Mrs. Kim Swenson / Phone: 615-904-3800 ext. 29603
Siegel High School / Email:

Algebra 2 Honors/Advanced Honors

Course Description: Algebra II emphasizes polynomial, rational and exponential expressions, equations, functions, the complex number system, trigonometric functions, and statistics skills. Students build upon previous knowledge of equations and inequalities to reason, solve, and represent equations and inequalities numerically and graphically.

According to the State’s “Framework of Standards for Honors Courses,” all honors/advanced

honors must substantially exceed the content standards, learning expectations, & performance

indicators approved by the State. Teachers must model instructional approaches that facilitate

maximum interchange of ideas among students: independent study, self-directed research &

learning, and appropriate use of technology.

All students enrolled in Algebra 2 will take the TNReady assessment during the last quarter of the school year in the window April 16 – May 3.


1.  Be nice.

2.  Work Hard.

3.  Cell phones may only be used in class for educational purposes as designated by the instructor.

4.  Most Important Expectation: Come to class with a positive attitude. Remember whining does not help.

Incentives for following the classroom expectations: My sanity will remain intact. I will be happier; therefore, I will be nicer and able to instruct to my utmost potential. You will be happier and learn to your utmost potential. A positive classroom environment is so much more fun than a negative one! Yes, math class can be fun J.

Other Necessary Yet Boring Info

Grades: Assignments, quizzes, and tests make up total points. To determine your grade, divide total points received by total points possible. Students are expected to check and keep up with their grades through INOW. In this class, we are focused on learning.


·  All students will need to have a TI 83/TI 84 CALCULATOR for classroom and at home use. A classroom set is not available. We do have a limited number of calculators available for a lease cost of $25. Students who plan to lease, should fill out and submit a lease agreement form as soon as possible. The lease form is available from the course instructor. Students approved for free/reduced lunch will need to fill out and return the lease form to receive a calculator at no cost to the student.

·  Paper and pencil will be needed.

·  Organization is CRITICAL for success. You can choose your own organization method regarding binders. It is not necessary that you maintain a binder exclusively for this course but many of you may find it helpful. This is not required.

Extra Help:

I do expect that each student enrolled in the honors/ advanced honors courses will find it challenging at times. It is very easy to quickly fall behind. For that reason, please see me as soon as you feel that you need clarification of a topic we have discussed in class. I will schedule you into PI Time or we can schedule a convenient time to meet before school to answer your questions. Because the nature of this course will involve class discussion and investigation, good attendance is very important. When you find that you MUST be absent, it will be very beneficial for you to email me () using your school email. Many times, I will be able to respond to your email and attach the notes for the lesson you missed so that you do not fall behind.