Folly & Glory – Seed I:1

1. After meeting Wanderer, Zoo-loo, and Surplice, the author of this novel alludes to Pilgrim’s Progress by calling them the “Delectable Mountains.” Additional characters include the Belgian painter Count Bragard who specializes in horse drawings and Rockyfeller, who hires a bodyguard to protect his cash. The novel’s two central characters are ambulance drivers who, after the censors suspect letters written by B, are arrested. Named for the cell in which they are confined, --for 10 points-- name this autobiographical work by ee cummings.

Answer: Enormous Room

2. Algernon Swinburne’s poem, “Complaint of Lisa;” Lope de Rueda’s play Eufemia; parts of William Painter’s Collection The Palace of Pleasure; John Keats’ poem, “Isabella, or the Pot of Basil;” Geoffrey Chaucer’s “Clerk’s Tale;” Thomas Dekker’s play Patient Grissil; All’s Well that Ends Well, The Merchant of Venice, and Two Noble Kinsmen by Shakespeare. For 10 points—the common link between all of these literary works is that they are all based, at least in part, on which Renaissance collection by Boccacio?

Answer: all based on Boccacio’s Decameron

3. A complete manuscript of the plays of this man, who won first prize at the Lenaian festival in 317 BC, was found in 1959. He was the nephew of the comic poet Alexis, and Philemon was his chief rival in both drama and for the affections of Glycera. Much of his work later found its way into composite adaptations, such as in the Roman Eunuchos. The author of the Flatterer and Adelphi --for 10 points-- name this Greek author of new comedies whose work found favor with Romans such as Terence.

Answer: Menander

4. Resolution to this comedy's hijinks is achieved following the arrival of Sir Charles Marlow. The family of Constance Neville, who Mrs. Hardcastle hopes will marry her son, owns a casket of valuable jewels. One the way to the Hardcastle home, Young Marlow and Hastings believe they are lost and stop at The Three Jolly Pigeons where Mrs. Hardcastle's son, Tony Lumpkin, tells them they should stay at a nearby inn which is actually the Hardcastle home. Subtitled “The Mistakes of the Night” and dedicated to Samuel Johnson --for 10 points-- name this play by Oliver Goldsmith

Answer: She Stoops to Conquer

5. Most of this collection's stories concern the city the author called “Bagdad-on-the-Subway;” however, some of the stories concern the fictional banana republic of Valleluna. Including “The Green Dorr” and “The Furnished Room,” another story centers on the Yuletide selflessness of Jim and Della. For 10 points-- name this O'Henry collection that includes “The Gift of the Magi” and was named for New York’s early 20th century population.

Answer: Four Million

6. It uses an excerpt from a posthumously published 1947 novel of the same name and concerns two sisters, one of whom dies in a 1945 car accident. Richard, a prominent industrialist, dies two years later, while Aimee dies 30 years later of a broken neck. The deaths are all linked by Iris Chase Griffen, Richard's wife, Aimee's mother, and the sister of Laura Chase. Much of the action is fantasy in which child carpet weavers who lose their sight from the work find new work as the titular people. Written as a novel-within a novel, For 10 points-- name this Margaret Atwood work.

Answer: The Blind Assassin

7. During this man’s stay in Laingsburg he is helped by a young man in a green and gold track suit. On his way to Prince Albert the police pick him up and force him to work in a labor gang to clear away rubble on a train line. A substantial portion of his story is told through the journal of an anonymous doctor at a rehabilitation camp to which he is taken after being picked up at the Visagie farm in the middle of the Karoo, where he finally buries the ashes of his dead mother. Cursed from birth with a cleft palate, this is –for 10 points-- what South African character of ambiguous race whose “Life and Times” were chronicled by JM Coetzee?

