Collins biblio. (5)

Suggested Bibliography--The Woman in White

Ablow, Rachel. “Good Vibrations: The Sensationalization of Masculinity in The Woman in White.” Novel: A Forum on Fiction 37.1/2 (2004): 158-80.

Auerbach, Nina. Woman and the Demon: The Life of a Victorian Myth. Harvard UP, 1982. 135-43.

Balée, Susan. “Wilkie Collins and Surplus Women: The Case of Marian Halcombe.” Victorian Literature and Culture 20 (1992): 197-215.

Barickman, Richard, Susan MacDonald, and Myra Stark. Corrupt Relations: Dickens, Thackeray, Trollope, Collins, and theVictorian Sexual System. New York: Columbia University Press, 1982.

Baylee, Susan. "Wilkie Collins and Surplus Women: The Case of Marian Halcomb." Victorian Literature and Culture 29 (1992): 197-215.

Bernstein, Stephen. "Reading Blackwater Park: Gothicism, Narrative, and Ideology in The Woman in White." Studies in the Novel 25.3 (Fall 1993): 291-305.

Bernstein, Susan. “Ape Anxiety: Sensation Fiction, Evolution, and the Genre Question.” Journal of Victorian Culture 6.2 (Autumn 2001): 250-272.

Brooks, Peter. Reading for the Plot: Design and Intention in Narrative. NY: Knopf, 1984.

Bronfen, Elizabeth. "Necromancy, or Closing the Crack on the Gravestone." Over Her Dead Body: Death, Femininity and the Aesthetic. New York: Routledge, 1992.

Chattman, Lauren. “Diagnosing the Domestic Woman in The Woman in White and Dora.” In Carol Siegel and Ann Kibbey, ed. Eroticism and Containment: Notes from the Flood Plain. New York: New York UP, 1994. 123-53.

Collins, Richard. “Marian’s Moustache: Bearded Ladies, Hermaphrodites, and Intersexual Collage in The Woman in White.” In Maria K. Bachman and Don Richard Cox, ed. Reality’s Dark Light: The Sensational Wilkie Collins. Knoxville, TN: U of Tennessee P, 2003. 131-72.

Cvetkovich, Ann. "Ghostlier Determinations: The Economy of Sensation and The Woman in White." Novel 23.1 (Fall 1989): 24-43.

Denisoff, Dennis. “Framed and Hung: Collins and the Economic Beauty of the Manly Artist.” In Maria K. Bachman and Don Richard Cox, ed. Reality’s Dark Light: The Sensational Wilkie Collins. Knoxville, TN: U of Tennessee P, 2003. 34-58.

Elam, Diane. "White Narratology: Gender and Reference in Wilkie Collins's The Woman in White." Virginal Sexuality and Textuality in Victorian Literature. Ed. Lloyd Davis. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993. 49-63.

Freeland, Natalka. “From ‘Foreign Peculiarities’ to ‘Fatal Resemblance’: Detecting Villainy in The Woman in White”. In Stacy Gillis and Philippa Gates, ed. The Devil Himself: Villainy in Detective Fiction and Film. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002. 39-55.

Fu, Yu-hsiang Bennnett. “Re-Imag(in)ing (Fe)male Subjectivities in The Woman in White." Studies in Language and Literature 9 (June 2000): 183-202.

Gaylin, Ann. “The Madwoman Outside the Attic: Eavesdropping and Narrative Agency in The Woman in White.” Texas Studies in Language and Literature 43.3 (Fall 2001): 303-33.

Gindele, Karen C. “Wonders Taken for Signs: Marian and Fosco in The Woman in White.” Lit. and Psychology 46.3 (2000): 65-76.

Griffin, Susan N. “The Yellow Mask, the Black Robe, and the Woman in White: Wilkie Collins, anti-Catholic Discourse, and the Sensation Novel.” Narrative 12.1 (January 2004): 55-73.

Halberstam, Judith. “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly: Men, Women and Masculinity.” In Judith Kegan Gardiner, ed. Masculinity Studies and Feminist Theory: New Directions. New York: Columbia UP, 202. 344-67.

