"Heaven gift" is on health service 24.01.2008 № 10

The phyto teas of the doctor Anatoliy Potopalsky

for recovery and treatment have been evaluated by consumers

Svetlana Tvereetneva.

Last year in December, "The news of Prybuggya" contained the article "Heaven gift" will help to break away from the tumor captive". The matter concerned unique elaborations of Anatoly Ivanovich Potopalsky – the Ukrainian scientist-inventor, candidate of medical science, the head of Biologically Active Structure Substances Modifications department of Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of NAS of Ukraine and the director of Institute of Health Promotion and Rebirth of People of Ukraine. His celandine preparations (Lat. Chelidonium - "heaven gift") are well known in Chervonograd – the patients with serious diagnoses successfully use the preparations. Their experience of treatment and also qualified opinion of the doctors working with the preparations of Potopalsky, probably, will become a gleam of hope for the others: even the serious disease can be overcome.


Almost a year the phyto-teas of doctor Potopalsky, produced by Zhitomir closed company "Medherbs", are purchasable in a drugstore "Skyinvest" on 1, Bandera street, Chervonograd. By the way, there is a storefront in this drugstore with the information about all ten phyto-teas. The drugstore manageress Zoryana Ostapiv says: more than three thousands five hundred packing of the healing herbs that help people in treatment and prevention of hard diseases, were sold. People buy both: particular phyto-tea, and all ten teas to use as a mixture, as the author recommends in cases when patients have benign or malignant tumors, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, psoriasis… And here are the opinions of those people who took and are still taken the health-improving and preventive remedy elaborated by A.I. Potopalsky.

"One and a half a year ago I had an oncological operation. When I left the hospital, I was absolutely week and my analyses were bad. I have made the mixture of ten phyto-teas of Potopalsky and have been taking it during three months. After that I felt much more better, the analyses are better now. I have taken not only the herbs, but izatizon preparation too.Lyubov Mustafina, 55 years old, Chervonograd town."

"I have a problem with pancreatic gland, I also have cholelithiasis and thus I often had the attacks of pain. During my treatment with phyto-teas I felt much better – no pain, normal digestion, no more unpleasant feeling of too full stomach. Just after my treatment and up to now I feel well.Alla Lisova, 44 years old, Novovolynsk town."

"Three years ago I had an oncological operation, and before it, my doctor said that the days of my life are coming to an end… Besides the operation I took the radiation therapy treatment and lost 16 kg weight. In the hospital I have found out about doctor Potopalsky – the patients made copies of the prescription of his herbal pickings. It's a pity that nobody from us knew about the phyto-teas at that time. I have read about them in the newspaper "The news of Prybuggya". Then I took one course and after the break I'm taking one more course again. I think these teas are the perfect method of rehabilitation and health improvement for the patients to gather strength and to improve health after the operation. My analyses are normal and I continue to live and to work.Olga Tkachuk, 47 years old, Chervonograd town."

Olena Stetsuk – the diagnostician, prescribes to her patients the phyto-teas of doctor Potopalsky and already for nine years the patients come to her to the premises of a drugstore on 1, Bandera Street. Here is what she says:

-  The phyto-teas of doctor Potopalsky I prescribe both, separately and in complex. In case the person is young, so – according to the diagnosis: for example, I prescribe "Kholeurosan" – when the patient has cholelithiasis, "Pneumosan" – for respiratory organs treatment, "Dermosan" – when the person has skin problems… But for elderly people, when almost all organs have some abnormalities – ten phyto-teas in complex. And now we also have "Badyorist" and "Spokiy" pickings. I can see the results as many of the patients are taking the second course. The patients come and take the teas again; they also ask whether they may give the teas to a mother or children… I popularize the teas not like a simple drink, but as a treatment and prevention of the diseases, as there are very good herbs picking, and each of the teas contains celandine. Overall I like celandine plant and in the past I prescribed it for the patients with different diseases. This is our healing herb. What for do we need Tibetan moss? Let Tibetan treat with it. And we have our own, Ukrainian, ginsengs and mosses. I'm convinced that the best help for the person are the herbs from his/her own land.

I'm not the adherent of an expensive treatment, especially, the remedies of some uncertain firms and I also do not prescribe drugs that you cannot find in the drugstores. The health-improving and preventive phyto-teas have passed all the expert trials and sanitary-hygienic expertise of Ministry of Health of Ukraine. They also have available prices.

- Olena Volodymirivna, for what kind of diseases the treatment with these phyto-teas is most effective?

- For various diseases. One of my patients after the treatment with these herbs felt much better then after visiting Truskavets resort. The other one as a result has normal blood pressure, but before she took too pills per day to normalize pressure, and now she takes one pill per week. And also the pain, after removing gall bladder, has stopped. The functioning of gastrointestinal tract of one patient normalized.

Considering that the phyto-teas composition includes celandine why not to treat the oncological patients? And we usually have the next - the patient passed the chemotherapy, irradiation or surgical procedure and actually has no therapy at home. Especially, as we have post-Chernobyl ecology and each person should take these phyto-teas at least once per year as the preventive measure and also to clean the organism. I bow my head respectfully before the intellect of doctor Potopalsky that composed such herb pickings.


