Dukes County Commissioners


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

4:00 p.m.

Dukes County Administration Building

9 Airport Road, Edgartown, MA

Dukes County Commissioners (DCC): David Holway – Chair, Gretchen Tucker Underwood – Vice Chair,Bob Zeltzer, Christine Todd, Tristan Israel, andLeon Brathwaite

County Staff Present: Martina Thornton – County Manager, Connie Andrade – Asst. to County Manager, Noreen Mavro Flanders – County Treasurer

Others: Joanie Ames – MVTV, Bob Ogilvie – MV Airport Commission, Kristin Zern – MV Airport Commission, Rob Hannaman – Cape & Vineyard Cooperative (CLC) Alternate Representative, Richard Michelson – MV Airport Commission, Ann Crook – MV Airport Manager, Massachusetts State Representative Dylan Ferandes, Paulo DeOliviera – Register of Deeds

David called the DCC meeting to order at 4:00PM.


Tristan/Christine made a motion to approve the December 7, 2016 minutes as presented. So voted. Leon yes, Gretchen yes, Christine yes, Tristan yes, Bob abstains. Motion carries.

Massachusetts State Representative Dylan Fernandes:

State Representative Dylan Fernandes said he is a resource for grants and money from the state. He gave the DCC a brief history of the bills he is currently sponsoring and co-sponsoring.

Airport Update – Don Ogilvie:

Don gave the DCC an update on the Airport finances; noting changes in management and computer software upgrades.

2017 Appointments:

The DCC had a discussion regarding the advertising of the Assoc. Commissioners and would like Martina to write a letter to the editor in an effort to attract more candidates for Assoc. Commissioner for Disabled Affairs and the Dukes County Housing Authority.The DCC would also like to establish a procedure for advertising the appointments.

Cape Light Compact (CLC) Update- Rob Hannaman:

Rob said he will give the DCC monthly reports. CLC was formed under an inter-governmental agreement and gets many of the services through Barnstable County. Recently, Barnstable County has decided they do not want to be in that arrangement any longer. The State has allowed a new form of multi-municipal incorporation, which is called the Joint Powers Entities Agreement. The DCC would like Rob to research the benefits of remaining in the program.There was a request for John Alley, the DCC representative for the CLC board to give a presentation to the County Commissioners.

Substance Use Disorder – Update of Progress – Christine Todd:

Christine gave the DCC an update on the list of 10 initiatives that Governor Baker established. She would like the DCC to pursue more use of MVTV and newspapers through ads. A discussion was held. Gretchen would like to invite the VTA to discuss the possible use of Narcan on public buses.

Manager’s Report:

  • Courthouse Oil Tank Replacement: The cost was $7,164.57. The County Advisory Board (CAB) approved the transfer of funds from the Unreserved Fund Balance.

Tristan/Christine made a motion to transfer $7,164.57 from the Unreserved Fund Balance to the Courthouse Maintenance line. So voted. All in favor. Motion carries.

  • Administration Building Heating System: The Administration Building needed emergency repairs and will ask the DCC for funding if needed.
  • Pointin Time Count for the Homeless: The results were ten individuals of which six were sheltered. Four were living outside. Since June of last year, 25 people have been identified as homeless.
  • Youth Task Force: The County renewed the contract for the Youth Task Force federal grant. They annually receive $125K.
  • The Greenhouse (formally known as COMSOG): They are asking for a letter of support for grants to upgrade and put in a new roof and fence.
  • Food Summit: Approximately 30% of the Island children are on subsidized lunches and there is concern about what happens to those children when they are not in school. The Boys and Girls Club is helping to address access to food after school. Oak Bluffs school offers backpacks with snacksfor children to take home on the weekends. The food pantry is also working on a program to supply food to the children that receive summer scholarships.
  • Airport Procurement: The County is working with the Airport to possibly have a joint procurement officer.
  • State Beach: The County is utilizing the sand from the recent dredging in Oak Bluffs on State Beach.

Old Business:

  • Eastville Beach: Christine and Tristan have agreed on where they would like to put the Eastville Beach sign. Tristan said there’s a new park on the Tisbury side and would like to expand the Eastville Beach Committee. They would like to approach Tisbury and Oak Bluffs. The DCC would like them to bring a proposal to the next meeting.
  • FY2017 Budget: Noreen said half way through the year. Revenue and Expenditures are on track.
  • FY2018 Budget: The DCC would like to have a FY2018 Budget Subcommittee meeting on March 1st at 2:00pm.

New Business:

Leon/Gretchen made a motion to adjourn the meeting. So voted. All in favor. Motion carries

DCC meeting was adjourned at 5:15PM

Certified by:


JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO JR., Clerk of the Courts

Documents presented at the meeting and part of the Official Records:

  • Agenda
  • Destigmatizing Substance Abuse Disorder Fact Sheet
  • DLS Massachusetts Department of Revenue Equalized Value for Weighted Vote
  • Letter from Dr. Charles Hodge for Substance Abuse
  • House Bill Regarding “An Act of deeds excise receipts”
  • 2016-2017 General Fund Revenue and Expense Spreadsheet

DCC Minutes 2-1-2017 Approved 1