Tuesday 2 July 2013 Novi Sad
Regional innovation strategies / smart specialisation (RIS 3)
Venue: University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 5, Novi Sad
Chair: Prof. Miroslav Veskovic, PhD, Policy area Coordinator PAC 7 (to develop the Knowledge Society - research, education and ICT of the Danube Strategy)
Morning session: sharing experience - regional innovation strategies and territorial co-operation
key areas: private sector development, Innovation, strengthening regional assets, SME development, cluster formation, technology transfer systems, Business environment, support- systems
09:00h / Welcome address:
Sharing Experience: The European Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR)
·  Prof. Miroslav Veskovic, (7 Min)
·  Dr. Hans-Peter Herdlitschka ,European Strategy for the Danube Region, Priority Coordinator PAC 8, Competiveness and Cluster Strategies (7 Min)
09:15h / Opening Address EU:
Smart specialisation (RIS3): A Key-element in the European Regional Policy
·  Dr. Ales Gnamus, European Commission
DG JRC, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) Knowledge for Growth (Seville, Spain) (15 Min)
09:30h / Lessons learnt from the development of RIS3 strategies
Strategies for socio economic transformation: Good practises from EU- Danube Regions
·  Romania (10 min)Maxim Sorin, TBC
·  Hungary (10 Min) Tamás Gyulai
09:50h / Strategies of innovation leaders: Examples from the Four Motor Regions
·  Catalonia (10 min)
·  Rhone Alps (10 min) Sébastien GAY, Head of Europe Bureau, ARDI Rhône Alpes (Regional Agency for Development and innovation)
·  Lombardy (10min)
·  Baden-Württemberg (10 min) Joachim Baldermann Unit ERDF Coordination/ European Econmic Policies, Ministry of Finance and Economics
10:30h / Coffee Break
11:00h / Round table discussion
(à regional experts RIS3 Danube (3) and 4M (3), JRC (1), PAC 7(1), PAC 8(1)à total 9 + 1 moderator)
Shaping the future: Regional institutions in support of innovations strategies - different settings and approaches to involve main stakeholders
·  Round 1 It is as it is (exploring the presence) (20 Min)
o  regional challenges and objectives -
o  regional potentials (themes) and future fields of growth
·  Round 2 new frontiers (Innovative Ideas) (20 Min)
o  Strategies and instruments
o  Stakeholder involvement and participation
·  First comments, remarks an observations: (5 Min)
o  JRC (Seville) (2 Min)
o  NN Pac 7/ PAC 8 (2 Min)
·  Round 3 Conclusions (15 Min)
o  Key take-aways: ("what have you learnt ")
o  Proposals: transnational and interregional cooperation between the Danube regions and the Four Motors
Moderation: Joachim Baldermann
Facilitator/ Note taker: NN
12:30h / Lunch
13:30h / Afternoon-Session: Putting theory into practise - Concrete Approaches, Initiatives and examples for Regional Smart Specialisation
14:40: / Best practices and Future Steps for a Technology Transfer Strategy
in the Danube Region based on Smart Specialisation
Working Group Technology Transfer and Innovation of PAC8: Goals
and flagship projects
·  (Prof. Dr. Norbert Höptner, Commissioner for Europe of the Minister of Finance and Economics of Baden-Württemberg and Director of the Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum)
Fostering Innovation: Challenging Needs of Enterprises in Danube
·  Jürgen Raizner, Director of the Steinbeis-Donau-Zentrum (Germany) and General Manager of Steinbeis Transfer Management S.R.L. (Romania)
Best Practices of Technology Transfer Initiatives in Danube Region -
“Danube Transfer Centres”
·  Technical University Cluj-Napoca, Prof. Dr. Sorin Popescu, Vice-President of Senate
·  Technical University Bratislava, Peter Linhardt, Director Research Centre
·  University of NoviSad, Prof. Dr. M. Veskovic, Rector (tbc)
Future Steps for a Successful Technology Transfer Strategy in the
Danube Region - Open Discussion:
·  Moderation: Dr. Jonathan Loeffler, Managing Director Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum
15:30:h / Example Strategy: Smart specialisation in the Field of Agribusiness/biomass
·  exP1 - Rhone Alpes
·  exP2 - Catalonia
·  exP3 - Lombardia
·  exP4 - BW (?)
·  AP Vojvodina and neighbouring regions:
Prof. Dr. Milan Martinov, University of Novi Sad,
Prof. Dr. Zoltan Bagi, University of Szeged,
Prof. Sorin Bungescu, Agricultural and Veterinarian University, Timisoara
Prof. Dumitru Tucu, Politechnical Universtity Timisoara
Prof. Dr. Davor Kralik, University of Osijek (TBC)
·  conclusion (Moderator)
17:00h / End of session (possibly continuation next morning)

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Programme for the political delegation

(possibly including an EU keynote speaker)

9 a.m. to 11 a.m.:

Joint event for political representatives

Presentation of the Four Motors to students of the University of Novi Sad

Speaking: Representatives of the participating regions

Dialogue including questions by the audience

(ends at approx. 11.30 a.m.)

Venue: Ceremonial hall (auditorium of the University of Novi Sad)

approx. 11.45 a.m. Departure of the political delegation to Belgrade