Brahmani Yoga

Advanced Training Course



Julie Martin



*Please read through the application first and then go back and answer the questions. Type your answers in a different coloured font for clarity. Do not hesitate to email me with any questions regarding this application.

Once completed, please return Please title your application like this: “YOURNAME-advanced-app”.

  1. Full name and contact details, including: address, email, telephone number and current age.
  2. Give details of your first teacher training. With which school, in what style, when, how many hours and who were the senior teachers on the course. Also include some details of what the course content included.
  3. Do you feel you have a good sense of basic anatomy from your first course or continuing education you have done? If you have done additional anatomy based workshops tell us a bit about it.
  4. Give details of your current teaching. How many classes per week, what style are you teaching in and how long have you been teaching for.
  1. Give an outline of your Asana and Pranayama experience and include an example of your typical daily practice.
  1. Give details if you have any experience working directly with Julie Martin. (teacher trainings, workshops or regular classes)
  2. Write a paragraph or more on what you would like to gain from doing this course, perhaps where you feel stuck or lacking in your teaching or practice.
  3. Why did you choose this course in particular if you haven’t already worked with Julie?
  4. Give details of any injuries or medical conditions that you may have so that we can work together accordingly.
  5. How did you hear about this course?


The course fees do not include flights or accommodation for those you who will be traveling from outside of Dubai, however, we would like to help you secure accommodation if needed and can give recommendations, so let us know if that is the case.

Please provide an Emergency Contact Information (someone who we can contact in the event of an emergency)


Relationship to you:

Contact details please include. Phone & Email Address:

With Gratitude and we will be in touch to let you know if your application has been successful as soon as well can.