Essay Title <Double click in margin to edit >

Essay Title:
Essay Sub-Title

Student Name:

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Course Title & Course Code:


Date< Right Click to Update>: 2018-11-23

Contents Right ClickBelow “Update Field”

Contents < Right Click Below  “Update Field” >

1.Heading Level One

1.1.Heading Level Two

1.1.1.Heading Level Three Level Four

1.1.2.Heading Level Three Level Four

1.2.Heading Level Two

1.2.1.Heading Level Three Level Four

1.2.2.Heading Level Three

2.Heading Level One

2.1.Heading Level Two

2.1.1.Heading Level Three Level Four

2.1.2.Heading Level Three Level Four

2.2.Heading Level Two

2.2.1.Heading Level Three Level Four

2.2.2.Heading Level Three

Bibliography / References:

1.Heading Level One

(Heading Level One is Tahoma “small caps”, bold, size 24, centered, and numbered.)

Normal style text (font is Tahoma, size 12, justified on both sides).[1]

1.1.Heading Level Two

(Heading Level Two is Tahoma “small caps”, bold, size 16, left justified, and numbered.)

To add a footnote (for Windows 2007 / 2010), use “References  Insert footnote”, with automatic numbering.

To add a footnote (for Windows 2003), use “Insert  Footnote”, with automatic numbering.

1.1.1.Heading Level Three

(Heading Level Three is Tahoma, bold, size 14, left justified, and numbered.)

Citation style text (font is Tahoma, size 11, indented on both sides).[2]

Normal text style. Level Four

(Heading Level Four is Tahoma, bold, size 12, left justified, and numbered.)

1.1.2.Heading Level Three

Normal text style.

Citation style text.[3]

Normal text style. Level Four

Normal text style.

1.2.Heading Level Two

Normal text style.

1.2.1.Heading Level Three

Normal text style.

Citation style text.[4]

Normal text style. Level Four

Normal text style.

1.2.2.Heading Level Three

Normal text style.

Citation style text.[5]

Normal text style.

2.Heading Level One

(Heading Level One is Tahoma “small caps”, bold, size 24, centered, and numbered.)

Normal style text (font is Tahoma, size 12, justified on both sides).[6]

2.1.Heading Level Two

(Heading Level Two is Tahoma “small caps”, bold, size 16, left justified, and numbered.)

To add a footnote, use “References  Insert footnote”, with automatic numbering (for Windows 2007 / 2010).

To add a footnote, use “Insert  Footnote”, with automatic numbering (for Windows 2003).

2.1.1.Heading Level Three

(Heading Level Three is Tahoma, bold, size 14, left justified, and numbered.)

Citation style text (font is Tahoma, size 11, indented on both sides).[7]

Normal text style. Level Four

(Heading Level Four is Tahoma, bold, size 12, left justified, and numbered.)

2.1.2.Heading Level Three

Normal text style.

Citation style text.[8]

Normal text style. Level Four

Normal text style.

2.2.Heading Level Two

Normal text style.

2.2.1.Heading Level Three

Normal text style.

Citation style text.[9]

Normal text style. Level Four

Normal text style.

2.2.2.Heading Level Three

Normal text style.

Citation style text.[10]

Normal text style.

Bibliography / References:

(Bibliography / Reference text style, font Tahoma, size 11, indented.)

Surname, First Name(s), Title of Book (Place: Publisher, Year).

Surname, First Name(s), “Title of Article in Journal” in Title of Journal, Vol. No., Year (Publisher).

Surname, First Name(s), “Title of Lecture Notes” in Title of Course, Year.

Surname, First Name(s), “Title of Article Online” in < > [date accessed].


[1]Your footnotes go here. Font is Tahoma, size 10, indented.

[2]Your citations / quotation go here. Font is Tahoma, size 10, indented.

[3]Your citations / quotation go here. Font is Tahoma, size 10, indented.

[4]Your citations / quotation go here. Font is Tahoma, size 10, indented.

[5]Your citations / quotation go here. Font is Tahoma, size 10, indented.

[6]Your footnotes go here. Font is Tahoma, size 10, indented.

[7]Your citations / quotation go here. Font is Tahoma, size 10, indented.

[8]Your citations / quotation go here. Font is Tahoma, size 10, indented.

[9]Your citations / quotation go here. Font is Tahoma, size 10, indented.

[10]Your citations / quotation go here. Font is Tahoma, size 10, indented.