Instructional Planning Form
Teacher Name: Lacey Mahaney Grade: 1st
Language / Core Content/
Program of
bullets) / Learning
Targets for the Day:
"I Can"
(from Program of Studies) / Activity:
(congruent to the
Learning Target
of the Day)
/ Formative
(Exit slip, rubric, observation
checklist, pre-assessment,
writing to learn, demonstrate
learning, etc.) / Modifications
Monday, August 20 / Speaking and Listening, Comprehension and Collaboration, 1a, 1b, 3 / Star Student –
I can use communication skills to present information to a listener.
Audience – I can focus on a guest speaker by looking, listening, and interacting. / Show and Tell
·  Discuss importance of making eye contact with a guest speaker
·  Lowercase letters
·  Correct capital letter errors from Friday assessment
·  Lesson 4 / Written – How will a guest speaker feel if you lay your head on your desk while they are talking? / Rising Students – Alter F.A. – May add pictures or verbal input
Tuesday, August 21 / Language, Conventions of Standard English, 1a / I can recognize that lowercase letters are usually half the size of uppercase letters. / Read Aloud
·  Star Student reads a picture book from home to the class
·  Introduce and provide examples of lowercase letters
·  Discuss the “regular” lowercase letters and their size (a, c, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, z)
·  Create capital and matching lowercase letters using play dough / Advanced Students – Alter Activity – Write each lowercase letter after creating it with play dough
Wednesday, August 22 / Language, Conventions of Standard English, 1a / I can identify lowercase letters that look similar to capital letters. / Writing Wednesday
·  Respond to Tuesdays Read Aloud book through a journal entry
Guided Practice
·  Discuss lowercase letters that are “in the attic” and “in the basement” using SMART Board Notebook 10 file
·  Sing “In the Attic, In the Basement”
·  Trace lowercase letters on SMART Board (whole group) / Oral – What is one letter that is “in the attic”? What is one letter that is “in the basement”?
Thursday, August 23 / Language, Conventions of Standard English, 2d, 2e / I can segment a word into beginning, middle, and end sound. / Teacher for the Day
·  Star Student helps teach the content of the spelling lesson
·  Lesson 5, 6 / Oral – What is the beginning sound? / Rising Students – Alter Activity – One on one instructions
August 24 / Language, Conventions of Standard English, 1a / I can write each letter of the alphabet in capital and lowercase letters. / Independent Practice
·  Trace lowercase letters on handwriting sheet (“regular” letters – blue, “attic” letters – red, “basement” letters – green)
·  Write capital and lowercase letters on handwriting paper
Spelling Test #1 / Summative / Rising Students – Alter Summative Assessment – Two attempts

Instructional Planning Form
Teacher Name: Lacey Mahaney Grade: 2nd
Language / Core Content/
Program of
bullets) / Learning
Targets for the Day:
"I Can"
(from Program of Studies) / Activity:
(congruent to the
Learning Target
of the Day)
/ Formative
(Exit slip, rubric, observation
checklist, pre-assessment,
writing to learn, demonstrate
learning, etc.) / Modifications
Monday, August 20 / Speaking and Listening, Comprehension and Collaboration, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2, 3,
Speaking and Listening, Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas, 2, 5, 6 / I can interact with a guest speaker by remembering to raise my hand before speaking. / Show and Tell
·  Read “Flat Stanley” aloud
·  Discuss and provide examples of ways to interact with a guest speaker
·  Present “Flat Stanley: A Week with Ms. Mahaney”
·  Rylee R. – Flat Stanley Adventure
Spelling: Week 2
·  Spelling words with long “e”
·  Introduction – Cheer spelling words, “Spelling Practice”, and Sparkle / Observation – Is any student speaking out during presentation without raising their hand?
Tuesday, August 21 / Language, Conventions of Standard English,, 1a / I can recognize that a collective noun must match a plural noun. / Read Aloud
·  Read “Flat Stanley” aloud to prepare for “Flat Stanley” projects
·  Introduction of collective nouns – Activate prior knowledge/personal experience
·  Collective noun/plural noun match-up (animals) / Oral – What is the collective noun for a group of dogs? / Rising Students – Alter Activity – Provide pictures to help establish mental images
Wednesday, August 22 / Language, Conventions of Standard English 1a / I can identify a noun as plural or collective. / Writing Wednesday
·  Finish last week’s story containing a given character, setting, and problem
Guided Practice
·  Review collective nouns (animals)
·  Collective noun/plural noun word search (collective nouns – red, plural nouns – green) / Far-Our Fact – What is one collective noun and matching plural noun / Advanced Students – Alter Activity – Match collective and plural nouns
Thursday, August 23 / Language, Conventions of Standard English, 2d / I can spell words with the long “e” by using the letter(s) “e,” “ing,” and “y.” / Spelling: Week 2
Teacher Example, Group Work
·  Parts of a Sentence
·  All About Nouns
·  Verbs / Advanced Students – Alter S.A. – Two challenge words
August 24 / Language, Conventions of Standard English, 1a / I can recognize a collective noun and know which plural noun it matches. / Summative Assessment: Collective Nouns
Spelling Test #2 / Rising Students – Alter S.A. – Repeat questions to individual students

