The Growth of American Nationalism


Part A – The Rise of Nationalism

You’ll need your textbook, The Enduring Vision for this part of the assignment. For each topic, (a) summarize the information in the section, and (b) analyze the extent to which the subject may have led to the growth of American nationalism in the first half of the 19th century.

1. Madison’s Nationalism and the Era of Good Feelings (pg. 247-248)





2. Federal Land Policy (pg. 262-263)





3. The Transportation Revolution: Steamboats, Canals and Railroads (pg. 264-268)







4. The Growth of Cities (pg. 269-270).





5. Causes of Industrialization (pg. 271)





6. Do any of the above subjects suggest possible obstacles or conflicts to the growth of American nationalism? Explain.





Part B – Challenges to Unity?

You’ll need your textbook, The Enduring Vision for this part of the assignment. For each topic, (a) summarize the information in the section, and (b) analyze the extent to which the subject may have led to a decline in the growth of American nationalism in the first half of the 19th century.

1. The Missouri Compromise (pg. 249-251)





2. The Removal of Indians (pg. 259-261)





3. What events and what years seem to denote a shift from unity (nationalism and the Era of Good Feelings) to disunity (sectionalism between North, South and possibly West)?





Part C – The Missouri Compromise

Refer to American Spirit (Volume I) readings to answer the following questions:

“Representative Taylor Reviles Slavery” (pg. 214-216)

1. What Southern arguments against the Tallmadge amendment does Senator Taylor refer to?





2. Why does Representative Taylor think the amendment would be helpful to poorer, laboring Americans?





“Representative Pinckney Upholds Slavery” (pg. 216-218)

1. What are the two most compelling arguments made by Representative Pinckney?





2. If you had been an anti-slavery representative in Congress, how would you have responded to this speech?













Part D – The Splintering of National Unity

All readings refer to your textbook The Enduring Vision

A. Panic of 1819 – pg. 264

1.  What were the causes of the Panic of 1819?



2.  Why did the Panic lead to a decrease in American nationalism?



B. Election of 1824 – (pgs. 287-288)

1. While the Election of 1824 suggests an increase in American Nationalism – this election saw high voter participation, and “the people” were clamoring for a larger voice – many point to the Election of 1824 as the one of the first signs of a visible splintering of unity. Explain how this election could be seen as a sign of divisiveness in the United States.





C. The North and South Diverge – (pgs. 349-351)

1. By the early 1820s the North and South were becoming significantly different. Discuss at least THREE ways the North and South were different. How would these differences present a roadblock to national unity.



