Grade 9 Bible Long Range Plan 2014-2015

Focus: The focus of our study this year will be in developing a Christian Worldview. We have a legacy of Biblical teaching and a culture that was based on Judeo-Christin principals fr but much is changing in our world and changing rapidly.. The goal will be to look at how the Bible relates to all of life,. This journey will examine our views on theology, philosophy, biology, psychology, ethics, sociology, law, politics, economics and history. You will be challenged to compare our ideas about life with the ideas the come from the Bible.

Rational: In order to understand the ideas and culture around us we must first acknowledge the thinking that has brought us here. The rejection of the Bible in our modern culture will be examined and hopefully give us insight into how to respond to the current issues and problems that we encounter. Hopefully through this course students will come to understand and see the relationship that they enter into when they become Christians, the decline of the western world and how we can best fight the battle that we are currently facing. This course engages students to search for truth and deepen their understanding of the culture around us and the ideas that foster these false beliefs.

Overview: Scripture emphasis: Book of Ephesians

Outline of Course

Sept – Nov Unit 1 : Introduction: How the Bible relates to every area of our life

Theology: What is Gold like, and what difference does it make

Nov-Jan: Unit 2

Philosophy: What is reality, and how do we know what true?

Biology: How did life originate, and what difference does it make?

Psychology: What is the basic nature of humanity?

Feb – April: Unit 3

Ethics: What makes some things right and other things wrong?

Sociology: What is the basis for a healthy society?

Law: Are their certain principles that rule our world and our lives?

April-June :Unit 4

§  Politics: How should government be organized

§  Economics: What is the basis for making and spending money?

§  History: What is the flow of history and where is it going?

Course Evaluation:

Participation in class: 10%

Assignments/projects 40%

Bible memory 20%

Tests/Quizzes 30%

Supplies: Coiled ringed notebook and small binder for occasional worksheets

There will be a unit test after each topic covered.

Late assignments will be docked 10%

Bible memory will be at the end of each month.