Note: IN ALL FUTURE POSTS, PLEASE DO NOT USE OR MODIFYTHE "FEATURED UNTIL” DATE/TIME IN YOUR POSTS! The *ONLY* featured post on your page is the "ABOUT THE TEACHER" section, which is designed to remain in the right-hand column on every page ... adding other featured posts will cause this design feature to shift. Thank you.
Creating a Post (video):
Create a Post (pdf):
2017-18 Campus PR/Web Representatives:
High School Tena Walls
Junior High Kyle Jones | Calendar/Events – Rosemary Vaseliades
Intermediate Irene Horton
East Cliff Julie Wiatrek
TM Clark Melissa Momper | Calendar/Events – Norma Ortiz-Mariscal
Austin Samantha Kraatz
Andrews Randi Coil | Calendar/Events - Lora DeLuna
District Crystal Matern | District Calendar/Events – (Contacts within each Department)