2015 JMS Archery Club

The National Archery in Schools Program (NASP) is a joint venture between the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resource Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division and the Alabama Department of Education. NASP instills discipline and concentration; participants learn a life skill as part of the school’s physical education course or after school programs.

Club Sponsor: Julie Lawrence

, or (205) 217-6815


Club members are expected to conduct themselves in an exemplary manner at school functions, in the classroom, and in outside events. Serious infractions could result in suspension or expulsion from the club.

Infractions include:

1. Display of poor sportsmanship to club members, sponsors, equipment, or parents.

2. Failure to adhere to safety rules regarding archery range

3. Violation of any school rule or action that tends to leave a bad impression upon the general public in such case, the club member may receive discipline upon the discretion of sponsor and/or principal

4. Dissention within the group

5. Failure to follow rules with the classroom/bus, the school handbook, and the Chilton County Code of Conduct resulting in EMD, ISS or home suspension.

A note to parents:

I try to be flexible and understanding of all situations. I hope through the JMS Archery Club your child will first of all have fun. Next, I hope the Club will instill: honesty; responsibility; commitment; integrity and a strong work ethic. Allowing your child to disregard these rules goes against the goal of NASP and JMS Archery Club. Please be mindful of how you and your child respond when the JMS Archery Club Guidelines have not been followed.


1. Out of school suspension

2. In-school suspension

3. EMD referral (early morning detention)

4. Truancy (as stated in Chilton County Student Handbook). Once flagged as truant in iNOW, student attendance will be reviewed for possible dismissal from Club.

5. Failure to adhere to safety rules regarding archery range will result in sitting out remainder of the practice. At subsequent practices, if there is a 2nd archery range violation, member will not be allowed to attend following practice. After 3rd rule violation at subsequent practices, dismissal from club will result. Arguing with Sponsors is disrespectful and will not be tolerated.

6. Failure to be picked up within 10 minutes of dismissal time. Suspension from following practice will result from 1st late pick up. Second late pick up will result in dismissal from club.


Each club member must maintain a 60 average in each core subject (example: reading, math, English, social studies, science, health, computer, geography, or civics). Any member who fails to do so will be placed on academic probation for 4.5 weeks. Sponsor will monitor grades and through iNOW/teacher input.

COST OF PARTICIPATION: (note on check phone number /student name)

-Non-refundable $25.00 participation fee.

Completed Participation Form (page 4) and fee due by Friday, September 4.

-$12.00 club t-shirt (optional) Family members can purchase. (Total due: $37.00)


-Practices will be held immediately following school dismissal and will tentatively end at 4:15.

-Student’s ARE NOT allowed to attend practice if they are not present at school at least half a day. Suspension from following practice if student breaks this rule.

-Failure to attend 2 consecutive Club practices will result in dismissal unless Sponsor is notified prior to 2:30 p.m. on day of practice (by club member or parent). There is confusion when a student attends school but does not stay for practice.

-Students are allowed to stay for other grade level practices if prior notification is given to Sponsor. (by 2:30 on date of practice)

-Parents who have more than one child in the Archery Club can choose a grade level practice for both siblings to stay.

-Student’s who “forget” to stay SHOULD NOT come back to practice. Role is called and teams are set as soon as the dismissal bell rings.

-Practices will be held in the JMS gym or on playground. JMS Archery Club will coordinate practices with JMS Athletics (volleyball, basketball, softball, baseball, dance, and cheer).

-Pick up will be in front of JMS unless you need to pick up prior to 4:15 (or want to arrive early to watch). Typically, we begin packing up at 4:15 and are ready to leave at 4:25. If we are outside and it begins to rain, we will begin packing up. Pick up in front.

-Clean-up will begin at 4:15, EVERYONE is expected to assist.

-Parents should arrive between 4:15 and 4:25 to pick up. Two late pick up’s , (4:30 or after) will result in dismissal from the Club.

Immediate dismissal from Club:

-Students who are not picked up by 4:45 or that I have to carry home will be immediately dismissed.

-If at any time an emergency arises or if you have not picked your child up by 4:45 and I am unable to contact anyone on the emergency list, your child will be immediately dismissed.


-You will be notified of practices via: e-mail ( or ) or Jemison Middle School Archery Club FB page.

-Your child will be notified of practices via: morning announcements; fliers around school;

e-mail, fb page.

-In the past, students who need transportation to JMS from JHS have ridden Tommy Lenoir’s bus. Bus leaves JHS around 2:30 and arrives at JMS around 2:40 (after JES pick up).

-The JMS Archery Club FB page is set on private. This allows me to post pictures from practices. Archers and their parents are allowed to be members. Once pictures are posted you can tag yourself for friends to see.

-If you or your child does not have FB or e-mail, your child will need to pay attention to fliers around school or listen to announcements.

-The best way to contact me is via e-mail. I cannot leave classes to take phone calls during the school day.

-Students ARE NOT allowed to use office phone to call home regarding practices.


-Closed toe shoes must be worn. If open toe shoes are worn to practice, club member will not be allowed to participate. Students are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing. If they want to change clothes prior to practice, they will need to do so as soon as the bus bell rings. Do not wait until role has been called and everyone is headed outside or to the gym.

-No food will be allowed during practice. Drinks in sealable containers will be allowed when students are in the waiting line. If trash is left in gym or on field food and drinks will not be allowed.

-No cell phones or electronic devices will be allowed during practice. This is rude and students do not pay attention to their surroundings when on their phone or other electronic devices. Students are allowed to contact parents or someone to make arrangements for pick up but continuous use of phone will not be allowed.


Archery equipment used in NASP is highly standardized to be safe, durable, economical, and most importantly, universal-fit for almost every student. In NASP learning the “process” of shooting is stressed far more than arrow scores. Therefore, only one bow is used in NASP: the universal-fit “Genesis” compound bow. In order that every student be safely fitted, only one arrow is used in NASP; the full-length Easton Genesis aluminum arrow. Sights, release aids, and stabilizers are kept out of NASP to facilitate equipment sharing by students and to emphasize the mastery of process before results.

-Students will have the option to purchase their own equipment. Maintenance will be the owners responsibility-JMS has the equipment for participants. Check-out of equipment will not be allowed. All equipment must remain at JMS.

-It is recommended that parents NOT purchase personal bows/arrows/targets at beginning of season. Wait and see if they will enjoy archery!

- Practices will begin the first week of October and will end the first week of December. Grade levels typically meet one time a week. We will have approximately 6-8 practices. We will have a float in the Jemison Christmas Parade.

Participation Form

Tear off this form (page 5) and return to Mrs. Lawrence. Keep pages 1-4 for your records.

All information must be provided. Club fees/form due by Friday, Sept. 4.

1. Student Name: ______homeroom: ______


2. Insurance Provider: ______Number: ______

3. Health Issues: ______(treatment plans will be obtained from school nurse)

-Permission is given in the event of an emergency for treatment to be provided.

Signature indicates you have read the rules and guidelines set forth by the Jemison Middle School Archery Club.


4. Student Signature Date


5. Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Emergency Contact Information between the hours of 3-5 p.m.

6. Name: ______phone number: ______

7. Name: ______phone number: ______

8. Please send an e-mail to: you can be added to a group e-mail.

T-shirts can be ordered in the following sizes:

Check sizes needed. $12.00 each

Youth medium ______Youth large______

Adult small (youth large) ______Adult medium ______

Adult large _____ Adult Xlarge_____ Adult XXlarge: ______