Hall, Donald. Fixing Patriarchy. New York: New York UP, 1996.

Hall, Jasmine Yong. “What’s Troubling About Esther? Narrating, Policing, and Resisting Arrest in Bleak House.” Dickens Studies Annual: Essays on Victorian Fiction 22 (1993): 171-94.

Heller, Tamar. "The Woman in White: Portrait of the Artist as a Professional Man." In Dead Secrets: Wilkie Collins and the Female Gothic. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979.

Hennelly, Mark M. "Reading Detection in The Woman in White." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 22 (1980).

Hughes, Winifred. "Wilkie Collins: The Triumph of the Detective." In The Maniac in the Cellar: Sensation Novels of the 1860s. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1980.

Hutter, A. D. “Fosco Lives!” Maria K. Bachman and Don Richard Cox, ed. Reality’s Dark Light: The Sensational Wilkie Collins. Knoxville, TN: U of Tennessee P, 2003. 195-238.

Hyder, Clyde. "Wilkie Collins and The Woman in White." Victorian Literature. Ed. Austin Wright. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1961.

Kendrick, Walter, M. "The Sensationalism of The Woman in White." Nineteenth-Century Fiction 32 (1977).

Knoepflmacher, U. C. "The Counterworld of Victorian Fiction and The Woman in White." In The Worlds of Victorian Fiction. Ed. Jerome H. Buckley. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1975.

Langbauer, Laurie. "Women in White, Men in Feminism." The Yale Journal of Criticism: Interpretation in the Humanities. [comp. to Great Expectations]

Langland, Elizabeth. Nobody's Angels: Middle-Class Women and Domestic Ideology in Victorian Culture. Ithaca and London: Cornell UP, 1995. 233-240

Leavy, Barbara Fass. "Wilkie Collins' Cinderella: The History of Psychology and The Woman in White." Dickens Studies Annual: Essays on Victorian Fiction 10 (1982): 91-141.

Ledwon, Lenora. "Veiled Women, the Law of Coverture, and Wilkie Collins's The Woman in White. Victorian Literature and Culture 22 (1994: 1-22.

Litvak, Joseph. Caught in the Act: Theatricality in the Nineteenth-Century English Novel. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press, 1992. (cf. 128-134)

Loesberg, Jonathan. "The Ideology of Narrative Form in Sensation Fiction." Representations 13 (Winter 1986): 115-38.

Lonoff, Sue. Wilkie Collins and His Victorian Readers: A Study in the Rhetoric of Authorship. New York: AMS Press, 1982.

Lougy, Robert E. Inaugural Wounds: The Shaping of Desire in Five Nineteenth-Century English Narratives. Athens, OH: Ohio UP, 2004.

MacDonagh, Gwendoyn. “’Fill Up All the Gaps’: Narrative and Illegitimacy in The Woman in White.” Journal of Narrative Technique 26.3 (Fall 1996): 274-91.

Mangham, Andrew. “’What Could I Do?’ Nineteenth-Century Psychology and the Horrors of Masculinity in The Woman in White.” In Kimberly Harrison and Richard Fantina, ed. Victorian Sensations: Essays on a Scandalous Genre. Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP, 2006. 115-25.

McKelvy, William R. “The Woman in White and Graphic Sex.” Victorian Literature and Culture 35.1 (2007): 287-308.

Meckier, Jerome. "Wilkie Collins's The Woman in White: Providence against the Evils of Propriety." Journal of British Studies 22.1 (Fall 1982): 104-26.

Milbank, Alison. "Hidden and Sought: Wilkie Collins's Gothic Fiction." Daughters of the House: Modes of the Gothic in Victorian Fiction. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.

Miller, D. A. Cages aux Folles: Sensation and Gender in Wilkie Collins's The Woman in White." In Speaking of Gender. Ed. Elaine Showalter. NY: Routledge, 1989.

