Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to Algebra 2 at Haddam-Killingworth High School! I am looking forward to being your math teacher this year. Together, we’re going to have a lot of fun learning more about mathematics. Below, you will find all of my important class policies.


Math requires practice. Please be aware that you will be assigned homework regularly. Homework will be graded based on completion, but not necessarily every day. Check-for-understanding quizzes, based on homework problems, will be given without prior notice, but they are open-notes, open-homework.

Extra Help

If at any point you don’t understand the material, please tell me and schedule some time for extra help. I will be available after school every day unless I am in a meeting. I am also available during second lunch Mondays, both lunches Tuesdays, and first lunch Wednesdays. Sometimes homeroom and advisory periods can be used for extra help, by appointment.

Leaving Class

There is a hall pass and a sign-out book near the door for use if you have an emergency and need to leave the classroom. You may sign out and go if there is no one else already out of the classroom. This privilege is reserved for students who don’t abuse it. If you leave class frequently, you will no longer be allowed to leave the class under any circumstances.


A graphing calculator is required for this class. I recommend the TI-84 model, but an old TI-83 is fine if you can find one. A new TI-nSpire (non-CAS) can also be used, but it is not my preference. You should buy a graphing calculator because you can use it for all future math classes, including college. It also gives you an advantage on standardized tests like the SAT. If you are not financially capable of buying one of these calculators ($25-$40 used on ebay or about $90-$100 in a store), then I have a few available that can be signed out like a textbook. Please do not ask for these unless you truly do need them. Please bring your calculator to class every day. I do not provide calculators during tests, so if you don’t bring one, you must do without it. I have extra batteries available if you have a battery emergency during a test or quiz.


You are required to bring a writing utensil and some kind of notebook to class every day. You can either use a binder and loose-leaf paper, or a spiral notebook along with a folder for handouts. You can use it for math exclusively, or share it with another class, but keep it organized. You can use the same notebook for class notes, classwork assignments, and homework assignments.


All students are expected to be in their assigned seats with materials ready when the bell rings. I like to start class immediately. If you are tardy, you must have a pass from a teacher.

Beginning of Class

The typical class begins with a warm-up for you to complete while I take attendance. If there is a warm-up problem set on the board when class begins, you are expected to be in your assigned seat, with homework out to be checked, working on the warm-up.

Test and Quiz Corrections

Except for extraordinary circumstances, test and quiz grades are final. There are no surprise questions on my tests. Every student who completes homework, classwork, and warm-ups has already had numerous opportunities to practice, demonstrate their knowledge, correct their mistakes, and seek extra help. It is your job to learn all the material before the test. There is no excuse for poor grades in my class other than not putting in the work.

Because math is sequential and skill-based, I will sometimes require a failing student to correct the test with me during lunch or after school. This is only so that they will be able to succeed in the next unit and the original test grade is still final.


I respect my students, and expect them to respect each other and me. Obscene and impolite language are not tolerated. Please raise your hand and wait for permission to speak whenever I am instructing the entire class. If you do not raise your hand before speaking, you will still have to raise your hand and wait to be called on for a response. All other disruptions to the learning process will be dealt with seriously and immediately.

Testing Environment

During a test or quiz, there must be absolutely no talking, no sharing of calculators, and no looking at another student’s paper. If you are caught doing one of these things while you are taking a test or quiz, you will get a zero on it.

End of Class

Do not start packing up until I say that we are done for the day. Please stay at your desk until the bell rings. If you do not, you will be required to stay at your desk for an extra minute after the bell rings.

I am excited for another great year with this class! I like to have a fun, laid-back, and productive class environment. I am looking forward to getting the best work I can from you. Have a great year!

Mr. Cropper-Alt

For Parents

The best way to contact me is via email. My school address is . If you don’t have internet access, you may call the school and ask for my voicemail, extension 209. If you would like to see what your son or daughter has for homework, it is posted daily on my website:

You can also check grades online at

Please complete the last page with your son or daughter and have them return it to me.
Please return this page (only) to school.

I have read and agree with all of Mr. Cropper-Alt’s classroom policies.

Student Name ______

Class ______

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian Name ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______

Parent Email ______

Best phone number(s) (home, work or cell) ______