Education in the Secondary School

EDUC 3309


MWF 10:10 -11:00 a.m.


Alicia Massingill, Professor Office: Chapel #10

Office Hours: 12:30-2:30 & by appt

Cell: 817 524-5901Office: 817 461-8741, Ext. 132


The mission of ArlingtonBaptistCollege is to prepare men and women for Christian life and ministries, both lay and professional, through studies in Bible, general education, church vocations, and practical service, integrating faith and learning in a context of a Christian world view.


Education in the Secondary School includes curriculum planning at the secondary level; the philosophy, organization, and management of grades 6-12; legal and ethical aspects; instructional resources; appropriate assessment; and working with families of secondary students. Emphasis is placed upon exploring sound secondary curriculum and instructional practices as well as exploring positive and productive secondary learning environments. Special attention is given to developing and refining instructional skills needed to provide instructional strategies for teaching subjects at the secondary level as described in Texas essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Field experience is required.


As the instructor, I will:

  • Introduce the concept of “Middle School” as a part of the secondary setting
  • Explore the uniqueness and necessity of “Middle School”
  • Explore the development of adolescents
  • Demonstrate and explore the characteristics of middle school students as well as high school students
  • Explore the curriculum and instructional practices of a sound secondary school education
  • Explore the creation and maintenance of a positive and productive secondary learning environment


As the student you will:

  • Become familiar with the characteristics of middle schoolers as well as high schoolers
  • Explore several reform initiatives that have recently changed the education of secondary students
  • Interview a secondary school administrator and gain his/her perspective on secondary education
  • Observe and interview a secondary teacher and gain his/her perspective on secondary education
  • Observe and interview a middle school student and gain his/her perspective on secondary education
  • Explore the designing of programs to involve parents and paraprofessionals in the learning process in the learning process of secondary students


As a responsible teacher-in-training, you will more specifically:

  • List the characteristics for “middle schoolers” as well as “high schoolers”
  • Identify the many challenges and issues that affect the education of secondary students
  • Be able to create a student-centered unit of study that is specific to one area of specialization
  • Be able to design an “ideal” secondary classroom
  • Be able to develop a program for including parents and paraprofessionals in the learning process
  • Discuss and share observations and interviews with secondary administrators, teachers, and students


Middle and High School Teaching: Methods, Standards, and Best Practices by James A. Duplass, Houghton Mifflin, 2006 ISBN 0-618-43575-1.


Attendance and Participation

Each of you is expected to attend and participate in class activities and discussion. We will be discussing very important information that will serve to benefit you in your teacher education. Therefore, you are allowed to miss only two class sessions before point deduction is applied. For every absence beyond two, there will be a total of three points deducted from your final grade.

*******Late work Policy: work is due in class on the date designated unless other wise stated by the professor. Late work is subject to the following: 1 day late- 10% from point total. 2 days late – 25% from point total, 3 days late- GRADE OF 0.


  • Student Interview: During the semester you will interview a secondary student. You will have a questionnaire from which to work. The interview is to be typed, a minimum of 2 pages long, and shared with your peers in class. POINTS: 100
  • Reform Proposal Paper: After choosing a secondary school reform issue to investigate, you will write a 3 page research paper. This paper must be typed, double spaced, and 12cpi. You will be expected to share with your peers what you have learned.


  • Field Experience Journal: You will record your observations and reflections of your field experience in 9 journal entries. A format for your journal will be provided for you in class. All nine entries are to follow this format and are to be typed. Two-thirds of your grade on this assignment will come from the journal and one-third will come from your discussion of your experience. POINTS: 100
  • Administrator Interview: During your field experience, you will interview one of the administrators of the school. You will have a questionnaire from which to work. The interview is to be typed, a minimum of 2 pages long and shared with your peers.


  • Teacher interview: During your field experience, you will interview one of the teachers that you observe. You will have a questionnaire from which to work. The interview is to be typed, a minimum of 2 pages long and shared with your peers. POINTS: 100
  • Discipline Philosophy Paper: After reading your text, participating in class discussions, and doing research, you will write a three page or more philosophy paper on the disciplining of adolescents in a school setting. This is not a research paper;therefore, it is to be written in first person. You are to support your position with a minimum of 5 scriptures. POINTS: 50
  • Class Notes: All chapters are to be outlined by you during the semester. Class discussions will cover portion of the notes. However, it is understood that time constraints do not permit completion of all outline during class. Therefore, it is your responsibility to complete the remainder of the outline during your own studies of the text material. POINTS: 50
  • Secondary Scenarios/Role Playing Projects: You will be given a list of very specific discipline problems that occur in the classroom. You will be given a description of the problem/situation and a list of contributing facts. You are responsible for the problem solving part of the situation. Your job is to give a step-by-step, workable solution to the problem. You will be given from 15-20 minutes in class to present your problem solving solution. The number of scenarios will be announced in class after the enrollment numbers are set. POINTS: 100
  • Tests: Two tests will be administered during the semester. They will cover material from the text and class discussion.

POINTS: 200 (100 per test)

  • Final Exam: A final examination will be given that cover the entire course. POINTS: 100
  • Attendance: POINTS: 50


Notebooks will be graded at the end of the course:

  • No notebook: minus 10 points on final grade
  • Good notebook: plus 5 points on final grade
  • Excellent notebook: plus 10 points on final grade

The difference in good and excellent is at the professor’s discretion.


Date / Topic / Reading Homework Assignment / Assignments Due
Aug 27 / Syllabus;
Application for Field Experience / Unit 1, Topics 1-3
Aug 30
Sept 1
Sept 3

Sept 6 / The Teaching Profession; Challenges for New Teachers; Standards Based Education
LABOR DAY HOLIDAY / Unit 1, Topics 4-5
Sept 8 & 10 / The Middle School Environment and The High School Environment / Unit 2, Topics 6-7
Sept 13 / Learning Theories and Principles
Student and Teacher Dispositions to Learning / Unit 2, Topics 8-10
15 / Teaching in a Diverse Classroom
Teacher and Student Communication
Inspiring and Motivating Middle and High School Students / Prepare for Test #1
17 / TEST # 1
20 / Student Interviews presented in class / Topics 11 & 12 / Student Interview due
22 / Defining Knowledge; General and Content Area Literacy / Unit 3, Topics 13,14
24 / Reading Approaches for Content Area Reading; Writing Approaches for Content Area Reading / Topics 21,22
27 / Active Learning Strategies; Concept Formation / Topic 23
29 / Direct and Indirect Instruction / Topics 24 & 25
Oct 1 / Critical Thinking and Reasoning; Selected Models of Instructional Approaches / Prepare for Test #2
Oct 4 / Test # 2 / Prepare for presentation of Reform Proposal Research Paper
6 / Present Reform Proposal Paper in Class / Reform Proposal Due
15 / Understanding Poverty
Nov 1 / Field Experience Journals Presented in Class
3 / Administrator Interviews Presented in Class
5 / Teacher Interviews Presented in Class
8 / Discipline Scenarios
10 / Discipline Scenarios
12 / Discipline Scenarios
15 / Discipline Scenarios
17 / Discipline Scenarios
19 / Discipline Scenarios
22 / ACSI Conference
24-26 / Thanksgiving Holidays / Topic 18
29 / Preparing for the First Day of Class / Topics 26 - 36
Dec 1 / Reports on Methods of Instruction
3 / Reports on Methods of Instruction / Prepare to Present Discipline Paper
Dec 6 / Present Discipline Papers / Prepare Classnotes to present
8 / Classnotes due
10 / Review for Final Exam
13-17 / FINALS