December 13, 2002


Ralph Saxton WA Chapter, President

Cheri Hendricks WA Chapter, President-Elect

Bill Chaput WA Chapter, Treasurer

Debra Fulton WA Chapter, Secretary

Ed Peters WA Chapter, Past President

Jay Peterson WA Chapter

Merle Kirkley International Board Member


Ralph Saxton called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.


The Board accepted the minutes from the November 8, 2002 Chapter Board Meeting.


A. Treasurer’s Report:

Bill Chaput presented the Treasurer’s Report showing a current balance of $49,545.52.

The Board accepted the Treasurer’s Report as submitted.

B. Membership:

The member holiday reception was well attended. Comments for next year included: try not to schedule same date as AIA reception, provide nametags, and officers act more as hosts to new members

Ralph and Cheri will continue to follow up with new attendees to the November dinner meeting. Billing for no-show reservations was discussed and the Board decided to continue the practice of consistently billing for no shows.

C. Research/Web Site

No items were discussed.

D. Scholarships

Merle indicated that members are expressing some interest in the scholarship program. Funding of local scholarships will depend upon approval in the operational budget.

E. Washington Conference 2003

Cheri reported on the December 6 program committee meeting. Several topics were developed in the three tracks, and committee members have been assigned the task of developing the top ideas into seminar topics. (See attached report)

Significant discussion followed regarding the inclusion of WASA members in the conference. As it currently stands, WASA plans to schedule their program on Wednesday morning April 2 with WASA attendees joining the CEFPI school tours in the afternoon. Registration fees and the monetary split are still open for discussion as is the possibility that CEFPI could organize the morning session for WASA. Ralph and Merle will work with John Dekker to finalize the details.

An interim conference committee meeting was scheduled for January 8 at 4 p.m. at the Edgewater Hotel. The next conference program committee is scheduled for January 10 at 10 a.m. before the Board meeting.


A. Northwest Energy Standards:

The Board agreed that Ralph should send a letter to the Northwest Alliance encouraging them to proceed with the development of a sustainable standard for schools in the northwest and requesting that they include the members of the CEFPI energy committee on the group developing the proposed standards. Ralph agreed to draft a letter for Board review and comment.

B. School Building Day:

No report.

C. Management Budget:

Ed Peters presented a draft management budget for Board consideration. Revenue losses were noted in the areas of the reduced mailing fee and the elimination of the WASA conference resulting in a decrease from the architectural exhibits. The travel budget may not be sufficient as the Chapter may have commitments for officer and Governor travel. Merle will clarify the degree of commitment so a better budget figure can be developed. After discussion of the apparent draw down of the cash balance, it was decided to table adoption of the budget pending more specific historic data on expenses to be developed by Cheri.

D. Committees:

No report.


A. Newsletter:

The Board approved to following newsletter advertisement rates:

Ralph, I never got the attachment from Gretchen, could you send me the detail so I can fill this in? Thanks.

B. 2004 Conference:

Ralph and Merle will check out hotels in the Vancouver/Portland area over the holidays.

C. Design Build for K-12.

The Board has been asked to consider supporting design build as an option for for K-12 school construction. There was not much interest in developing support for such a proposal at this time.

D. Report on Alaska conference.

Ralph reported on his recent attendance at the Alaska CEFPI conference.

E. Up-coming Regional/National conferences.

Discussion centered around the upcoming “Building Green Learning Environments” conference. In light of the Chapter’s interest in sustainability, it was decided that a Board member should be sponsored to attend the conference.

The Board approved a motion to send Cheri Hendricks to the Building Green Learning Environments conference.


The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted

Debra M. Fulton