In our last year publication we wrote about one more preparation of the scientist Potopalsky. The author of the preparation tougher with L.V. Lozyuk devoted to it the monograph "Antiviral, antitumor and anti leucosis preparation – Izatizon". This is really universal remedy. As Anatoly Ivanovich said in one of his interview: "the value of the preparation is that it has an effect on every living thing – treats people, animals, birds, insects and plants" But a fate of the preparation – like of many other unique remedies of the scientist is the next: there is not enough many to produce the preparation on the line. Izatizon is produced using laboratory method in small amounts in Institute of health promotion and rebirth of people of Ukraine created and headed by Potopalsky. Many people in Chervonograd have the possibility to get this remedy. About the effect of the treatment they say:

"I had a herpetic rash on my hand, after that allergic – and cannot get rid of it. I started to spread izatizon over the rash and took the drugs – and the rash disappeared.Oksana Kovtun, 24 years old."

"I treated with izatizon my liver and kidneys. The effect is perfect. When my husband caught a cold he also used izatizon, as he refuses to take antibiotics, and in a week he was healthy and went to work.Olga N., 45 years old."

"I had the problems with motive apparatus – some unknown inflammatory process. I took one course of izatizon preparation, after that one more course - the treatment eliminated the pain of knee join. I advised the preparation to my relatives.Nadia Saganska, 52 years old."

The private entrepreneur of consumers association "Inforoom", valeologist - Lyudmila Jus, also tried izatizon preparation and had positive results.

-  Izatizon helps to do without antibiotics and not overload the liver, – she said. – My personal experience: exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis with terrible analyses – I have recovered for four days. Izatizon taken together with colloid silver already in 12 hours improved the analyses two times. My daughter successfully recovered from virus disease using izatizon.

A doctor Iryna Gayova works with the preparation for almost three years. For this period 500 of her patients used izatizon and there was only one case when the organism didn't accept the preparation - this was her colleague-medic.

Iryna Vasylivna says:

-  Izatizon successfully treats all virus diseases. As a rule, I usually prescribe my patients 10 drops, 1 or 2 ml (half of a tea-spoon), and using even such small dosage, effect is considerable. The main thing – is to start treatment at the beginning of the disease. As soon as the first symptoms appeared – sneezing, head and body ache, you should rinse your throat out using one of the solutions of water with: soda, iodine, citric acid, vinegar and etc., to kill the virus and to take izatizon once-only. Often to take these measures is enough to prevent the disease. But if you have already got the disease – take half of a tea spoon of izatizon twice per day and additionally cold inhalations: take a cotton bud, moisten with izatizon and introduce into the nostrils and breathe in deeply. Five days are enough to treat a chill without complications.

You can treat a bad ear and angina with izatizon. In summer, when I was in the village, we have prevented the infection of a viral enteritis using izatizon.

Also many skin diseases, including streptococcal impetigo, impetigo, herpes and funguses can be perfectly treated with izatizon. Those who have sensitive skin, the preparation should be dissolved with 1:1 or 1:4 proportions and applied on the affected areas.

Once, a child cut his leg with a dirty wire. They didn't have anything except for izatizon at hand. They treated the wound with the preparation, next morning the child haven't any purulence or reddening.

One of my patients was cured from glomerunephritis – complicated infectious-allergic disease. She was treating for three years and izatizon was one of the main preparations. Now the young woman is pregnant.

Using izatizon preparation the patients successfully treated prostatitis, urethritis, urinary bladder and kidney inflammations, and genital mycotic lesion.

I personally met Anatoly Ivanovich Potopalsky. He is not only great scientist, but also a good person and true patriot of his country. He could sell his preparation abroad long time ago, but he wants Ukraine to have its own standing and highly effective drugs – said Iryna Gaoyva.


In November 2006 by decree of the President of Ukraine Anatoly Potopalsky was conferred the title of "The Honored inventor of Ukraine", as he is the author of more than 50 patented inventions. There are not only remedies among his elaborations, but also new varieties and sorts of the plants. Some of them the citizens of Chervonograd grow on their plots of land. In particular, kavbuz – a hybrid of a watermelon and a pumpkin that helps to clean the organism from radionuclides and the oil made of it helps to clean vessels and liver. By the way, two citizens of Chervonograd: Vasyl Juk Michael Kazibrid, planted with kavbuz the plots of land and in autumn the first line of huge healing berry juice was made. The taste and healing properties of the juice was highly appreciated by Potopalsky and the visitors of the fourth International specialized exhibition "Vegetables and fruits – 2007" taken place in the National complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" on 4-7 of December 2007.

In the greenhouses of the scientist uncommon plants grows, for example, frost- and drought-resisting echinacea "Poliska beauty". The tea with echinacea – is effective for regulation of an immune system functioning, treatment of malignant tumors, accumulation of radionuclides in the organism, neurosis, atherosclerosis, anaemia, depressions and etc. The list of diseases that can be cured with echinacea runs up to 70. The phyto-teas with echinacea are also sold in the drugstore on 1, Bandera Street.

In the greenhouses and plots of land next to the Institute of Health Promotion and Rebirth of People of Ukraine, the scientist with his colleagues grow kvagista (a hybrid of cabbage and haricot), cyanosis (a rare plant in Ukraine that has a sedative action), ground-cherry that helps people with osteochondrosis. And also – there are: kuchmin (the hybrid of a barley and a maize), salt-resistant tomatoes, hybrid of a wheat and a rye "Pashnytsa" and many other magical plants, resistant to the weather conditions. But this is the subject for our next article.