Instructional Planning Form
Teacher Name: Lacey Mahaney Grade: 3rd
Language / Core Content/
Program of
bullets) / Learning
Targets for the Day:
“I Can”
(from Program of Studies) / Activity:
(congruent to the
Learning Target
of the Day)
/ Formative
(Exit slip, rubric, observation
checklist, pre-assessment,
writing to learn, demonstrate
learning, etc.) / Modifications
Monday, August 20 / Speaking and Listening, Comprehension and Collaboration, 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d / I can use communication skills effectively. / Weekly Wonder
·  Introduce Communication Skill – Using complete sentences
·  Debate: Should students be required to do homework?
Spelling: Week 2
·  Spelling words with long and short “e”
·  Introduction – Cheer spelling words, “Spelling Practice,” and Sparkle / Far-Out Fact – Why is it important to use complete sentences when communicating?
Tuesday, August 21 / Language, Conventions of Standard English, 1b / I can recognize that a plural noun names more than one thing. / Read Aloud
Tuesday Terminology
·  Read ______aloud and determine synonym and antonym for vocabulary words within the book
·  Introduce regular plural nouns (s, es, ies)
·  Singular/Plural – Partner Line-Up (Write noun on marker board and match up)
·  Plural Nouns pg. 40 / Participation – Are the students actively engaged and participating in the group hands-on activity? / Rising Students – Alter Materials – Provide reminder chart for individual study
Wednesday, August 22 / Language, Conventions of Standard English, 1b / I can identify irregular nouns that are made plural by changing vowels, changing the word, or changing the ending. / Writing Wednesday
·  Respond to a “Prompt, Plan, Write” to create a personal narrative by retelling an event
Guided Practice
·  Plural Nouns pg. 41
·  Plural Nouns Review pg. 44 / Written – Plural Nouns Review pg. 44 / Advanced Students – Alter Practice – Allow independent completion
Thursday, August 23 / Language Standards, Convention of Standard English, 2f / I can spell words with the long and short “e” by using the letter(s) “e,” “ee”, “ea,” and “y.” / Spelling: Week 2
Teacher Example, Independent Practice
·  Picking Pronouns
·  Word Study / Advanced Students – Alter S.A. – Two challenge words
August 24 / Language, Conventions of Standard English, 1b / I can make a singular noun plural by following the appropriate grammar rules. / Summative Assessment:
Regular/Irregular Plural Nouns
Spelling Test #2 / Summative Assessment / Rising Students – S.A. – Read each portion aloud

Instructional Planning Form
Teacher Name: Lacey Mahaney Grade: 1st
Social Studies / Core Content/
Program of
bullets) / Learning
Targets for the Day:
"I Can"
(from Program of Studies) / Activity:
(congruent to the
Learning Target
of the Day)
/ Formative
(Exit slip, rubric, observation
checklist, pre-assessment,
writing to learn, demonstrate
learning, etc.) / Modifications
Monday, August 20 / S.S. / I can explain that Americans have certain rights and responsibilities as citizens. / Unit Retest:
·  Allow recompletion with summarization and verbal options / Summative Assessment / Rising Stars – Alter F.A. – Summarization offered
Tuesday, August 21 / S.C. / I can define safety. / Awareness of Safety
·  “Little Red Riding Hood” online story
·  Journal entry of what the character in the story did incorrectly / Participation – Group discussion of “Little Red Riding Hood”
Wednesday, August 22 / S.C. / I can explain what to do if a stranger approaches. / Stranger Safety for Kids
·  Child Safety Coloring and Activity Book pg. 4 – 7 / Far-Out Fact – What is one thing you can do if you see a stranger coming toward you? / Advanced Students – Alter F.A. – Explain why the action would work
Thursday, August 23 / S.C. / I can recognize fire hazards. / Fire Safety for Kids
·  SMART Board Notebook 10 Interactive Lesson / Whole Group –
SMART Board fire hazard sort / Advanced Students – Alter F.A. – Complete fire hazard sort independently
August 24 / S.C. / I can determine what to do if there is a fire. / Fire Safety for Kids
·  Child Safety Coloring and Activity Book pg. 8 – 11, 13 and 14 / Rising Students – Alter Practice – Complete crossword puzzle pg. 15