Name ______

Unit 2 Review

Write the correct term in next to the definition.

  1. a government with one individual in charge who has complete power and authority
  1. a government with power divided between national and state levels where the state governments are supreme
  2. a plan for government
  1. a government in which the people have the power
  1. a government ruled by the people in which every person votes on every issue
  1. complaint
  1. the ability of the judicial branch to declare a law or executive order unconstitutional
  1. autocratic government ruled by members of a royal family who inherit their positions
  1. rule by a small group with no competition
  1. introduction to the Constitution
  1. approval
  1. a democracy in which the people elect representatives to vote on issues for them
  1. theory that by contract, people surrender to the state the power needed to maintain order and the state, in turn, agrees to protect its citizens
  1. a government with only one level

Identify the following:

  1. Anti-Federalists
  1. Articles of Confederation
  1. Bill of Rights
  1. Checks and balances
  1. Declaration of Independence
  1. Federalism
  1. Federalists
  1. Hobbes
  1. Locke
  1. Montesquieu
  1. Popular sovereignty
  1. Rule of law
  1. Separation of powers
  1. U.S. Constitution
  1. What are the major principles in the Constitution (go by your notes, NOT your book… there are 5)? What does each of these mean?
  1. Several practices of the colonial governments are essential parts of the U.S. Government. What are some examples of these (pg 38)?
  1. Which part of the Constitution sets forth its goals?
  1. There are three parts to the Constitution. List them in correct order.
  1. There are four parts to the Declaration of Independence. List them in correct order.
  1. What was the main weakness of the Articles of Confederation? Did it have to do with the national or the state governments?
  1. Federalists were concerned that anarchy would triumph without what?
  1. What is the difference between an autocracy, a democracy, and an oligarchy?
  1. What two plans for representation were combined in the Great Compromise to form the structure of Congress as we know it today?
  1. What founding document did Thomas Jefferson write?
  1. “We the People” refers to which constitutional principle?
  1. What was the first plan of government the United States used?
  1. What section of the Constitution allows it to grow as the nation changes?
  1. What line in the Declaration of Independence does not mean the same thing today that it did when it was written in 1776?
  1. What did the 3/5 Compromise do?