Answer: Michael K

8. This novel ends with a suggestion at dinner that the family it concerns go to the country soon to see the maples. The protagonist lacks affection for his wife due to her dearth of outer beauty, and often recalls her long dead sister, with whom he was secretly infatuated. The protagonist’s children also have marital problems; his daughter is beaten by her husband and eventually moves back home to Kamakura to keep the children safe, while his son’s affair with a war widow leads to his wife, Kikuko, having an abortion. For 10 points-- name this novel centered on the family of Japanese Shingo, a work of Yasunari Kawabata.

Answer: The Sound of the Mountain

9. The Voltaire quotation “The secret of being a bore is to say everything,” begins this novel that at the time of its 1993 publication was the longest novel ever written in English. The work is set both in Calcutta and the imaginary North Indian city of Brahmpur five years after India gained its independence, and centers around the relations between four families: the Khans, the Kapoors, the Chatterjis, and the Mehras. Rupa Mehra is in search of the title character for her unmarried daughter Lata in, --for 10 points-- what novel by Vikram Seth?

Answer: A Suitable Boy

10. This actor-son of a Danish sculptor wrote for his own stage talents the character Sir Novelty Fashion, who was the literary predecessor of Lord Foppington in Vanbrugh's The Relapse. In another work, considered the author's masterpiece, Foppington is contrasted to Lord Morelove who pursues Lady Betty. That work earned the praise of Alexander Pope. Later the author offered An Apology for his Life and his previous dramas, Love Last's Shift and The Careless Husband. For 10 points-- name this poet laureate who was ridiculed as the King of Dullness in the Dunciad.

Answer: Colley Cibber

11. Silvia Plath uses the phrases “Limbs ponderous with richness" and "Hair heavier than sculptured marble" to describe this titular character. The original poem opens with the poet lamenting that "ein Märchen aus alten Zeiten" will not allow him to rest and tells the story of another sailor who is lured to his death on the rocks by the song of title figure. For 10 points-- name this poem that tells of a siren of the Rhine River, by Heinrich Heine.

Answer: “Die Lorelei”

12. Seth Beckwith, the gardener, serves as a chorus and commentator throughout this drama. Marie Brantome's son Adam approaches the central family to seek revenge, but falls for Christine. After Christine poisons her husband Ezra, her daughter Lavinia plots with brother Orin to kill Adam Brant in retaliation, resulting in their mother's suicide. Consisting of The Homecoming, The Hunted, and The Haunted, For 10 points--, identify this dramatic trilogy loosely based on Aeschylus' Orestesia by Eugene O'Neill.

Answer: Mourning Becomes Electra

13. He collaborated with Jean Aurenche on his first play, Humulus the Mute, and was his decision to write dramas was influenced by Jean Giraudoux's Siegfried that he saw as a teenager. His clash with General de Gaulle can be seen in The Fighting Cock and Le Songe du Critique, and he was known for grouping his plays under adjectives like “jarring,” “costumed,” “pink,” and “failures.” For 10 points-- name this French playwright of Traveller Without Luggage, Antigone, and Becket.

Answer: Jean-Marie-Lucien-PierreAnouilh

14. In this poem's third stanza the poet speaks of "A heart whose love is innocent!" and "A mind at peace with all below." First appearing in the poet's Hebrew Melodies, the poem's central figure is Mrs. Wilmot. Prior to speaking of "One shade the more, one ray the less / Had half impair'd the nameless grace" the poet claims that "All the best of dark and night meet in her aspect." For 10 points-- name this poem whose subject's looks are compared to darkness by Lord Byron.

Answer: “She Walks in Beauty”

15. This novel, whose title derives from an expression meaning “angry,” is narrated by the protagonist’s niece, who begins by telling of her aunt’s birth in the middle of a kitchen. In the first chapter the protagonist’s sister Rosaura is offered by Mama Elena after she rejects Pedro Muzquiz’s request for the protagonist’s hand in marriage. Though the lovers are killed in a fire before they can be married, the narrator promises that the protagonist will live on as long as people continue to prepare her recipes. For 10 points—name this novel centering on Tita de la Garza by Laura Esquivel.

