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Circular No.16 /2014 29th May 2014

Dear Comrades,

We reproduce hereunder the contents of Circular No. 2014/34 dated 06.05.2014 and Circular No.2014/36 dated 27/05/2014 issued by Com.Harvinder Singh, General Secretary, FBOIOA for your information.



A glorious chapter on the role of Women counter parts in Trade Union Movement was rewritten when on 4th May, 2014 National Conference of Women was held at Bhopal, organized by our Federation. It was such a pleasure to witness this memorable event in the annals of history of FBOIOA which revitalized and rejuvenated the participation in the trade union movement by our lady comrades. We are thankful to our MP & Chhattisgarh Unit, for making perfect arrangements for the Conference, under the leadership of Com. Abhay Verma, Com. Ashutosh Chandel, the President & General Secretary of the Unit, respectively. We also convey our very special thanks to the treasurer of the Unit and the faculty member - Com. S. Madhavan, for undertaking the responsibilities for the comfortable stay and lodging arrangements for the participants at the STC, Bhopal. The conference was attended by more than 90 lady comrades, representing all the units of Federation, having come from length and breadth of the country, on a very short notice overcoming all hurdles and inconveniences in reaching Bhopal, due to various reasons. The enthusiasm seen was contagious and brought a wave of jubilance to the whole event making the maiden National Women Conference a historic one!

We feel proud that our Federation has once again taken a lead in giving shape to one of the decision taken by its apex organization AIBOC, at its Triennial General Conference at Thiruvananthapuram from 8th – 10th March, 2014, which was reiterated in its EC meeting held at Chennai on 9th April, 2014, that of formation of Women’s Wing by all the affiliates.

The conference started with customary lighting of lamp by the dignitaries present on the dais, which included the esteemed Chief Guest, Mrs. Aruna Mohan Rao - Addl. Director General of Police (IPS - 1987 batch), AJK & Mahila Cell, Sh. Rajiv Gupta – the Zonal Manager, Bhopal zone and GM designate, Com. Harvinder Singh – the General Secretary –FBOIOA & AIBOC, Com. Ashutosh Chandel – Deputy General Secretary, FBOIOA and General Secretary of MP & Chhattisgarh Unit, Com. Aruna Agnihotri Chairperson Women’s Wing, AIBOC and Com. Ameetaa Sharma, Treasurer, FBOIOA and Secretary, AIBOC.

There could not have been a better choice for the Chief Guest than that of Mrs. Aruna Mohan Rao - a rare combination of beauty not only with brain but also brawn ! She beautifully underlined the root causes responsible for the miserable plight of Women and exhorted that women need to stand for themselves and fulfill their responsibilities with dignity, no matter which section of the society they belong to. She was all appreciation for the literature provided by the Federation to the participants as besides clearly defining objectives of the Conference, it contained all the importantly relevant legal rights available to the women under various provisions of law along with a booklet on self defense for women. After her inspiring words to women to stand tall, firm and determined with clear goals, she inaugurated the conference with her message of best wishes for the success of the conference.

Shri Rajiv Gupta, while delivering the vote of thanks for the Inaugural Session, pinpointed the relevance of the conference in the present day context and conveyed gratitude on behalf of all to Smt. Aruna Mohan Rao for gracing the occasion and enlightening all present. He, on his behalf, assured of all out support to the organisational activities of the Federation.

After the Inaugural Session, a stress management session “Live Full” was conducted by Shri Rajiv Agarwal- a successful entrepreneur and industrialist and very valuable customer of our Bank. His vivacious expression reminded the gathering of the simple yet vital rules and ways to live a stress free happy life. His message invoked the inner strength that lay dormant to achieve equilibrium and peace with one’s own self and the outer world.