Nayder, Lillian. "Agents of Empire in The Woman in White." Victorian Newsletter 83 (Spring 1993): 1-7.

----. Wilkie Collins. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1997.

Nemesvari, Richard. “The Mark of the Brotherhood: Homosexual Panic and the Foreign Other in Wilkie Collins’s The Woman in White.” In Richard Fantina, ed. Straight Writ Queer: Non-Normative Expressions of Heterosexuality in Literature. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2006. 95-108.

O'Neill, Philip. Wilkie Collins: Women, Property and Propriety. London: Macmillan, 1988.

Oulton, Carolyn. “’The Good Angel of Our Lives’: Subversive Religion and The Woman in White. Dickens Studies Annual (30 (2001): 309-20.

Page, Norman. Wilkie Collins: The Critical Heritage. NY: Routledge, 1974.

Pedlar, Valerie. “Drawing a Blank: The Construction of Identity in The Woman in White.” In Dennis Walder, ed. The Nineteenth-Century Novel: Identities. London: Open UP; Routledge, 2001. 69-94.

Perkins, Pamela and Mary Donaghy. "A Man's Resolution: Narrative Strategies in Wilkie Collins' The Woman in White." Studies in the Novel 22.4 (Winter 1990): 392-402.

Pykett, Lyn, ed. Wilkie Colllins: New Casebooks. New York: St. Martin's, 1998.

----. “Collins and the Sensation Novel.” In Jenny Bourne Taylor. The Cambridge Companion to Wilkie Collins. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006. 50-64.

Rance, Nicholas. Wilkie Collins and Other Sensation Novelists: Walking the Moral Hospital. Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1991.

Reynolds, Kimberly and Nicola Humble. Victorian Heroines. New York: NYU Press, 1993.

Salotto, Eleanor. Gothic Returns in Collins, Dickens, Zola, and Hitchcock. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

Schmitt, Cannon. “Alien Nation: Gender, Genre, and English National Identity in Wilkie Collins’s The Woman in White." Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture 26.2-3 (Summer-Fall 1993): 283-310.

Shuttleworth, Sally. “Preaching to the Nerves: Psychological Disorder in Sensation Fiction." In Marina Benjamin, ed. A Question of Identity: Women, Science, and Literature. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1993. 192-222.

Small, Helen. “The Woman in White, Great Expectations, and the Limits of Medicine.” Love’s Madness: Medicine, the Novel, and Female Insanity, 1800-1865. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

Stern, Rebecca. “’Personation’ and ‘Good Marking Ink’: Sanity, Performativity, and Biology in Victorian Sensation Fiction.” Nineteenth-Century Studies 14 (2000): 35-62.

Sternlieb, Lisa. “Marian Halcomb: Appropriating an Identity.” The Female Narrator in The British Novel: Hidden Agendas. New York: Palgrave, 2002.

Surridge, Lisa. “Strange Revelations: The Divorce Court, the Newspaper, and The Woman in White.” Bleak Houses: Marital Violence in Victorian Fiction. Athens, OH, Ohio UP, 2005. 132-165.

Sutherland, John. "Wilkie Collins and the Origins of the Sensation Novel." Dickens Studies Annual: Essays on Victorian Fiction 20 (1991): 243-58.

Talairach-Vielmas, Laurence. Wilkie Collins, Medicine and the Gothic. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2009.

Taylor, Jeremy Bourne. In the Secret Theatre of Home: Wilkie Collins, Sensation Narrative, and Nineteenth-Century Psychology. London and NY: Routledge, 1988.

Thoms, Peter. “Escaping the Plot: The Quest for Selfhood in The Woman in White. In Nelson Smith and R.C. Terry, ed. Wilkie Collins to the Forefront: Some Reassessments. New York: AMS, 1995. 183-207.

Tromp, Marlene. "Brutality and Propriety: Wilkie Collins's The Woman in White and the Divorce Act of 1857." In The Private Rod: Marital Violence, Sensation, and the Law in Victorian Britain. Charlottesville and London: U of Virginia P 2000. 69-102.