Learning Enrichment & Academic Progress
Policies and Procedures for the MISD Afterschool Program
What is Manor LEAP?
Manor LEAP is a fee based after-school program that provides a safe place for children to build relationships based on mutual respect and trust; a place for children to develop the skills necessary to make appropriate choices while exploring their interests, developing their strengths, and soaring beyond expectations.
Manor LEAP is offered on site at the following schools:
Blake Manor Elementary-
Bluebonnet Trail Elementary- Tommy Bookman 278-4133
Decker Elementary-Moringstar Lee 278-4172
Manor Elementary- Lew Burnell 278-4121
Oak Meadows Elementary- Consuelo Robinson 278-4186
Pioneer Crossing Elementary- Eric Howard 278-4625
Presidential Meadows Elementary-Greg Covington 278-4245
Each campus has a Site Coordinator and staff who will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of each center. The Site Coordinator will take direction from both the campus principal and the MISD Afterschool Director. For questions or concerns, please contact the MISD Office of Afterschool:
Manor ISD
Afterschool Program
Tameka Thomas, Director
Program Guidelines
Days of Operation
Manor LEAP will operate Monday – Friday, while school is in session. Manor LEAP will not meet on holidays. A program may be offered at selected campuses during extended holiday breaks (Spring Break, Thanksgiving, and Christmas) for an additional fee.
Hours of Operation
All elementary programs will operate from 2:45 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Manor LEAP will operate immediately following school on early release days and from 7:30 am-6:00 pm on Staff Development days.
Registration Procedures
Students must be registered for the program. Students may be placed on a waiting list if all program slots are filled and will be notified in writing of their acceptance into the program. Any child whose name is not listed on the attendance sheet will not be permitted to stay at the program site without proof of enrollment. Please visit the MISD website or contact the Manor LEAP office at 278-4013 for a registration form. A $50.00 registration fee is required to hold a space for your child and will not be credited to your tuition. This fee is also nonrefundable.
Withdrawal Policy
LEAP requires a two week written notice to withdraw your student from the program. If a two week notice is not given, you will be bill for two weeks of care. Please note that if you wish to withdraw your child after you already paid for the month, the two week period will be deducted from your payment prior to any refunds being calculated.
Late Pick-up
Late fees will be applied should you pick up your child after business hours. You will be charged $5 for the first 15 minutes and $1 per minute for each additional minute. If a child is picked up late more than three times, they may be subject to removal from the program. If a child has not been picked up by 6:00 p.m. and the Manor LEAP staff has had no contact with the parents/guardians, the proper authorities will be notified.
Family Participation
We value the active involvement of family members in Manor LEAP. It is essential to the success of our program. Cooperation with all policies and procedures and good communication and partnership between staff and parents is crucial to the well being of each child. Please take every opportunity to talk with LEAP staff about your child’s progress and development and about our programs.
We value your comments, concerns, or suggestions; therefore, we ask you to share your input with the Manor LEAP staff or call the Afterschool Director at 278-4013 so that we can strive for further improvements in the quality of staff and programming and recognize excellent effort from our staff as well. Manor LEAP welcomes volunteers. Any volunteer who works directly with students must complete a criminal background check.
Absence Policy
The expectation is that Manor LEAP students attend the afterschool program all days that they attend school. If your child is not going to be attending the program in the afternoon, yet attended school during the day, please contact the Site Coordinator at your child’s campus prior to the start of programming.
Authorization for Release of a Child
Parents must communicate with the school staff about how students will get home each day:
¨ Written permission from a parent or guardian is required for children to walk or ride their bikes home. Permission must be submitted in advance, specifying days and departure times.
¨ Parents of elementary students who pick up their children must enter the facility and sign their children out each day. We will positively establish the identification of any person picking up a child to assure the person is on the authorized list. If appropriate, we will ask for identification, such as a driver’s license. Children are not permitted to remain at the program site once they are signed out.
¨ Any changes regarding transportation after program hours must be made in writing and submitted to the Lead Teacher for your child’s campus.
Only persons listed on the enrollment agreement are authorized to pick-up and sign out your child. Under no circumstances will your child be allowed to leave the program with an unauthorized person. Any change in family status which impacts authorized parties for pick-up will require official documentation from proper authorities.
Students will receive a daily snack provided by the Federal Snack Program. The snack will include a juice or milk. Please provide your Site Coordinator with any information regarding any food allergies and note them on your registration form.
Policy Change Procedures
If Manor LEAP changes enrollment procedures or any policies, you will be notified by a posting at the parent table at your child’s school. Questions regarding any changes should be directed to the Site Coordinator.
Personal Belongings
Manor LEAP does not permit children to bring toys, electronic games, personal snacks or other personal articles to the program. If items of this nature are brought to the program, we will require that they remain in your child’s backpack for the duration of the day. Manor ISD is not responsible for items lost, broken or stolen during program hours. Articles that are left behind at the end of the day will be placed in the school’s lost and found. Any lost and found items left at the end of each week will be donated to a local charity.
Illness/Accident/Medication Policy
Illness: We urge you to keep children at home if they are ill, both for their sake and for the sake of other children. If a child is feeling ill during program hours for duration of 20 minutes or longer or if the illness includes fever of 100.4 or higher, vomiting or diarrhea, a Manor LEAP staff member will contact the parent for immediate pick-up. If a child has been exposed to or has had a communicable disease, the staff should be notified at once. If children have been exposed to a communicable disease during program hours, we will notify the parents at once.
