1. What is the difference between a metaphor and simile?

a. NO difference. They are both ways to compare two things.

b. A simile is similar to the word that is being described, a metaphor is not similar.

c. They are both types of comparisons between two things, but a metaphor uses the words “like” or “as.”

d. They are both types of comparisons between two things, but a simile uses the words “like” or “as.”

2. Which is a simile?

a. Rose red lips

b. Laughing water

c. Smiling like a cat

d. Raining cats and dogs

3. The repetition of beginning sounds is called:

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

4.______gives human qualities such as emotions, personality, or intelligence to animals or non-living objects.

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

5. The dessert on my plate seemed to sing, “Eat me first!”

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

6. Burt Bartholomew blew big, blue bubbles

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

7. The highway stretched ahead like grey ribbon in the moonlight.

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

8. Her mother’s old diary was a window to her past.

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

9. “Welcome to my home!” exclaimed the spider to the fly caught in his web.

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

10. The wind sang her joyous tune through the falling leaves.

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

11. Lilly Little lugged a lot of little lemons.

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

12. His feet were as big as boats.

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

13. The girls were two peas in a pod.

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

14. Taking drugs is like flushing your brain down the toilet.

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

15. My daughter was a cheetah during the 50 yard dash.

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

16. The mosquito buzzed in my ear.

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Onomatopoeia

17. My son is a sloth when it is time to clean his room.

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

18. The car zoomed by us at recess.

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Onomatopoeia

19. Sometimes my mind is a black hole!

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

20. She is as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs!

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

21. My dog ate my homework.

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Onomatopoeia

22. We heard the rain splishing and splashing onto the window.

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Onomatopoeia

23. My book bag is as heavy as a load of bricks!

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Onomatopoeia

24. My little brother is a crab when I wake him up in the morning.

a. Metaphor

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Onomatopoeia

25. Sometimes my laundry room smells like an old running shoe!

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Simile

d. Onomatopoeia