Reading Log Notebook Entries “Book Chapters”

A Step by Step Guide

*After you finish reading your book, you are ready to create a “book chapter” in your Reading Log notebook! This book chapter holds all your evidence of learning (e.o.l.), which are your post-it notes…and remember, you must create 3 post-it’s a night while reading!!

Step 1: Tape or stapleyour daily reading log onto the next fresh page.

Step 2: Tape in all the post-it notes you collected through the reading on the next clean page after your daily reading log.

Step 3: Write a 1 ½ to 2 page review/reflection for the book. You must give me a summary of the books main events. Tell me if you liked the book or not, and why? Give it a rating out of five stars: 1 star being very disappointing, and 5 stars being EXCELLENT. Tell me if you learned anything from the book you read. Would you recommend this book to another student? Why or why not?

Step 4: Return your book to the classroom library. You are ready to check out a new book and start a new daily reading log!

* You must complete a minimum of 1 book chapter per month *

* You AND a parent MUST sign your reading log every single night *


I understand that I am required to read daily and record my reading on my reading log in my reading log notebook. I understand that I must also complete 3 post-it notes each night for my reading. The post-its will remain inside my novel until the completion of reading this novel. I also understand that I must complete 1 book chapter per month including my book review.

Student Signature: ______

I understand that my child is responsible to read & record evidence of learning from their reading on a daily basis on post-it notes. I also understand that my child MUST read at least one novel per month and complete a book review for each completed book. I understand that failure to do so will negatively affect their ELA grade.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Date: ______