IHI Virtual Expedition: Putting Your Patient Experience Data to Work

Session 6: Hot Topics in Patient Experience Data

Tuesday, April 25, 2017 | 12:00 PM- 1:00 PM ET

Chat Log:

Roberta Mori: Sounds good this is Sutter Health

Lyn Evans: Lyn Berghuis, MHR - EMS Survey Team, Lansing, MI

Michelle Moorehead: Michelle Moorehead NYU Langone Patient Relations

Daniela Urma: Daniela Urma - Lahey Hospital - available resources for pt satisfactions

Stephen Maffei: Steve Maffei, Methodist Health System

Dale Backlin: Dale Backlin - Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region

Margaret Frantz: Margaret Frantz, St. John's Episcopal Hospital

Roberta Mori: Roberta Mori and Morgan Horward, Mike Kasparian we tested an Emotional Journey map with 11 patients and realized we could gather a great deal of information but our format needs some adjusting

Kevin Little: Kevin Little, IHI Improvement Advisor, reminded about the power of "Go See" Rounding to understand Patient Experience, tied to fast feedback

Matteo Steiner: Matteo Steiner at St. john's medical center in Jackson, WY - I found the tracking of the fast feedback input helpful in mapping the overall patient experience

Lyn Evans: I appreciate the validation of what success looks like and what is important in this journey.

Kevin Little: Cheri is a colleague on the IHI Pursuing Equity project, nine health care organizations committed to equity and reducing health disparities as a strategic priority

Lynette Puccinelli: Natividad Medical Center Team, Salinas CA

Kevin Little: For those organizations that do not yet have leaders doing rounding and practicing "Go See", that is a huge opportunity to have them get a better grasp of both patient experience and staff experience

Kevin Little: Tying back staff vitality and staff safety to patient experience: e.g. focus on reducing staff injuries and promoting safety practice and culture translates into greater safety for patients (or residents in skilled rehab/nursing facilities)

Kevin Little: The three questions on the slide are the questions of the Model for Improvement, then link to test cycles

Kevin Little: Remember the power of open ended questions to complement the typical YES NO or rank order survey questions.

Kevin Little: Anticipating Cheri's presentation, looking at differential responses across sub groups of your patients

Kevin Little: has a quality improvement perspective: Stratify your patient experience data by important attributes to reveal important differences.

Kevin Little: No perfect data exist, sometimes search for perfect data and ideal displays can get in the way of actually making changes to improve performance. Our emphasis in this expedition of course has been on the data side of things--but data needs to be linked to changes to work flow....

Angela Zambeaux (IHI): The audio the video will come through the speakers on your computer

Lyn Evans: Vulnerable, scary, frustrating....

Matteo Steiner: What are the privacy issues with communicating the experience through the interpreter?

Lynette Puccinelli: Our team is wondering why were they so late with obtaining an interpreter?

Daniela Urma: The bedside nurse , using iPads, could signal need to communicate better with MD- using fast feedback and teach back family can get the needed education

Kris White: The key is obtaining a qualified interpreter! There are so many good resources now than in years past- then there are no HIPPA issues.

Kris White: ....or family- which is also inappropriate. Medical terminology is easily misunderstood without qualified medical interpreters.

Daniela Urma: no

Mary Swimley: Age, gender

Matteo Steiner: Not sure if this is what you mean but: inpatient outpatient clinics

Lyn Evans: Our portal allows clients to break results down by age, gender, and payer. Other variables are being explored to bring greater value to clients. We have many different comparative database options.

Kevin Little: Even with small n, if quarter after quarter there are persistent differences in response rates or answers to specific experience questions, that's a signal to consider.....and an opportunity to improve by targeting interventions to patient groups that have poorer experience

Kris White: While at Spectrum Health, we purposefully recruited LEP patients onto our councils- AND we had an interpreter present to allow the LEP PFAs to fully participate.

Kevin Little: "Purposeful sampling" of patient population--a simple random sample might miss important subgroups--there are methods like "stratified random sampling" that guarantee selecting patients for survey in different groups

Rebecca Goldberg: Look out for an Expedition on pursuing equity starting in October! It is not in market yet, but will be in June.

Angela Zambeaux(IHI):We will share the links for both videos!