Suggested Answers to Assignments
Chapter 1, Evidence-Based Nursing: Using Research in Practice
Written Assignments / Learning Objective1. Resources that are used to provide nursing research regarding PPE include:
- Card catalogs in libraries that list the books, audiovisuals, theses and dissertations related to protective devices that should be worn to prevent infection from TB.
- Abstract reviews that summarize research studies and prepared bibliographies that discuss personal protective equipment.
- Various Web sites on the Internet, such as
- Respirators that filter the air before it is inhaled should be used. The most common of these respirators are the N95, N99, or N100 particulate respirators.
- The selection of the respirator type should be based on the nature of the exposure and the risk involved.
2. The nurse should take the following steps to find evidence-based nursing practice to determine the best management of surgical drains in postoperative patients:
1) Identify available research regarding surgical drain management
2) Access the reports
3) Read and understand the reports
4) Decide whether the research is relevant to the topic
5) Decide whether to accept and use what is found in the research / 1
Group Assignment / Learning Objective
1. Each group’s answers will vary. (MEDLINE, CINAHL, COCHRANE, and Joanna Briggs Collaboration)
a. What search terms should be used? Circumcision, neonate, newborn, pain, relief, methods, male, and so forth.
b. The print outs will include abstracts that students should read to determine whether or not the article matches the assigned topic of circumcision. Some articles may talk about female circumcision or older male adult circumcision. Other articles may not be research report or talk about pain relief at all. This will become apparent in the abstracts. One can revise search terms to be more specific by adding in age, gender, pain.
c. The COCHRANE database group will have primarily systematic reviews in their search results. All others will vary. / 1
Clinical Assignment / Learning Objective
- Students’ answers should include the following:
- Ask a colleague, seek clarification with another colleague or MD
- Immediate
- Verified with protocol, nurse educator, or nurse manager, or clinical guidelines
- No research reports used. Used authority figures.
- Log into database; enter search terms, read abstracts to find relevant articles
- Time-consuming
- Verified with protocol, nurse educator, or nurse manager, or clinical guidelines
Web Assignments / Learning Objective
1. The National Institute of Nursing Research lists the top four priorities as the following:
- Promoting Health and Preventing Disease
- Improving Quality of Life
- Eliminating Health Disparities
- Setting Directions for End-of-Life Research.
2. Students could obtain the following information from their Web search:
- Sigma Theta Tau
- National League for Nursing
- American Nurses Association
- State Nurse’s Association