This document is not an application form; it is a replica of the application in the Investment Management System (IMS) Portal and is intended for use in preparation of your Callaghan Innovation R&D Grant application. Before completing all sections please take time to read the funding agreement which is available from your account manager.

When you are ready to apply, cut and paste the information into IMS under the relevant sections – please do not submit or upload this form. Before you submit your proposal check you have completed all sections that appear in the side bar in IMS. If you have any questions please ask for assistance.

general information

Print and submit

Talk to us first
Callaghan Innovation strongly advises Applicants to discuss their proposed R&D Growth Grant BEFORE preparing an Application to ensure that they are eligible for funding. Contact your Callaghan Innovation Account Manager or phone Callaghan Innovation on 0800 4 CALLAGHAN.
The Ministerial Direction sets out the rules for Business R&D Grants.
Funding Contract
Your Application will form part of your Funding Agreement with Callaghan Innovation. We advise that you read the Funding Agreement before you submit your Application.
Need help?
For information about your Application please discuss with your Account Manager. For technical support relating to the portal email or phone 0800 477 8326 between 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday and Friday.
Next steps
For additional information and forms, please visit our website
Section 1: Applicant Information

1.1 Application Summary

Investment area: / R&D Growth
Contracting organisation: / The contracting organisation is the Applicant Business ("Business"), who will be responsible for signing the Funding Agreement, should this Application be successful.
Enter text here
Postal and Courier addresses: / Enter text here
Estimated Growth grant funding over 3 years: / You can extract this information from the Financial Forecast Template (Section 3.1).
Enter text here
Application Title: / Please use a brief project title that is not commercially sensitive. If your Application is approved, project title, business name, funding type and value will become public information.
Enter text here
Statistics New Zealand Industry Code (ANZSIC06V1.0): / Please provide the most appropriate Industry Code for your business. Refer to the Classification Code Finder on Statistic New Zealand’s website.
Enter text here

1.2 Key Contacts

Please add a Contact Person and Financial Liaison Contact. (A Contact can have multiple roles.)The Financial Liaison Contact should be the person responsible for the Report and Claim Template and financial information.Also, please enter the CEO, CTO/CSO and CFO (or equivalent roles) as a Key Individuals.

Enter text here

1.3 Bank Account

Please enter your Bank Account details and provide evidence of the bank account information you have entered.
e.g. scanned bank deposit slip or screenshot form online banking. Please ensure that the bank account name and detail can be clearly seen on the documentation provided.
Enter text here
Section 2: Business Eligibility

2.1 Business Eligibility

a) Please confirm that your business is an eligible business entity.
A Company registered under the Companies Act 1993
A Limited Partnership registered under the Limited Partnerships Act 2008
A Maori incorporation or a trust established under Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993
A trust established on behalf of Maori claimants to receive and manage assets as part of the settlement of a claim under the Treaty of Waitangi.
A Maori statutory body.
A business that is controlled by one or more of these types of Maori entities.
Enter text here
b) If your business is a Māori Trust or a Māori statutory body, please identify the Act under which your business was established.
Enter text here
c) Are you aware of any issues (past, current or potential) relating to your business, its Owners or Directors (or equivalent), or your products or services that could bring New Zealand's or Callaghan Innovation’s reputation into disrepute?
If yes, outline the issues:
Maximum of 200 words, bullet points preferred
Enter text here
a) Does your business or any of the businesses in your group have an active R&D Funding Agreement with Callaghan Innovation?
Enter text here

2.2 Shareholder Information

Please list all shareholders or partners with equal to or greater than a 5% ownership, for Limited Liability Companies, Maori Incorporations and Limited Liability Partnerships
Shareholder name
Shareholder residency (NZ or Foreign)
Shareholding percentage

Enter text here

2.3 Governance Details

Please list all the directors, members of Committees of Management, Responsible Trustees or board members of the entity (referred to below as “directors”).
Director name
Director type (Executive or Non-Executive)
Years as a Director
Director shareholding percentage
Resident in NZ (Y/N)

Enter text here

2.4 Board Experience

a) Comment on the experience of your Board, or equivalent.
Enter text here
Section 3: Research and Development Intensity (RDI) Eligibility

3.1 Financial Forecast Template

Download Template (available within IMS)

3.2 RDI Table

a) Enter data from the Financial Forecast Template for the previous two years in the table below.
The business must still complete this if applying for a Transitional Growth Grant.
Financial Year / Eligible R&D expenditure / R&D Intensity (RDI) %

3.3 RDI Eligibility

Based on the calculations in the Financial Forecast Template (Section 3.1).
In each of the previous two financial years has the business:
a) Spent $300,000 (excl. GST) or more on eligible R&D expenditure?
Enter text here
b) Had R&D Intensity (RDI%) of greater than 1.5%?
Enter text here
c) If no, to one of the above questions, the business can apply for a Transitional Growth Grant.
There are two scenarios where a business can apply for a Transitional Growth Grant
1. Where the business has NOT YET met the minimum spend or RDI requirements, but plans to do so within the next 12 months; and/or
2. Where the business probably HAS met the minimum spend and RDI requirements but has not historically separated R&D expenditure in their Financial Statements.
Please discuss with your Account Manager.
Upload a Letter of intent, required if applying as a Transitional Growth Grant. (A Template of the letter is available in IMS).
Section 4: R&D Capability

