« Drama Contract «

Read through carefully and return to your teacher

Parent and student signature required

a)  I will undertake all activities by putting in one hundred percent

b)  I will keep an up-to-date logbook and portfolio of work

c)  I will work collaboratively in a group by making sure I contribute to the team, and not let others do all the work.

d)  I will attend rehearsals when required

e)  I will make sure I am present at school when assessment days are on, unless it is an unavoidable emergency

f)  I dedicate myself to the Creative and Performing Arts night

g)  I will not criticise or tease others in the class

h)  I understand I am part of a team environment and must trust and respect others

i)  I understand that in order for maximum learning to take place in this environment I must act responsibly and take my tasks seriously

j)  I accept that if I am not contributing to the class I will be asked to leave the course, or removed from group work to complete theory tasks

k)  I understand that I must reflect on and evaluate my progress in a logbook, and that this is worth 40% of my overall mark

l)  Once in the Drama space I will act responsibility, show self control and maturity.

m)  I have read through the outcomes of the course and understand what is expected of me

n)  I am willing to join this class, knowing the expectations and standards of behaviour required

o)  I agree to see one play a term outside of class. (A review must be completed with a ticket attached as evidence.)

p)  In order to be accepted in this course, I will undertake a personal interview and audition process with my teacher to express my interest and commitment to this subject. Interviews will commence once I have signed this contract and have an understanding of the expectations and standard of behaviour required.

q)  I will be responsible for my actions and behaviour in each lesson. If my standard of work drops or is not of a high standard, or my behaviour shows a lack of motivation and maturity, I will sit an interview to re-evaluate my position in this class.

…………………………….. …………………………..

Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature

Parent Contact Details:

It is important that parents are kept involved in the learning process.

In the event of incomplete assessments, poor logbook, or disruptive behaviour in class please fill out the following contact details, so you can be kept up to date with the standard of work and commitment in class.

This is also an easy way to alert you to assessment days, or performances you may like to come and watch at school.

Please include the best time of day to contact you:

Name: ……………………………………………………………………..

Mobile: (1)…………………………………

Mobile: (2)…………………………………

Home: …………………………………. Time of day: ………………………….

Work: …………………………………. Time of day: ………………………….

Email: ……………………………………………………

(Preferred and easiest form of contact)

Published by Board of Studies NSW, 2005