This session was followed by the address of Com. Harvinder Singh, who elucidated the objectives of formation of the Women’s Wing including cadre development to take care of problems of lady comrades which are women specific, etc. He explained the structure of the Officers’ Trade Union Organisations right from Unit to Confederation and its democratic integration. He also covered various women based issues and drew the attention of the members present towards the conditions prevalent in our society as well as the workplaces and means to overcome difficulties and hurdles faced. He succinctly pointed out the Fundamental rights, Women specific legal provisions in the labour Laws, Family laws, Inheritance Laws, and statutory provisions related to work places etc., a woman should be aware of and the protection under the law available to her. The nitty gritties of the vast topic were effectively covered up in his address. He deliberated on various important Service and Conduct rules in order to educate the members in exercising due caution and avoid any inconvenience/harassment resulting out of ignorance. He sensitized and guided all to learn, follow these rules religiously and stay empowered besides counseling other colleagues as well. He, on his personal behalf and on behalf of the organisation assured the lady Comrades of providing every possible assistance, guidance and necessary protection for their active participation in the organizational calls.

Security being the much needed element to ensure the safety of women was spoken about by Com. Ameetaa Sharma. She very elaborately covered the various tools and techniques women should be aware of to ensure their safety. Ways to combat cyber crime, physical attacks as well as sexual or mental harassment were covered in a very structured manner. She expressed confidence in the power of multitasking in the women and hoped that all lady comrades would come forward to play proactive role in organizational activities by rubbing shoulders with the male counterparts.

Com. Aruna Agnihotri, in her address, wonderfully compiled the proceeding of the day. She was meticulous not to miss even a single aspect which was discussed in the conference. She encouraged the lady comrades to involve themselves in the activities of the organization with full vigour and enthusiasm and to support the organization through women’s wing activities.

The deliberations witnessed an involved participation from the members attending the conference. The way speakers from various units conveyed their positive responses and action plan for future about the organizational activities, made it evident that the message was loud and clear in their hearts and minds and the purpose of the Conference was accomplished. The much needed sensitization and the compelling need to be aware and spread awareness was truly reflected by the words of each and every speaker.

It was decided to form a committee to organize the activities of the women’s wing and take decision in this regard. The proposal for the following committee was placed before the house by Com. Usha Kumar, a delegate from M. P. & Chattisgarh unit and was seconded by the house by voice vote. Accordingly the following committee was unanimously elected for the term 2014-17:

Name Post Unit

Com. Ameetaa Sharma Chairperson Delhi

Com. Aruna Agnihotri Secretary Mumbai & Goa

Com. Sheela Menon Deputy Secretary M.P. Chattisgarh

Com. Sujata Hatkar Deputy Secretary Pune


Com. Meena Kakde Mumbai & Goa

Com. Maneesha Thatte Pune

Com. Raji S. Naidu Delhi

Com. Manjusha Mukund Bihar

Com. Kalpana Patel Gujrat

Com. Santoshi Ami Kerketta Jharkhand

Com. Lakshmi Tamil Nadu

Com. Sutapa Biswas Eastern India Branches

Com. Amanpreet Kaur North Western

Com. Janhavi Trikande Vidarbha

Com. R. Nirmala Karnatka

Com. Shashi Pandit M.P. & Chattisgarh

Com. Deepti Agarwal Rajasthan

Com. Rajlakshmi Padhi Odisha

Com. Sundari Srinivasan Andhra Pradesh

Com. Rini Mathew Kerala

The members of the newly elected team were felicitated by Com. Harvinder singh and Com. Ashutosh Chandel, the General Secretary and Joint Gen. Secretary, respectively, of our Federation. In his concluding remarks, Com. Harvinder Singh conveyed his best wishes and said that he was confident that our Women’s Wing will be a role model in the whole banking industry and a guiding force for all other affiliates. He clarified that this Women’s Wing should neither be construed as a parallel organization or an alternative platform for raising or taking up the issues of the members directly with the Management by its Office Bearers/ Executive Committee members, and rather plays the supplemental role to the Organisation.

