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President’s Cabinet Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 23, 2017
Building 11, Radio Station Conference Room
Next Meeting: Monday, March13, 2017 8:30-10:00 a.m.
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Karina Calzada
Larry Clark
Cristeen Crochet
Mabel Edmonds
Cal Erwin-Svoboda
Lisa Fortson
Michelle Hillesland
Wendy, Joseph
Pamela Jeter
John Kaniss
Dean Kelly
Claire Korschinowski
Jason Kruse
Scott Latiolais
Cindy Mowry
Tyler Scott
Tanya Sorenson
Margie Tomsic
Kirk Walker
Jenny Weinmann
Lisa Wolcott
David Benton
Kristin Copeland
Tawny Dotson
Jennifer Justice
Joyce Loveday
Next Meeting: Monday, March13, 2017 8:30-10:00 a.m.
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President’s CommentsDr. Joyce Loveday
Dr. Loveday was not present.
Strategic Plan Presentation:Transitional StudiesPat Lange
Ms. Lange reported on the goals, outcomes, and successes of Transitional Studies. She noted that they are working on curriculum design that aligns with Guided Pathways, now have an online passport for students, and have two additional I-Best programs beginning later this year.
Enrollment UpdateDr. Margie Tomsic
Dr. Tomsic requested any enrollment capacity data not reported to her be submitted by week’s end. She also discussed the upcoming group registrations starting with eight programs this quarter and adding additional programs next quarter.
College AssemblyReportJason Kruse
Mr. Kruse stated that College Assembly is now meeting twice a month, which will increase its responsiveness to the College.
ASG ReportCal Erwin-Svoboda
Mr. Erwin-Svoboda announced that clubs are becoming very active, and many new clubs are starting. He detailed upcoming events, such as the October 31st Fall Festival in the Conference Center.
Accreditation Meeting PreparationDean Kelly
Reporting for Ms. Tawny Dotson, Mr. Kelly reminded the Cabinet that accreditation evaluators are here this week and will be looking at Taskstream.
Grant Opportunity: Guided PathwaysDean Kelly
Reporting for Tawny, Dean stated that a draft of the Guided Pathways grant proposal will be out for review. The grant is for $500,000.
ICRC UpdateCindy Mowry
Ms. Mowry reported discussions on credit for prior learning and dual credit transfers, the questionable applicability of Smarter Balance for college English, FTE counts for Running Start students, Advanced Placement 3, transfer initiatives, and Guided Pathways. She also stated that the Pre-nursing DTA is under consideration for elimination.
2014 Cohort Default RateWendy Joseph
Ms. Joseph compared CPTC student loan default rates against local colleges and the national rate. She stated that SALT will no longer provide default services, but will continue free financial literacy.
Budget UpdateLisa Wolcott
Ms. Wolcott gave the status of the budget input process, noting that salaries and benefits are completed. She also noted that two items not approved through the budget process were deemed necessary, and requested a second-round process be created.
ctcLink Update
Lisa W. handed out the ctcLink deployment schedule and announced that a firm called Refresh will be examining ways to support Legacy in the meantime.
Communication Regarding Changes/UpdatesAll
Ms. Hillesland notes that a state-level task force will look at ways to reduce the two-year process for new program approval. Mr. Latiolais provided an update on Multiple Measures, reporting that progress is being made to implement Placement 360 and Directed Self-Placement.
Next Meeting Agenda ItemsDean Kelly
Upcoming Events / AnnouncementsAll
CPTC Mid-Cycle Accreditation Visit, Oct. 24-26, 2017
ASG Fall Fest, Oct. 31, 2017, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Building 23 Atrium
Annual Veterans Day Ceremony, Wed., Nov. 8, 2017, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., McGavick Conf. Center
Board of Trusteesmeeting, Wed., Nov. 8, 2017, 3-5 p.m.,in the Rotunda
Faculty In-Service Day, Thurs., Nov. 9, 2017
College Closed, Veterans Day Holiday Observed, Fri., Nov. 10
Cabinet Meeting, Mon., Nov. 13, 2017, 8:30-10 a.m., Bldg. 11, Radio Station Conf. Room
4th Annual Diversity & International Fair, Nov. 14, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., McGavick Conf. Center
Health Fair, Thurs., Nov. 16, 2017, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Student Center
College Closed, Thanksgiving Break, Nov. 23-24, 2017
Next Meeting: Monday, March13, 2017 8:30-10:00 a.m.