4.1 Experience in R&D

a) R&D strengths
Provide an overview of your business' internal R&D capabilities and resources.
Maximum of 200 words, bullet points preferred
Enter text here
b) External R&D resources
Summarise the key external technical and scientific expertise that you involve in your R&D Programme. e.g. research organisations, other companies, experts etc.
Maximum of 200 words, bullet points preferred
Enter text here
a) Recent successes
Summarise your recent R&D achievements.
Please outline the process and resulting product and/or service, outline at what stage the product has currently reached, for example, alpha or beta testing, pre-commercialisation trials and then, if appropriate describe the impact of that product or service on its market; what sales have been achieved and revenues earned. Comment on its prospects in the future.
Maximum of 200 words, bullet points preferred
Enter text here

4.2 R&D 3 Year Programme

a) R&D 3 Year Programme
Please download the R&D Programme Template, input your data, save the file and upload.
Prepare a high-level plan covering the key objectives in your R&D Programme for the next three years.
The R&D Programme must include a series of objectives (the key activities) each with a work plan (description of the work to be done) start and end dates, and a deliverable (defines the desired result).
b) Summarise your business strategy and identify your business goals over the next three years.
Maximum of 200 words, bullet points preferred
Enter text here
c) How does your R&D Programme impact on your business goals, identified above?
Maximum of 200 words, bullet points preferred
Enter text here
d) What impact will receiving R&D Growth Grant funding have on your R&D Programme, including the size and vision of the R&D Programme, deliverables, new hires and use of external resources.
Maximum of 200 words, bullet points preferred
Enter text here
e) Describe the risks in your R&D Programme and explain how these will be mitigated.
Maximum of 200 words, bullet points preferred
Enter text here
Section 5: Management Information

5.1 Management Information

a) Management Team
Describe the capabilities and experience of the members of your commercial management team, including their current roles.
Maximum of 200 words, bullet points preferred
Enter text here
b) R&D Management Team
Describe the capabilities and experience of the members of your R&D management team, including their current roles.
Maximum of 200 words, bullet points preferred
Enter text here

5.2 Group Structure

a) Is the business part of a corporate group?
If no, move to Section 6.1
If yes, continue.
Maximum of 200 words, bullet points preferred
Enter text here
b) Does the business have financial commitments to any members of the group?
If yes, please provide comment.
Enter text here
c) Is the business 50% or more beneficially owned by overseas interests?
If yes, please describe your ownership structure. Note: A guarantee will be required from the ultimate parent.
Maximum of 200 words, bullet points preferred
Enter text here
d) Prepare and upload a diagram of your group structure that shows:
• Ultimate holding entity business (note if overseas owned), and
• Any businesses in the group structure that has strategic and financial autonomy, and
• Parents, subsidiaries or sister businesses, and
• Show ownership percentages.
(There is an example of a group structure diagram provided in IMS)
Section 6: Financial Information

6.1 Financial Information Table

Please enter the previous two years financial information for the Applicant entity (NZ$ excl. GST).
Financial Year / Total revenue: / Net profit before taxation (NPBT): / Exports revenue: / R&D spend: / Staff (FTE): / R&D staff (FTE):
$0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
$0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Comment on your business' revenue for the last two financial years.
Please note any significant issues or changes (both positive and negative) within your business that have affected these figures.
Maximum of 100 words
Enter text here

6.2 Additional Financial Information

a) Has your business been in compliance with all banking and financial covenants for the previous two financial years'? If no, please provide comment.
Maximum of 200 words, bullet points preferred
Enter text here
b) Have the business' financial statements been independently audited?
If yes, please answer c)
If no, go to Section 6.2
Enter text here
c) Was either of the previous two years' financial statements qualified? If yes, please upload your Audit Management Letter.
Enter text here

6.3 Review Certificate for a Growth Grant

The Applicant must provide a Review Certificate if it:
1.  Has provided unaudited Financial Statements or
2.  Applies the NZIFRS Differential Reporting or the NZIFRS Reduced Disclosure Regime and has not disclosed its R&D Expenditure as per IAS38, even if the financial statements have been audited.
The Review Certificate should be completed by an appropriately qualified Public Practising Chartered Accountant who is independent of the Applicant; i.e. not an employee. Your Callaghan Innovation Account Manager can provide further advice on obtaining a Review Certificate.
For more information and the Review Certificate Template, refer to Guidelines: Evidencing Eligible R&D and RDI for Growth Grants on the Callaghan Innovation website.

6.4 Financial Statements

Please upload the following:
1.  Financial Statements for the previous two financial years - Financial Position, Financial Performance and Statement of Cash flows
2.  Year-to-Date (YTD) Management Reports - Financial Performance and Financial Position.

6.5 Further Information

The following documents are not required initially but may be requested during the Assessment process. (Your Account Manager will contact you if this information is required):
·  Debtors and Creditors Ageing Report
·  Monthly Cash Flow Projection (for the duration of the project or a minimum of 12 months if the project is less than 12 months in duration, in excel format).
·  Order book information or revenue calculations
·  Parent Financial Statements
Section 7: Additional Information

7.1 Consultant

Did an external consultant assist with completing your Application?
Enter text here
The information below is a copy of the formal declaration that will appear when you submit your application.
You agree that by submitting this application to Callaghan Innovation, you declare and acknowledge the following:
·  I am authorised to submit the application on behalf of the applicant;
·  the applicant is a legal entity capable of entering into a contract with Callaghan Innovation;
·  the information in the application is true and correct;
·  information received and generated by Callaghan Innovation in relation to this application may be released by Callaghan Innovation in accordance with Callaghan Innovation’s external reporting requirements or if required by law, including in accordance with the requirements of the Official Information Act 1982 or the Privacy Act 1993.
·  consent to the disclosure of this application and all information relating to this application, to New Zealand Trade and Enterprises and regional business partners of Callaghan Innovation, for the purpose of improving the quality of shared customer engagement and service provision.
To submit your application, click the 'Submit to IMS' button in the 'Print and submit' section.