Themeeting opened with the Dedication recited by the Chairman.

Pip welcomed Wg Cdr Geoff Davies RAF Rtd to the meeting.

There were 25 present and 19 apologies.

The minutes of the last meeting had been circulated electronically and hard copies were made available to those present not on e-mail.

Bryan pointed out that Alencon had been spelt wrongly and Bob that the date of the next meeting was wrong.

Following these amendments acceptance was proposed by Lynn, seconded by Maureen and carried.

Matters arising, 1. There were no matters arising.

Chairman’s report. 1.Bob & Gina and Lynn and Brendan attended the Annual Conference over the weekend 13/14th May. A report will be given by Lynn later in the meeting.

Secretary’s report. 1.The Armed Forces Day Flag-raising Ceremony will be on Monday 19th June. Lynn Duffy has been nominated to raise the flag. Anyone wishing to take partin the Parade should be in the War Memorial Park at 0945 for a briefing by the Royal British Region. The ceremony starts with the entrance of the Mayor at 10.28am. Branch members attending are invited to join the Mayor in his Parlour after the Ceremony for light refreshments.

Treasurer’s report.1. Lynngave the report, a copy of which is attached.

Welfare Officer’s report. 1. 3 new cases have been received. 1. A couple and their young daughter were forced to return from Germany when the privileges afforded the wife through her work for the US Armed Forces were withdrawn. He served 22 years in the RAF and stayed in Germany when he left the service. They had to live on the German economy which proved impossible. Large items of furniture had to be left behind and so they have asked for help from the RAF Benevolent Fund to purchase replacements when accommodation can be found in Newbury. 2. A gentleman who requires ‘third-party top-up’ to enable him to move into a more suitable room in his Nursing Home. 3. A gentleman who requires some form of financial assistance to help him with his mobility. The exact details are not known at this stage.

Regional Rep’s report. Ilene gave her report. 1. There were 5 Officers, 10 Delegates and 7 Visitors present. 2. The balance of the account stands at £1,597:14 as at 20th May. 3. The new Area Director Gp Capt Ailsa Gough RAF Rtd is settling in and those who have had dealings with her have found her to be very amenable and enthusiastic. 4. The Data Protection Act is still causing concern. Members of Area Council are making representations to HQ for clarifications on several points. 5. Attendance at our Area Conference was very poor with only 30 branches sending Delegates. This equates to 24% of the total number of branches. This figure compares with 60% at the Wales, Midlands & South West Conference, 69% at the Scottish & N Ireland and 45% at the Northern. It is hoped this will improve next year when we visit Peterborough. 6. 50% of the personnel serving in the RAF are now members of the Association. 7. A National event to commemorate RAF100 will take place in London on 10th July next year. It will consist of a march down the Mall and a service at Westminster Abbey. 8. The Region Garden Party will be on Sat 1st July. It will after all be a shared buffet but it will be laid out in the lounge instead of being outside. So please bring along your contribution and your chairs and tables. Raffle prizes will be welcome. 12.0 noon start with lunch at 1.0. 9. The Autumn Social will be held at the Worthies Club on Wed 11th Oct.

The next Region meeting will be on Sat 12th Aug starting at 12.30pm.

Gliding Scholarship. Simon gave an update.The deadline for applications was end May. There have been 6 applicants. These will be shortlisted to 3 and then sent to the branch. It will then be up to the committee to select the winner. The Station Commander has asked to see the result before an announcement is made. It is intended that the applicant will achieve the goal this year. Maximum publicity will be given via Facebook, websites etc.

RAFALO’s report. Simon said the station had been extremely busy during the recent bombings. An aircraft was on ½ hour standby at one stage.

Sgt Stewart Gibson wants to take an active role and hopes to encourage personnel to our Social Evening. Simon is now Acting Chairman of the RAF Odiham RAFALO Committee.

ATC Report. Graeme gave the report. The AGM has been held. One member of the CivCom has left and the Treasurer is leaving next year. This will leave 3 members on the committee. The Squadron is extremely active preparing for Wing Activity Day.

Social Secretary’s Report. Future events were discussed. The Social Diary is attached.

Social evening on Wed 21st June will go ahead starting at 7.30pm. A buffet will be available at £7 per head. It was proposed by Maureen, seconded by Jim and carried that all costs come from the Social Fund. There will be a raffle.

TAG Tour of Farnborough. Bryan gave an update on travel arrangements, the tour itself and the lunch following the tour. Most details are now finalised.

Runnymede/Poppy Factory. Bryan gave the latest details. The minibus has been organised by Steve and will leave Alencon Link at 10.0am. Bryan said he needs payment by the July meeting as the lunch must be paid for in advance.

Wings Appeal.No change from last month’s statement.

Annual Conference. In Bob’s absence Lynn read his report. A copy is attached.

Any other business. 1. Frank Connolly informed the meeting that the funeral of Eddie Andrews will take place on Thurs 22nd June at 10.15am.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.50hrs. The next meeting will be on Monday 3rd July 2017.

Post meeting note. The raffle raised £52:00.