(Chapters 26 & 27)

1. Kingdom Protista is a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms. Protists may

resemble animals, plants, or fungi depending on where they get their food

energy. Species vary: unicellular to multicellular & microscopic to large.

2. Animal-like protists are called Protozoa. These species are unicellular, &

heterotrophic. They feed on other organisms or dead organic matter & are

found in fresh & salt water, moist soil, & as disease-causing parasites in animals.

a) ameoba (Phylum Rhizopoda) - move & capture food by extending their

cell membrane to form pseudopodia - enzymes in food vacuoles digest

food - contractile vacuoles collect & expel water - binary fission

b) ciliate (Phylum Ciliophora) - short, hair-like extensions cover surface - binary fission or conjugation (paramecium)

c) flagellate (Phylum Zoomastigina) - 1 or more long extensions called flagella

whip from side to side (African Sleeping Sickness/termite mutualism)

d) sporozoa (Phylum Sporozoa) - produce reproductive cells called spores - all

species are internal parasites in blood or intestines of animals. (malaria)

3. Plant-like protists are the autotrophic algae. Their pigments produce color

variety. (red, green, gold, blue, purple, & brown) May be unicellular or

multicellular. Floating on or near the surfaces of oceans, ponds, & lakes, they

are known as phytoplankton. They are the basis of aquatic food chains &

produce most of Earth’s oxygen.

4. Algae species include:

a) diatoms (Phylum Bacillariophyta) - covered with hard silica shells that can

be harvested from the ocean floor & used in water filters, abrasives,

sparkle in road paint & nail polish

b) dinoflagellates (Phylum Dinoflagellata) - thick plates of cellulose form cell

walls into many shapes - flagella create a slow spinning movement - some species are bioluminescent & toxic species include red tide

c) red algae (Phylum Rhodophyta) & brown algae (Phylum Phaeophyta) -

multicellular seaweeds lack true roots, stems, & leaves

d) green algae (Phylum Chlorophyta) - 7000+ diverse species - can

be unicellular (Chlamydomonas), colonial (Volvox), or multicellular (Spirogyra)

5. Slime molds, water molds, & downy mildews are fungus-like protists. Some

species are unicellular & others multicellular. As heterotrophic decomposers.

they secrete enzymes onto food source to predigest it before absorption.

(damp places rich in nutrients (rotting logs, moist soil, water, & animal feces)