Minutes of LPC Meeting 12th May2015

ATTENDEES:Len Dalton, Heather Elliott, Chris Doolan, Jayne Healy, Brijesh Chopra , Sher Khan, Ross Flavell,

Paul Lowe, Mike Williamsl, David Zeitoune

IN ATTENDANCE:Carol McNidder(Secretary)

Item / Discussion / Action / Who
Apologies /

Mike O’Donnell, Hilary Kijak, Phil Maslin

Minutes of Previous Meeting
10.03.2015 / Proposed by Phil, seconded by Heather and accepted...
Matters Arising / Rota –Information had been collated and circulated to all relevant bodies, by the Area Team, much more efficiently at Easter.
All other matters arising dealt with under Agenda items
Governance and Scrutiny Committee / No-one had queried the terms of reference as circulated at the previous meeting so these were adopted unchanged. The officers were consulted as to their preference for employed/self-employed status and all three agreed to remain as employed. The contracts need to be changed to read employed and then circulated to all the officers together with job descriptions for agreement and signature. The expenses policy was considered good, it was agreed that expenses totalling over £200 should be approved by the Scrutiny Committee, a request should be made by email and the committee should respond within 48 hours, if no response received, agreement is implicit.
Budget discussions should reflect how the LPC’s (contractors’) money is used, on what and what potential benefit to contractors is derived.
New Declaration of Interest are to be signed annually.
Strategy Committee / The strategy document had been amended and this was presented together with the new logo for community Pharmacy Solihull. There was discussion around whether it had been compared to other LPCs’ documents, whether it was too generic, truly reflected the North and South of the Borough and the areas of deprivation as it needs to sit alongside local Solihull documentation as issued by the CCG, HWB and Local Authority amongst others.
After distribution for comment and once finally agreed it needs to be used to develop a Plan on a Page..
The strategy document will be used to develop a business/delivery plan incorporating an action plan with timescales. The delivery plan will be a working document around communication, service delivery and risk and will be reviewed at each LPC meeting.
Essential services / Repeat Dispensing As from April contractors should be actively promoting Repeat dispensing. The difference between Repeat Dispensing and Managed repeats is often misunderstood by both surgeries and patients ,there is a lack of knowledge in some surgeries how to actually produce the prescriptions and therefore it is difficult to know how much contractors can actually do. Contractors should be encouraged therefore to record on the PMR that they have tried.
EPS2As from June 1st it will be legal to send Schedule 2 and 3 CDs by EPS2.
Enhanced Services / HEC
As there was still no lead (following Simon Walker’s departure) within Public Health Kim Westman is in the process of arranging training. Denise is willing to undertake training as long as she is allowed to (CASH is now under the UHB umbrella) and Heather will link with Denise re training in October. However the lack of a lead was highlighted as a risk for the future.
Simon Walker had presented Solihull’s PharmOutcomes data at a national conference which had been well received.
The contract which had been received in February expired at the end of March. To contact John Singh re current situation.
The new lead was Ed Day who was being enthusiastic about a brief intervention alcohol service linked to Acamprosate.
Currently there are 340 Methadone/Subutex clients (52 supervised) and the biggest current issue is legal highs which require daily injections..
SIAS are currently sending out prescriptions for Antabuse and Acamprosate on blue prescription forms but this is because they do not have the facility to do ordinary FP10s.
There is to be a secret shopper for Needle Exchange, the LPC would like to know the questions being asked so contractors could be given information in advance.
BBV – Chris Clarke has agreed to see it rolled out across the Borough, the service is cost neutral to run with the only expense being OOD kits. The LPC would need to organise the training with contractors undertaking the 1.5 hr pre-course work, recording to be on PharmOutcomes and reimbursement at £15 for the consultation and test and £15 for giving the results. Hepatitis B cover is not essential but recommended.. The LPC to ask for expressions of interest.
Smoking Cessation
Alison Trout to confirm in writing that the service could be undertaken by those trained to NVQ2 level.
Subsequent to the meeting this was confirmed to all current providers.
Currently the ATare reviewing the service with the intention of creating a single, standardised hourly rota payment across the area. This was likely to be detrimental to Solihull’s current rate. Solihull LPC has supplied supporting evidence as to how our current figure was derived to the negotiators.
Flu Service
Last year’s scheme had shown no real benefit and had caused much disgruntlement amongst GPs. Current thinking in the planning of this year’s service included the possibility of a delayed start and no children or domiciliary vaccinations. .However no firm decisions had been reached within the now extended (Birmingham, Solihull and the Black Country combined with Hereford, Worcester and Arden) Area Team. The meeting agreed that ,whatever the final service spec, Solihull LPC should engage with Solihull LMC to get two way support and referrals, as appropriate, between local GPs and Community Pharmacies.
Due to restructuring of the company, Novartis would no longer be providing training and as a result were reducing the cost of their vaccines.
Minor Ailments
As it was apparent that the AT wide scheme was working well, with appropriate checks and balances in place, the LPC should be encouraging the CCG (through Kate Arnold) to join that scheme.
Public Health / The minutes of the previous link meeting had been circulated, the next meeting was to be in the next two days (Mike O’Donnell had already given his apologies).
Allan Reid is currently looking to promote Healthy Living Pharmacies but there is a finite time for support as he is only in post until September
There was a problem with the current Cancer Awareness PH campaign, the materials were not available to pharmacy from Cancer Research UK as suggested by the PH information. Chris had contacted PH and .been told that Manisha had put the campaign together quickly and was unaware. Chris was mandated to express the LPC’s disappointment at the way current campaigns are being organised, minimum support should be posters and leaflets, contractors should not have to follow links (even when they work) and also there should be an earlier deadline for information being sent to contractors to enable any problems to be resolved. It would be useful for the PH department to supply local charity information to contractors.
PNA / The PNA had been produced and signed off, the only implicit criticism was around stoma services as it had not been appreciated that the vast majority of appliances are dispensed by appliance contractors outside Solihull. The PNA can be used in talks with the HWB and PH around new service development.
LPC Meetings / BSBC LPC Forum
The minutes of the previous two meetings (March and April) had been circulated prior to the LPC meeting.
Finance / Year-end figures had shown a surplus of £4821 .of income over expenditure (reduced meeting costs due to shared BSBC forum representation at AT wide meetings) with the recommended 6 months reserves (approx. £20,000) being spot on.
LPC Self Evaluation / Risk factors identified at this meeting :
  • Continuity of LPC Chairman
  • Service Withdrawal
  • Contractor Disengagement with LPC – lack of awareness
  • Repeat Dispensing – lack of surgery involvement
  • Surgery amalgamation – how services will be distributed , risk to patients/contracts, continuation of separate patient participation groups
  • HEC training , no HEC lead
  • Chlamydia screening – no contract