Answer: Like Water for Chocolateor Como aqua para chocolate

16. During the search of a Portuguese liner, the protagonist of this novel finds a suspicious letter but burns it instead of turning it over to the proper officials. The protagonist attempts to finance a vacation to the Cape Colony for his wife and falls into debt with a Syrian merchant whose later forces him to smuggle gems after he catches him sending comprising letters to Mrs. Rolt. Centering on Major Scobie who in the end uses evipan, an angina drug, to commit suicide --for 10 points-- name this novel by Graham Greene.

Answer: Heart of the Matter

17. The stage directions for this play call for a half-hidden piano that is never used. The work was the fist part of a trilogy whose other components were Each in His Own Way and Tonight We Improvise. Madame Pace is a dressmaker and brothel owner who employs two of the title characters, who interrupt a performance of Mixing It Up to explain their dilemma to the Stage Manager. For 10 points-- name this criticism of theatrical production by Luigi Pirandello.

Answer: Six Characters in Search of an Author or Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore

18. The poem's eighth and last section ends with an apostrophe by the poet and the escape of this title character from the Kumans. He is the grandson of Oleg and is married to Yaroslavna whose laments for her lost husband are prominent in the work. He is compared to an ermine, a white duck, a gray wolf, and a falcon after Ovlur aids his escape. He is forced to escape after he is captured due to foolishly ignoring the bad omen of a solar eclipse prior to his assault on the Polovetsians. For 10 points-- name this central character whose campaign is the subject of an anonymously written Russian national epic.

Answer: Prince Igor Svyatoslavich (svya-toh-SLAH-vihch)

19. Jerome Kilty's Dear Liar was adapted for the stage from the correspondence between Mrs. Patrick Campbell and this author. The influence of Ibsen is visible in his comedy centering on London slum landlordism, Widowers' Houses, and he contrasts Bluntschli and Saranoff in one of his “Pleasant” plays. Said to have made King Edward VII laugh so hard that he broke his chair with his John Bull’s Other Island --for 10 points-- name this Irish dramatist of Mrs. Warren's Profession and Arms and the Man.

Answer: George Bernard Shaw

20. This man’s poem “On the Picture Screen” lauds the Twelve Peaks of his home region. A free translation of one of his poems beginning “While my hair was still cut straight” was published by Ezra Pound under the title “The River Merchant’s Wife.” Works such as “Self Abandonment,” “Sick Leave,” and “Drinking Alone Under the Moon,” speak of his alcholism that led to his death by drowning. For 10 points-- name this Tang Dynasty writer renowned as the “Poet Immortal” and a rival of Du Fu.

Answer: Li Po or Li Bo or Li Bai

21. Colin of Glenure, known as the Red Fox, hunts one of the characters in this novel. The protagonist along with Alan Breck Steward kills Mr. Shuan, the first mate of the Covenant, and its captain Hoseason. Upon disembarking deep in loyalist territory, Alan, a Jacobite, has to run with the protagonist to Mr. Rankeillor, the protagonist’s family lawyer, who convinces his uncle Ebenezer of Shaws to give the protagonist the money he needs to live and help Alan. For 10 points-- name this novel about David Balfour by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Answer: Kidnapped

22. Briefly the editor of the Analectic magazine, his later works included Bracebridge Hall, Tales of a Traveler, and The Adventures of Captain Bonneville, USA. He studied law under Judge Josiah Hoffman, but it was his satirical magazine, Salmagundi, that led him to begin work on his A History of New York. Known for The Alhambra and The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon, For 10 points-- name this American author of “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.”

