Memorial Hall, High Street, Bovingdon, Herts HP3 0HJ
Telephone: 01442 834188
This service includes a qualified member of staff walking your child to Bovingdon Primary Academy and helping them settle in. They will have help with their coats, shoes and also finding their name pegs.
Session fees are £13.80 for the morning and £4.50 for the Lunch-Club facility from 12pm till 12.25pm and Walk to Nursery Service.
I would like ...... to attend a morning Pre-School session, attend Lunch-Club and for you to provide the Walk to Nursery service on the following days:
By signing below I agree to/understand the following;
- If Bovingdon Primary Academy is closed for any reason I agree to collect my child from Pre-School at 12.45pm.
- My child will arrive at Pre-School in Nursery School uniform (this will enable your child to relax and not be rushed during lunch club).
- This service is available every day on an ad hoc basis, however, can be removed/refused at our discretion should we feel it is in the child’s best interests.
- I am responsible for my child while at Bovingdon Primary Academy.
- For Health and Safety reasons all children will wear a visibility vest during their walk to Nursery.
- The service does NOT include the collection of my child from Nursery at any time.
- Availability of morning sessions will be issued at the Pre-School’s discretion with priorities going to three year old's not attending nursery.
- Payment for this service will be by invoice and payable as normal.
- The payment for the service will include the lunch club facility between 12 and 12.25 (please provide cold packed lunch, no nuts, chocolate, sweets or fizzy drinks please).
- We recommend you label your entire child’s clothing, including plimsolls as we cannot be responsible for any lost items.
- It is important that you always check your child’s book bag for any pictures/letters from Pre-School, as a letter may contain specific information regarding your child’s morning session.
- *The Pre-School policies are still enforceable e.g. Sickness and Closure. Policies are reviewed regularly.
* Policies are available at Pre-School to look at any time or on our website.
Parent/Carer Signature: …………………………………………Date:……………………………..
A limited liability company registered in England & Wales
Registered Number: 5230651 Registered Charity No 1107414
URN: 129330