CS 170Fall 2017Tentative Schedule41 classes


Aug 28
syllabus; 2.1 sets;
2.2 set operations / Aug 30
2.3 functions / Sept 1
2.4 sequences
Sept 4
Labor Day
no class / Sept 6
2.4 sums / Sept 8
2.4 sums;
2.6 matrices (briefly)
Sept 11
1.1 propositional logic; 1.2 applications / Sept 13
1.3 propositional equivalences / Sept 15
1.4 predicates & quantifiers
Sept 18
1.5 nested quantifiers / Sept 20
1.5 nested quantifiers;
1.6 rules of inference / Sept 22
1.6 rules of inference
Sept 25
1.7 introduction to proofs;
1.8 proof methods & strategy / Sept 27
3.1 algorithms (briefly);
3.2 growth of functions, big-O notation / Sept 29
3.2 growth of functions, big-O notation
Oct 2
Exam 1 on chapters 1 & 2 / Oct 4
3.2 review big-O notation / Oct 6
3.3 complexity of algorithms
Oct 9
4.2 integer representations, conversion between bases, and algorithms / Oct 11
4.3 primes & gcd;
5.1 mathematical induction / Oct 13
5.1 mathematical induction
Oct 16
Fall Break
no class / Oct 18
5.3 recursive definitions & structural induction / Oct 20
6.1 basics of counting
Oct 23 5.3 recursive definitions & structural induction; 5.4 recursive algorithms (briefly) / Oct 25
6.2 pigeonhole principle / Oct 27
6.3 permutations & combinations
Oct 30
6.4 binomial coefficients, binomial theorem;7.1 intro to discrete probability / Nov 1
7.2 probability theory, Bernoulli trials, binomial distribution / Nov 3
7.4 expected value and variance
Nov 6
Exam 2 on chapters 3, 4, 5, 6 / Nov 8
13.1 languages & grammars, Chomsky's hierarchy / Nov 10
13.2 finite-state machine with output;
13.3 finite-state machines with no output
Nov 13
13.4 language recognition / Nov 15
13.4 language recognition; a table-based parser / Nov 17
grammars and parsing
Nov 20
10.1 graphs & graph models; 10.2 graph terminology & special types of graphs / Nov 22
Thanksgiving Break
no class / Nov 24
Thanksgiving Break
no class
Nov 27 10.2 graph terminology & special types of graphs; 10.3 representations & isomorphism / Nov 29
10.4 connectivity / Dec 1
10.5 Euler & Hamilton paths;
10.6 shortest-path problems
Dec 4 10.6 shortest-path problems;
11.1 intro to trees (briefly);
11.3 tree traversal (briefly) / Dec 6
11.4 spanning trees / Dec 8 brief topics: 11.5 minimum spanning trees; 10.8 graph coloring; intro to relations (ch 9); review

Final Exam: Wed, Dec 13, 8:30 am - 10:30 am, on chapters7, 10, 11, 13Last revised: 08/26/2017