"Becoming a mother will change the way you view life," is what was constantly mentioned to me during my pregnancy. After finding out I was pregnant, my life changed dramatically. Making sure I ate well to resting my body and avoiding physical labor are some of the issues that occupied my mind. Many thoughts and questions raced through my mind such as: how am I going to protect my child? Is my child going to be healthy? What kind of mother am I going to be? Will I be able to provide my child with the best care and living conditions that were provided to me since times have changed?
On March 27, 2003 I became a mother for the first time. Lying painfully on the hospital bed hearing the soft cries of my newborn son, Youssef, I started to answer some of the questions I had during my pregnancy. While holding his fragile soft body and looking at his big brown eyes and endless long lashes, I vowed to be the best mother I could be.
As the years passed, Youssef has taught me what endless love means. His big smiles in the morning hours and tight hugs provide security for me as an individual, woman and mother. Not only has he taught me not to be selfish but has helped shape the human being I am today. The choices and decisions that I have made since he was born are reflections of his unconditional support and love.
Three years later, another light entered my life. On February 3, 2006 a delicate 6lb 3oz baby girl, Madinah was born. Having a strong personality from the day she was born, Madinah allowed me to feel comfortable in my own skin. Weighing only 90lb and standing nearly 5 feet tall, she controls a crowd when entering a room with her witty personality and smart humor. Seeing such a young life full of energy and love motivated me to hold on to the energy of my youth and the love I want to spread.
Now that Youssef is thirteen and Madinah is eleven, the future is always a topic that is of concern to me. Trying to shield them from the ignorance and the negativity in this world has been a goal for me. Structure, modesty, security and peace are things that I try to model so my children can live in this world free of worry. Whenever I hear the words, "I love you ZZ" it reinforces the inner feelings of my heart and soul.