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TIEE Issues - Figure Set Submission Form – Volume 7


Complete each section of this submission form. Send this Word doc file as an email attachment to .

Before you begin:
Please review several of the published Figure Sets in TIEE before you begin to write (go to The Figure Sets are especially challenging to write because the format is unfamiliar to most faculty.Therefore, it is usual for authors to discuss ideas or problems with editors before they work on their submission. Contact with preliminary ideas and questions early in the process.

Note on images: Please send all images (including a cover image) as *.jpg or *.gif files to the same address as separate email attachments. Please do not embed images into this *.doc file, instead simply state the image file name in a text box placed where the image will go. In addition, please write a brief figure caption. Lastly, be sure to secure permission from copyright holder prior to submitting to TIEE (send an email to if you have questions). Without copyright permission, we cannot publish the figure set.

Note on cognitive skills, active learning strategies, and student assessment: The editors are available to provide assistance as you work to develop these sections. Please visit the TIEE Teaching Section ( for ideas and contact the TIEE Managing Editor () with questions.


1.Figure Set Homepage

  • Title:
  • The Issue: <The problem, e.g. introduced species are changing ecosystems
  • Ecological Content: <e.g. predation, competition, etc.>
  • Student-active Approaches: <list the approaches used in each of the figure sets, e.g. jigsaw>
  • Student Assessments: <list the suggested assessments from the Teaching Evaluation section, e.g., essay>
  • Author(s):
  • Institution(s):
  • Acknowledgements: <origin of the concept for this issue, who was inspirational, whose creative activities led to your developing this activity, what funding sources supported its development, who deserves mention in helping you to get this together, and what role did they play>
  • Relevant Cover Image: <include an image which complements or in some way helps to illustrate the submission; send as separate image file>

2. Overview

What Is the Ecological Issue?
Describe the Issue in more detail, perhaps 300-500 words; include core references.

  1. Figure Sets Table
  2. Figure Sets*: figures or tables from published papers
  3. Student-active approach: a suggested approach appropriate for the cognitive skill, time, and class size
  4. Cognitive skill: One or more of Bloom's taxonomic skills (e.g. knowledge, comprehension, interpretation, analysis, application, synthesis; see that the exercise emphasizes. The editors are available to provide assistance.
  5. Class size: small class size > 26, medium 26-50, large is < 50; time is short, moderate, or long

Figure Set and
Ecological Question / Student-active Approach / Cognitive Skill / Class Size/Time

* Figure sets for volume 7 will typically range from 1-3 in number

4. Figure Set 1 homepage (Copy format and repeat for each Figure set)

  • Purpose: < teaching intention>
  • Teaching Approach: <suggested student-active approach>
  • Cognitive Skills: <list types of skills>
  • Student Assessment: < assessable student learning outcomes; suggested assessment >

4a. Figure Set Background: <brief background information about the figure set(s) and paper(s) written for faculty>

4b. Figures

  • Figure <submit figures as separate email attachments (.gif or .jpg preferred); be sure to secure permission from copyright holder prior to submitting to TIEE (send an email to if you have questions>
  • Fig. Legend <figure or table legend written for students>

4c. Student Instructions: <instructions for students that faculty can hand out as is; includes specific instruction about what they should do plus background information so that they can understand the figure or table without reading the paper, length varies>

4d. Notes to Faculty: <For faculty only. This section includes information about the specific approach suggested and how to use it, anticipated student responses or misunderstandings, discussion questions, and method to measure student understanding. Style is "chatty” and length varies.

For the description of student assessment: revisit the intended learning outcomes for the figure sets. Describe strategies and techniques and suggest ways to measure how well students achieved the overall goals. Include alternatives to traditional tests. List each of the types of student assessment used in the first section under “Student Assessment.” See the TIEE Teaching Links for ideas and information: <

5. Resources<mainly web resources; include stable sites only>