Accident: If an accident should occur during program hours, a Manor LEAP staff member will notify the parents/guardian at once. The staff member caring for the child will complete a written report of any accident considered serious, detailing the medical procedure that was followed. We require that parents/guardians read and sign this document. If emergency treatment is warranted, the Site Coordinator will immediately notify the parent or guardian and the child will be transported by ambulance to the nearest medical facility, if necessary.
Medication: Medication to be administered to your child by a Manor LEAP staff will require prior authorization from the Afterschool Director.
Any medication to be administered to your child by Manor LEAP staff must:
¨ Be brought directly to the Site Coordinator by the parent or guardian.
¨ Be in the original container. Labeled with the child’s name, date, directions and the physicians name.
¨ Be accompanied by clear written instructions and the time medication is to be given.
The Site Coordinator will make every attempt to give medicine on time. It is helpful when a child notifies the staff when medication is to be taken. If the medication is to go home with the child at the end of the day or week, it is the parent’s responsibility to pick it up from the Lead Teacher.
Behavior Guidelines for Students
As participants, all children will be required to:
1. Check in with Manor LEAP staff within 10 minutes of school ending.
2. Respect the property of the school and surroundings.
3. Report to a staff member if they are sick or hurt.
4. Keep all personal belongings in their backpacks during program hours.
5. Behave in a responsible manner, being helpful and cooperative.
6. Demonstrate courtesy and respect for one another.
7. Respect their teachers and follow directions.
8. Respect the rights of other program participants, the school leaders, teachers and staff.
9. Obey all school rules that are observed during the school day.
10. Be honest, making every attempt to be truthful and fair with others.
Positive Discipline Measures
It is our goal for program staff, children and parents to work together toward cooperative behavior and a cohesive atmosphere. Staff will always notify parents of emerging difficulties and ask for assistance in behavior management. When warranted, behavior contracts and / or specific written goals will be established to reduce or redirect serious misconduct. However, in some cases, additional disciplinary measures may be pursued if a child:
¨ inflicts physical or emotional harm on other children
¨ presents as dangerous to him/herself or others
¨ physically or verbally abuses other children, staff or volunteers.
Because of the serious nature of these behaviors, we will enforce strict and consistent consequences to prevent future occurrences:
1st Offense: Parents/guardians will be contacted and arrangements will be made for immediate child pick-up. The child will remain in supervised suspension until the parent arrives.
2nd Offense: 1-3 days of suspension from the program, based on the severity of the incident. At this time a discussion between the Site Coordinator, Program Director, and authorized member of the family will take place, followed by a signed written agreement that a repeat offense may result in removal from the program.
3rd Offense: The Program Director will review all documentation and determine if the child will be removed from the program.
** Please know that there WILL NOT be a tuition refund for days missed.
In all instances, the Site Coordinator will ensure that fairness and consistency is demonstrated with all disciplinary steps taken. He or she will get to know the child involved and observe, assess and review documentation. Every reasonable measure will be taken to ensure that the child’s needs are met. Please note that our primary goal is to provide effective supervision and positive support for every child and to anticipate, successfully prevent and resolve conflicts. Manor LEAP does however reserve the right to remove a child from the program.
Guidelines to Ensure Your Child’s Safety
In addition to standard safety guidelines, the following restrictions apply during Manor LEAP:
¨ All children are to adhere to designated playground boundaries, as established by the program.
¨ Rocks and sticks are prohibited from use on the playground. Due to the potential for serious injury, children who do not comply with this guideline will be redirected to another activity.
¨ Children are never to leave their teacher and group while playing outdoors.
¨ Children are to use all equipment as it is designed to be used; i.e., children will not walk up slides or slide down headfirst.
¨ Any changes regarding transportation after program hours must be made in writing and submitted to the site coordinator for your child’s campus.
Emergency Procedures
Manor LEAP is prepared to activate emergency procedures in the event of severe weather, fire and/or other emergency conditions that require building evacuation or other immediate safety measures. When appropriate, parents will be contacted for early pick-up.
In addition to the above guidelines, please be advised that:
· The School District is mandated by State Law to report any suspected cases of child abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities.
· Inappropriate language, conduct or sexual harassment will not be tolerated from parents or persons picking up your child.
· Behaviors that indicate the influence of drugs or alcohol may require that staff members contact the authorities to ensure the safety of your child(ren).
Manor LEAP is firmly committed to the protection and safety (physically and emotionally) of all our participants and staff in our program. Therefore, we reserve the right to exercise removal of participants who do not comply with the guidelines set forth in this handbook.
Rights of Parents and Children
· We recommend that you discuss with your child his/her right to privacy and to communicate any situation or person’s action that makes him/her feel uncomfortable.
· Do not hesitate to report to the Site Coordinator or Afterschool Director any action of a Manor LEAP staff that you deem to be inappropriate. All concerns will be thoroughly investigated and Child Protective Services will be contacted, if warranted.
· All parents and guardians are encouraged to visit our program, observe activities and to freely communicate with all site staff and program supervisors.
Manor LEAP has a sliding fee scale based on your qualifications for free or reduced lunch and the number of children you have enrolled in the program. The monthly fee schedule is listed below.
**Please note that this is the monthly rate for September through May. In order to keep monthly fees low, the cost has been spread evenly over the 9 full months of school, and therefore this rate is the same regardless of the number of days in a month or holidays. August and June will be billed by the day. The daily rate for these two months will be determined by dividing the number of days in each month by your monthly tuition.