Trainers Meeting Minutes

28th, 29th and 30th September

7th October

Attendees: Ross MacFarlane, James Marshall, Toni Karemanaj, Karolina Chojacka, Cedric Quillet, Chris Kurylo, Gabriella Firlova, Sasha Monaghan, Jon Michael Evans, Sloan Millar, Luke Palla, Sally Whitwham, Eric Cilagaze, Vito Lella, Augusta De Pietro, Aissa Marfoua, Rocco Pentimella, Magdalena Janas, Natalie Kahan, Kamila Borowska, Alex Morozovas, Malgorzata Szymczyk (Gosia), Paul Huish, Adam Miernicki

  1. Discussed Hero and Zero Stories and pushing fantastic guest service. Each site gave an example of a hero story to come from there restaurant. Some really good stories being shard, this needs to continue in order for our service to exceed guest expectations.
  2. In house Trainer job description – Went through point by point

·  Re-iterated communication with Head Chef is vital to see if the kitchen staff have any training requirements

·  Trainer needs to communicate with their management team on a regular basis. Getting time in their managers meeting frequently will help. Discuss with them what they would like focus on for the month, trainer targets for the quarter, training ideas, session plans for help with training calendar.

·  For Trainers that completed PDP’s in Q1 it is time to do them again with all FOH full time staff

3.  Exit Interviews

·  Essential that Trainers complete Exit Interviews for all leavers, forms can be found on the Training Area website Username: genericuser Password: fishandchips

·  Screen shot document handed out for People system with step by step instructions how to enter onto the people system.

·  Communication with both FOH and BOH managers or administrators is vital to ensure trainers know when members of staff have handed in their notice

·  The information from these exit interviews helps us to understand why people are leaving our business so that we can look at any consistent issues.

4.  Recording Training on People System

·  Essential for HR to hold records of performance and training so we can know investment needs of staff

·  Screen shot document handed out of how to enter training on the people system.

·  Any external training completed i.e. Train the Trainer, Basic food hygiene online, Illy coffee training to be recorded as ‘Training courses’

·  Any internal training completed by trainers or managers to be recorded as ‘Skills’ test results to be recorded here too

·  Discussed the importance of recording this data to benefit HR/Training and management teams throughout the business.

5.  Training Calendar

·  Calendars still not coming in to Jenny on time

·  Important to predict costs for all areas wages, food, beverage etc... So Jenny can let the finance department know in advance

·  If you aren’t running any sessions for any reason you need to communicate this to Jenny

·  If you have a Mystery Diner result come in under 75% Jenny will expect to see a Mystery Diner refresher training session on the calendar

·  Best way to communicate Training sessions to staff is in tip packets

·  Record non-attendees on People system

·  Best time to arrange a training session would be 30 minutes before briefings

·  All trainers discussed recent successful training sessions, steak, cheese and side orders

·  Group discussion about making assessing training session fun through quizzes rather than using the word test. Sally LEERBG doing ‘Food fights’! and league tabling the results.

6.  Res Training – Recording customer messages

·  Showed examples of customer messages going onto the system at present

·  All trainers need to do a refresher training session with all staff regarding the difference between booking messages and customer messages

·  Discussed how getting the quality of the customer messages better will help Kate Lowe our new communications managers with the launch of the Loyalty card

·  Went through the ‘Information’ page of the Res system and that getting the mandatory fields correct in the first place will help

Surname, first name (not initial!), telephone number and then highlighting the type of number i.e. home, mobile, business, email address (now part of the Mystery Diner form) and record the company if known.

7.  Mystery Diner form and results

·  Discussed that the dessert/coffee section of the Mystery Diner is the lowest scoring area across the company

·  JM split trainers into groups to discuss ideas of how to improve in this area

·  Ideas – Incentivise dessert and coffee sales, dessert bingo, role play the section of the Mystery Diner form, introduce perfect table incentive which helps to ensure all sections of the Mystery Diner form are covered, delegate tables to one member of staff to look after at the end of the evening whilst everyone else closes down. Handover must be communicated to customer.

·  Shown Mystery Diner results in a graph breakdown. These will be sent out with results tables starting in October for Q3.

·  All disagreements for Mystery Diner – contact JM, if you get answer phone leave a message and JM will call back, alternatively send an email.

8.  TARGETS for Q4

·  Quality of Customer messages – JM will email each trainer/GM and site with their customer messages recently entered. There must be improvement shown over the next 3 months to achieve bonus. Every Monday from the 11th October Jenny will send report = £150

·  Heroes Stories – A minimum of 4 stories per month to be emailed to Jenny and Jayne Brierly = £25 per month (£75 for the quarter)

·  Design and deliver an up selling training session for wine and coffees – You need to design and deliver a training session on up selling coffees and wine ready for Christmas. JM handed our session format to follow and went through each section in detail. Session plans to be emailed to JM by Mid November and session delivered in November before Christmas starts. Signed attendance list to be faxed to JM at Ridgefield house to indicate which staff members attended. Also needs to be record on the people system. JM clearly said that all trainers can email her with session plans as many times as they like and she’ll happily give feedback and guidance.= £75

·  Wine and Coffee Sales December – JM will email all trainers and GM’s with sales of Wine and Coffee from December 2009. In order to achieve bonus following the training sessions you need to achieve a 10% increase of sales. Coffee = £150, Wine = £150

9.  AOB

·  JM asked for Trainers to take photos of uniforms for BOH and FOH and email to her by the Friday the 15th October