The proceedings of the Conference were wonderfully compered by Com. Usha Kumar, member delegate of the MP & Chhattisgarh Unit. Her manner of conducting the proceedings kept every one attentive and impressed all. The conference concluded equally beautifully when Com. Sujata Hatkar proposed vote of thanks in befitting and poetic tone covering the complete gambit of the conference.





We reproduce hereunder the contents of circular No. 2014/27 of date on the captioned subject issued by Com. Harvinder Singh, Working President, AINBOF for your information & circulation.

“The 11th Central Committee Meeting of AINBOF was held at Mumbai on 23rd May, 2014. The Meeting was attended by all Office-Bearers and Central Committee members from most of the affiliates and was presided over by Com. Nirmal Bari, President.

Com. Ravindra Kuveskar, Secretary of the State Unit of AINBOF of Maharashtra State, welcomed the participants and thanked the Federation leadership for having given the opportunity to Maharashtra State unit to host the Meeting. Office-bearers of the State Committee then welcomed the office-bearers and Central Committee Members with floral bouquets and Rose buds. Thereafter Com. Nirmal Bari, President, welcomed the Central Committee members to the meeting.

Com. Harvinder Singh, General Secretary, after extending a warm welcome to entire executive committee, in his initial remarks reported about the functioning of the Federation and technical problems being faced by him in undertaking the responsibilities as General Secretary. Members appreciated his role and achievements of the Federation under his leadership. Then as per agenda, the minutes of the 10th Central Committee were presented and the house unanimously approved the same. Thereafter, Com. Harvinder Singh presented the General Secretary’s report. After the para on homage was read out, the house paid homage to the departed souls by observing two minutes silence as a mark of respect. The Report covered exhaustively all the developments at national and international level, Economic scenario, Banking arena, trade union movement in the country and in the Banking Industry including developments at Salary Revision front. The written report was supplemented by the General Secretary with oral briefings on developments.

The house then deliberated threadbare on the General Secretary’s Report. Com. Dinakar S. Punja, Com. Dilip Saha, Com. Debashish Gosh, Com. Manimaran, Com Reddy and others discussed on the following issues:-

- Reduction in threshold limit of marks in APAR for promotion,

- Disparity in perquisites and benefits to officers among the Public Sector Banks,

- Increase in stressed assets of the Public Sector Banks and their recovery,

- Problems in CTS

The General Secretary replied to all the issues raised by the members to the satisfaction of the House and the House adopted the General Secretary’s Report unanimously. Then the audited accounts of the Federation for the year ended 31/12/2013 were presented before the house and were unanimously adopted. All affiliates promised to clear their subscription dues by the dates advised by them but not later than 31st July, 2014 in any case. Levy dues were also promised to be cleared at the earliest.


The General Secretary expressed his desire to relinquish the post of General Secretary of AINBOF, due to his preoccupation in the affairs of AIBOC, subsequent to his getting elected as the General Secretary of AIBOC. He added that some other member can focus more on the activities and programmes of AINBOF on taking up its leadership. The House deliberated on the issue and felt that though the undersigned be allowed to relinquish the post of General Secretary as desired by him, yet he should continue to be a Principal office bearer of the Federation. Thereafter the House unanimously co-opted the undersigned as the Working President and Com. Dinakar S. Punja as the General Secretary. The House congratulated both of them and wished all the success in their new assignments.


The first triennial conference of the Federation was held in September 2011 and the present Central Committee is completing its term in September 2014. The House unanimously decided to hold the Second Triennial Conference of the Federation in September 2014. The state unit of Delhi showed its willingness to host the Conference in Delhi. After deliberations, the House unanimously decided to hold the Second Triennial Conference of AINBOF, tentatively, on 5th and 6th of September 2014 at Delhi. We shall inform the details to all the affiliates / members once the same is worked out. “


With Fraternal greetings,

Yours Sincerely,

(Dr.V.Chidambara Kumar)