LPC Buddy / LPC Buddy System
  • To mention that PH are aware of the problems with the latest campaign and hoping to rectify
  • To raise any concerns with the LPC and to ascertain what contractors feel they need help with in fulfilling contractual requirements.
  • To raise awareness Of Community Pharmacy Solihull as the marketing name for Solihull LPC
AOB / Asthma Training
A follow up with the CCG is necessary following the training evening on Asthma and inhaler technique and compliance organised by the CCG last year to ascertain whether there is to be a second workshop and whether there is to be a development such as MUR+ arising from the training.
LPC Training Evening
It was suggested that the LPC should consider an evening in September (possibly sponsored by Lundbeck) ) combing maybe a brief intervention alcohol awareness session with the launch of Community Pharmacy Solihull to contractors.
Quarterly MUR reports
The AT has now stated they will require MUR reports submitted quarterly.
It was agreed that contact should be made with Ken Meeson
Dates of Next Meetings / Tuesday 14th July 2015 8am – 1pm
Thursday 17th September 2015 8am – 1pm
Tuesday 10th November 2015 8am – 1pm
Tuesday 12th January 2016 8am – 1pm

Proposed by Phil Maslin, seconded by Heather Elliott and accepted.

C:\Users\davida\Documents\LPC SECRETARY\LPC Meetings\Minutes\Meeting 090914.doc1