Loggerheads Neighbourhood (Development)Plan Working Group

Terms of Reference


The Loggerheads Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group was formed in October 2015 following the Parish Council’s decision to progress with a Neighbourhood Plan and subsequent formal designation of Loggerheads parish area as a Neighbourhood Plan Area in September 2015.


The group is accountable to Loggerheads Parish Council.


Prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan to embrace the geographic area of Loggerheads Parish Council that will be supported by the community through the referendum process and be adopted by Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council.

Powers to act

The group may take whatever actions are deemed appropriate to deliver the viable Neighbourhood Development Plan, taking account of the specific constraints described in the Terms of Reference.

Appointment of members

The membership of the group shall as a core comprise:

  • Two Councillors to represent each Ward (Ashley, Tyrley and Mucklestone) and three for Loggerheads.

(The Parish Council shall have the power to revise representation and may appoint more or less than the initial number).

The Group may appoint any other person that its membership believes will support the delivery of the project and no limitations are placed upon appointments.

Membershipof the group is not limited by number or geography so as not to restrict the availability of expertise.


The Group will:

  • Undertake the process using evidence-based, transparent and fair methods.
  • Encourage theexpression of all opinions and ideas.
  • Adopt a positive and supportive attitude
  • Encourage people who live in the Parish the opportunity to inform and shape the process.
  • Make the creation of the Neighbourhood Development Plana positive and constructive process that will help improve quality of life and strengthen the community.
  • Refrain fromactions that may bring the integrity or reputation of the Parish Council or the work of the group into disrepute.

Meeting arrangements

The Group may nominate a chairperson for each meeting or may appoint a permanent chairperson.

The group should nominate a person to keep notes of each meeting to include decisions and action points.

A minimum of 4 persons shall be necessary for a quorum at a meeting, with at least one member present being a Parish Councillor.

Agendas and notes of meetings will be made publicly available through the Parish Council website.

The Group will formally report to the Parish Council every three months.


Loggerheads Parish Council will be accountable for the proper approval of expenditure and will act in accordance with its Financial Regulations.

The group will prepare a budget and make requests for expenditure to the Parish Council.

The group will identify sources of funding.

The group will prepare applications for funding and present them to the Parish Council whichwill be responsible for submitting formal applications for funding.

The group has no power to incur expenditure or to commit to financial expenditure or to commit the Parish Council to expenditure.


The following tasks will be undertaken, in addition to any others which may become necessary as the Plan progresses:

  • Prepare a project plan to set out how the group will create the Neighbourhood Development Plan.
  • Publicise the intention to produce a Neighbourhood Development Plan.
  • Identify costs associated with delivering the plan.
  • Inform and engage the community and publicise all subsequent activities and progress.
  • Meet regularly to agree actions and discuss issues that arise, in order that the process is dealt with in an efficient and timely manner.
  • Gather information.
  • Establish and understand the needs of residents and what the long-term vision or aspirations might be.
  • Decide upon and, if required, set up sub-groups to complete tasks.
  • Liaise with residents, partners and stakeholders.
  • Have regard to relevant national and local policies.
  • Develop a vision, objectives and policies for the area.
  • Consult as widely and thoroughly as is possible to ensure that the draft and final Neighbourhood Development Plan is representative of the views of the residents and respond to the results of consultation.
  • Set up a mechanism to inform interested residents of progress, e.g. monthly updates by email.
  • Encourage residents to sign up to a method of being provided with information.
  • Submit the Plan to Newcastle Borough Council.
  • After successful examination support the Parish Council in progressing the plan through to referendum.

Revision to the Terms of Reference

The group may make a request to the Parish Council to revise its Terms of Reference.

Dissolution of the Group

The Parish Council will determine when the group shall be dissolved.

Agreed 26th October 2015

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