Answer: Washington Irving

23. The 42nd line of this poem, "The like was ne'er in Epsom blankets toss'd" alludes to the 1688 drama The Sullen Lovers. Just as Aeneas passed Rome to his son Ascanius, the poet imagines the namesake third-rate poetaster passing the empire of dullness to the satire's subject, "Who stands confirmed in full stupidity." A response for the attack on the poet in The Medal of John Bayes, --For 10 points-- name this satirical poem, the work in which the true blue Protestant, Thomas Shadwell, is lampooned by John Dryden.

Answer: “Mac Flecknoe, or A Satire upon the True-Blue-Protestant Poet, T.S. ”

24. Winning the poet his first poetry prize from the National Urban League, this poem first appeared in Opportunity Magazine. The poem unites an observing narrator and a performer who works in a "dull pallor of an old gas light." The performer works on Lenox Avenue and sings a song of despair "far into the night" but is able to drain anxiety through music and escape to bed, sleeping "like a rock or man that's dead." For 10 points—name this 1923 poem about a Harlem nightclub piano player by Langston Hughes.

Answer: The Weary Blues

25. He has hair the color of ripe orange rind, gray eyes, and a contemptuous mouth. Despite being expelled from the Stanton Institute of Technology, he is still hired by the Manhattan Bank Company. One of his later projects prompts Elsworth Toohey to anonymously arrange for him a commission for the Stoddard Temple of the Human Spirit.Contrasted with Peter Keating, by the novel’s end he has married Dominique Francon. For 10 points-- name this architect, the protagonist of Ayn Rand’s Fountainhead.

Answer: Howard Roark (Accept Either)

26. In A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,Stephen Dedalus fantasizes about betraying this character with the line ”Madam, I never eat muscatel grapes.” She begs the title character of her novel for the life of her son, Albert, who remains at the end her only hope for a better life. Although she betrays the title character at the beginning of the novel, she redeems herself by revealing the wickedness of her husband Fernand Mondego. For 10 points-- name this love of Edmund Dantes in Dumas’ The Count of Monte Cristo.

Answer: Mercedes

27. Ten years before his death, this author wrote a dramatic monologue concerning an alms box pilferer entitled “Holy Willie's Prayer.” His brother Gilbert is partly responsible for the fantastic stories surrounding the circumstances under which his poems, such as “The Cotter's Saturday Night” and “Comin thro' the Rye,” were written. He attributed much of his style to his study of Allan Ramsay and Robert Fergusson, although one critic hailed him as a “heavenly-taught ploughman.” The author from whose work John Steinbeck named his novel Of Mice and Men --for 10 points-- name this poet of “Auld Land Syne” and “A Red Red Rose.”

Answer: RobertBurns

28. He was rumored to own a video library of some 3,000 films, and like one of his major characters, he learned English from movies. His play Mystery of the Rose Banquet failed as a result of a fire in a London theater, and the film version of his novel Heartbreak Tango led to a royalties dispute. One of his works is structured as a dialogue between two prisoners, a homosexual and a young revolutionary. For 10 points-- name this Argentine author of Betrayed by Rita Hayworth and Kiss of the Spider Woman.

Answer: Manuel Puig

29. "In deepest grass, beneath the whisp'ring roof" is where at the end of this poem's first stanza the author spots the titular personification of the human soul and her lover. Throughout the poem the poet uses thou to refer to the title character and describes her as "Fairer than Ph{oe}be's sapphire-region'd star, / Or Vesper, amorous glow-worm of the sky." The poet concludes that he will leave "a casement open at night," to let the warm love in of --for 10 points-- Eros and the title goddess in this poem by John Keats.

Answer: “Ode to Psyche”

30. This character receives a note while on a plane trip to California from Schwartz, who stays behind in Nashville and commits suicide. He was deeply in love with his dead wife, Minna Davis, and works closely with his writers including Wylie White, who hopes to marry Cecilia, his partner Brady's daughter. He has a passionate affair with Kathleen Moore because she resembles his wife, before meeting with Communist organizers over concerns about his movie studio. FTP, identify this film producer, F. Scott Fitzgerald's Last Tycoon.