Excellence in Service Delivery Award

Sponsored by: Whanganui UCOL


Applicants for this award will demonstrate how they or their team have developed an efficient and effective health and/or disability service that meets the needs of their particular consumer group.

Application guide

Please answer questions with clear headings.

Remember to keep your answers as concise as you can. Ensure you use the criteria sheet to assist you. Where a component is not applicable to an entry, this must be noted. The completed application form includingresource documents must be formatted in Tahoma 10pt, and not exceed 6 single-sided A4 numbered pages. You may list additional resource documents which may be requested for viewing at request of judges. Please supply a recent colour photograph of the applicant/team for publicity in relation to the awards.

Project name
Category / Excellence in Service Delivery Award
Team leader
Business profile
  • the organisation, its size and geographical scope
  • the customer group served
  • the number of staff and their general roles

Executive summary
In one or two paragraphs please provide an overview demonstrating how they or their team have developed an efficient and effective health and/or disability service that meets the needs of their particular consumer group
Email address
Phone number
Postal address

Excellence in Service Delivery Award

Criteria sheet

Please provide information to address each of the following criteria.

  • What was the problem you wanted to change or opportunity you identified?
  • What did you want to achieve?
  • What was the plan?
  • Was your plan research based – if so what was the evidence that supported this change?
  • Who was likely to benefit from this change?
  • What were the financial and resource requirements?

  • Who was responsible for implementing the quality project?
  • What did you do to implement the quality project/change?
  • What was developed to support the change (timelines, project tools, education package)?

  • How did you know the project was successful?
  • Were changes implemented as planned?
  • Was there anything you would have done differently?

  • Did you need to change anything to improve what you had done?
  • Was the change sustainable?
  • Did you review it again at any time and make further improvements?


Declaration: I ______declare that:

Full name of team leader/individual applicant

Please initial

  1. All information provided is correct and accurate

  1. All team members have agreed to the submission of this application

  1. By entering the awards consent is implied for the publication of any information contained within the application, which may be local, national, or electronic media.

  1. The committee has the right to print and use the name and likenesses of any entrant in relation to the awards.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Team leader/individual applicant

Approval to submit application is granted by: Manager/Chair of Trust/Organisation/Board or

Other ______(please clarify)

Name: ______Signature: ______Date: ______

Excellence in Service Delivery Award