Year 4 / Autumn / Spring / Summer
THEME WEEKS / European Day of Languages (Languages)
‘Let’s Learn Outside Week’
National Anti-Bullying Week (PSHE) / We Are Writers Week (Literacy)
Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week
SMSC/Fairtrade (global citizenship) / Sports Day (PE)
(Please refer to Year 3 content from the Spiral Curriculum for SRE and year 4 content for DATE) / SEAL: New Beginnings
Getting on and falling out
(Say no to bullying) / SEAL: Going for goals
Good to be me
DATE: Year 4 programme / SEAL: Relationships
SRE: Aspects of Stockport programme
Communication, Language and Literacy (CLL)
French Y4 / Following the National Curriculum 2014 Statutory requirements - English Year 4
4: Portraits / 5: Les quatreamis (The four friends) / 6:Çapousse! (Growing things)
Problem solving, Reasoning and Numeracy (PSRN) / Following the National Curriculum 2014 Statutory requirements - Maths Year 4
Knowledge and understanding of the world (KUW)
RE: Stockport agreed syllabus / RE: What do different people believe about God?
Why is the Bible important for Christians today?
Why is Jesus inspiring to some people?
Science: What happens to the food we eat?
History: Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them?
Geog: Why is Manchester such a cool place to live?
Computing: Year 4 Starter Unit / RE: Why do people pray?
Why are festivals important to religious communities?
Why do some people think that life is a journey?
Science: How would we survive about water?
How could we cope without electricity for one day?
History: Who were the early law makers?
Geog: Where would you choose to build a city?
Computing: Introduction to variables. / RE: What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today? What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today? What can we learn from religions about deciding what’s right & wrong?
Science: Why is the sound that ‘one direction’ makes enjoyed by so many?
Which wild animals and plants thrive in your locality?
History: Why were the Norman castles certainly not bouncy?
Geog: Why is the river Mersey so important to Stockport?
Computing: Repetition and loops.
Physical Development (PD)
PE Ref: Physical Education Ages 7-9 / Dance
Sports Coaching / Swimming
Sports Coaching / Games: Gymnastics
Sports coaching
Creative Development (CD)
Music Ref Drums Stockport Music Service / Art: Take a seat
DT: Storybooks
Music: Drums
Singing/ Playing instruments (as part of end of term production) / Art: Viewpoints
DT: Vegetable kebabs
Music: Drums / Art: Journeys
DT: Money containers
Music: Drums