Harness Horses Schedule

Sunday, 14th January 2018

Enter online www.showdayonline.com

Harness Enquiries to Colleen Hoggins - (07) 542 0530

Forward entries either by -

Mailing entry form with your cheque to

Secretary - Harness Entries, P O Box 9348, Greerton 3142 or

Scanning / email entry form to and

Direct Crediting your payment to ANZ 06-0433-0443173-00

Noting as Code your Surname and Ref


Equestrian Events - Conditions of Entry

Please read before sending your entries.

1. NO CROSSING THE TRACK BEFORE 7.00a.m. under any circumstances. Doing so may result in disqualification.

2. The Rules, Regulations and Bylaws of the Royal Agricultural Society will apply. (Refer to GR1)

3. Entry fees must accompany entry forms. Entries close 1st January 2018.

4. The Committee reserves the right to alter the programme by adding or deleting events at their discretion.

5. Any competitor jumping his/her horse in the ring before any event is liable for disqualification.

6. As per the RAS Complaints Procedure adopted in June 2013, all protests must be in writing and detail the specific RAS or "Host" Association rule that has been breached. The protest must be lodged with the Show Secretary, preferably at the time of the incident or within 10 days of the date of the incident. Any protest lodged outside of this time frame will not be considered. A $50 deposit must accompany the protest. (The RAS Complaints Process can be found on the RAS website http://www.ras.org.nz/about-ras/rules-regulations/)
The RAS Yellow Card system (as per resolution of 2013 remits) is in place and may be offered for any inappropriate behaviour towards show officials, judges, fellow competitors, or any other third party connected with the show bringing the showing movement into disrepute, or in cases of abuse to animals, as per the RAS equestrian competitors and judges rulebook and the RAS showing rules. The Yellow Card System is included within the Complaints Procedure as above.

7. No horse may compete in both the Hack / Park Hack or Pony / Saddle Hunter Pony rings.

8. A Novice is a horse or pony or rider that has yet to win 6 classes in any division within the competitions provided at any A & P Show.

9. Champion Novice Pony. In the event a pony 138cm and under win, they shall compete in the Champion Pony 138cm and under. Should a Novice Pony 138cm and over win, they compete in the 138cm and under 148cm Champion Pony Class.

10. Ponies must not be over 148cm high and the riders must be under 17 years of age. All horses and ponies must have approved height certificates before entering the ring and the certificate must be produced if requested by the Stewards. Failure to produce a current certificate will result in prizes being withheld.

11. Pens. Horses and ponies may only use the pens allocated and paid for at time of entry. Any horses or ponies using pens not allocated may be liable to disqualification.

12. Local Events – The local area is defined as the Bay of Plenty region.

13. Hard Hats Must Be Worn by ALL Riders and must be tagged with the approved RED tag. RAS specifications apply. (Refer to section GR4)

14. Stewards may combine events where there are insufficient entries.

15. Monetary prizes may be substituted with product or vouchers at the Steward's discretion.

16. The use of any substance capable of affecting the speed, stamina, courage or conduct of a horse, pony, donkey or mule by its action upon the central or peripheral nervous system or the cardio-vascular, respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal or urogenital systems is strictly forbidden. (refer to FS section of RAS Manual).

We Thank our Sponsors for their Continuing Support


START TIME: 10.00am

ENTRY FEE: $6 per class

LATE ENTRIES: To be received by 9.00am with a late entry fee of $20 per horse.

PRIZE MONEY: 1st $25; 2nd $15; 3rd $10 or product to equivalent value)

Concours D’Elegance – 1st $50; 2nd & 3rd ribbons only

Ces Norris Contracting


1.  Turnout events – Entry to ONE class only

2.  Slalom and cone classes – Any pace, drivers enter at own risk


Class 317 Turnout Modern

Class 318 Turnout Traditional

Class 319 Concours D’Elegance


Class 320 Paced And Mannered – up to 96.5cm

Class 321 Paced And Mannered – over 96.5cm and up to 140cm

Class 322 Paced And Mannered – over 140cm

Class 323 Hackney / Part Hackney

Class 324 Journey Horse / Pony



First place winners from classes 320 – 322 to parade, 2nd placegetters to stand by


Class 325 Lady Driver

Class 326 Gentleman Driver


First place winners from classes 325 and 326 to parade, 2nd placegetters to stand by


Class 327 Slalom – any pace – up to 96.5cm

Class 328 Slalom – any pace – over 96.5cm and up to 140cm

Class 329 Slalom – any pace – over 140cm

Class 330 Cones – any pace – up to 96.5cm

Class 331 Cones – any pace – over 96.5cm and up to 140cm

Class 332 Cones – any pace – over 140cm

Class 333 Mystery Time Event

Class 334 Gymkhana – up to 96.5cm

Class 335 Gymkhana – over 96.5cm and up to 140cm

Class 336 Gymkhana – over 140cm

Class 337 Barrel Race – up to 96.5cm

Class 338 Barrel Race – over 96.5cm and up to 140cm

Class 339 Barrel Race – over 140cm


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