MEETING: Board of Trustees ofBSNL
At: BSNL HOUSE, 128 East Lane, North Wembley, Middlesex, HA0 3NL.
on: Tuesday -10 January 2017, 8.30pm start / Minutes taken by:
Harendra Raval
Present: Gunvantbhai Dave (GD), Ramnik Joshi (RJ), HiteshPurohit(HMP), Vinod Mehta(VM), Anjana Thaker (AT), Mukeshbhai Rawal(MR), Nilimaben Raval (NR), Bhavesh Yagnik (BY), Trupti Joshi (TJ) Harendra Raval (HK)
Came late:Ramnik Joshi / Apologies: Bharti Vyas (BV),), Parul Jani (PJ), Harshaben Bhatt,(HB) Kailashbhai Thaker (KT)
Absent: None.
Appendix A:Agenda for this meeting
Appendix B: Matters arising from last meeting together with action points as discussed during this meeting.
Item / Minutes and Actions / Action:
1 & 2) / Meeting started at 8:40.
Reciting of five Gayatri Mantras.
One minute silence observed for Late Mrs Shushilaben Shukla and Sandhyaben’s mother
Registration and Apologies
As above. / All
3) / Approval of minutes of BOT meeting held on 8th November 2016
After amending in AOB -Geeta Gyan section add “not enough” before BSNL in second line and adding VJ attended AGM of NCGO, the minutes were approved .Proposed by RJ and seconded by NR.
4) / Matters arising from last meeting
See Appendix B
5) / Appointment of Office bearers for the year 2017
Following were appointed:
Chair- Gunvantbhai Dave
Deputy Chair- Parul Jani
Treasurer-Ramnik Joshi
Assistant Secretary-Trupri Joshi
Assistant Treasurer-Hitesh Purohit
Membership-Hitesh Purohit
Building Maintenance-Parul Jani
New Building Project-Vinod Mehta
BSNL E Group-Vinod Mehta
BSNL Culture Club-Trupti Joshi
BSNL –Club 3060- Hitesh Purohit
BSNL Abhilasha-Anjana Thaker
BSBL YBs-Bhavesh Yagnik
Grants-Vandana Joshi
A membership approval committee of HMP,RJ and PJ was agreed.
6) / Correspondence by HK/GD
Letter received from Brent Council in connection with Discretionary Rates. HK has completed the form and sent it to Brent Council.
6) / Finance Report
gRJ has sent his report via email prior to meeting, see Appendix C.
RJ pointed out that he was having difficulty in reconciling funds credited direct into BSNL account. He requested all convenors to Bank the cash as soon as possible and also to advise him by e mail of any monies credited direct.
All donations received should be shown separately with names of donors
RJ reported that a receipt book is missing after Children’s Christmas Party. HMP to check boxes
New Boiler cost was £10,153 and we have 10 year Guarantee for it.
BY pointed out that when seeking approval full cost should be advised and if there is any change this should be communicated as early as possible.
RJ reported that he has approached ICICI and Metro Bank to open account. ICICI do not open new accounts for Charities.
It was agreed:
(1)To open a current and/or investment account with the Metro Bank London.
(2) The Chairperson Mr Gunvant Dave, Deputy Chairperson Mrs Parul Jani, The Treasurer Mr Ramnik Joshi and the Secretary Mr Harendra Raval are the Key Officials. They are authorised to finalise the appropriate documents for the purposes of opening these accounts.
(3) The Chairperson Mr Gunvant Dave, Deputy Chairperson Mrs Parul Jani, The Treasurer Mr Ramnik Joshi and the Secretary Mr Harendra Raval are authorised to operate the bank account(s) and any two of these can sign cheques or any other documents required to operate the bank account.
(4)All correspondence should be sent to The Treasurer Mr Ramnik Joshi
7) / Report onProgrammes-
7A) / Diwali Dhamaka – 12/11/16
Report was sent by MR by e mail.
Mexican Food was not appreciated by some elderly members.
More supply of water and provision of fizzy drinks should be considered in future
Consider having an open bar.
MR was congratulated for arranging the function.
7B) / Children’s Christmas Party – 18/12/16
Report and accounts was sent by HMP to members by e mail.
There were 35 kinds in total. Mostly member’s children. There were a few non-members and some from other Brahm Samajs.
They all enjoyed the party.
Lessons to take forward;
- Plan for a few more children as a few turned up at the last minute and they didn’t get gift wrapped presents.
- More refreshments for the parents
Hall booked for 17th December 2017 for the Christmas Party
HMP and Nutan Purohit were congratulated for organising the party.
7C) / AGM – 11/12/16
Meeting went well. There were 79 members in attendance.
Matters for the attention of BOT were to call an EGM for the Porta Cabin development and to arrange another weekday for elderly members to attend (on top of the Tuesday e group gathering)
EGM- There was long discussion on this. GD said there was no need for EGM as details have been sent to members via Newsletters and advised at previous AGM with no objections raised. HMP and TJ felt that there was no benefit to members as we will not be able to arrange Havan or Navratri in this Hall and do we need three halls. VM explained that porta cabin is getting old and will soon ask for repairs to be done and in the long term a new building will be a sound investment for BSNL. HK said that we should plan to subsidise members once we start getting regular income from hire of the new hall.
It was agreed that we will hold an open day for members to attend and view the plans and ask any questions on the project. We should sell this project to members so that we can proceed.
GD explained details and requirements for setting up a limited Company.
Agreed to explore the situation re VAT and Secured and unsecured Loans / RJ/GD
8 / Update on Next Programs
8A) / Bhajans – 28/01/2017
HK reported that A Mr Pinakin Raval (priest from Jalaram Mandir-Wembley) has agreed to sing Bhajans for us. He was recommended by Nilimaben.Pinakinbhai has recently arrived from India and has a degree in semi-classical singing. He will bring a team of three. Budget agreed at £201 with revenue from Aarti
8B) / Mahashivratri 24/02/2017
PJ has agreed to be convenor for this.
RJ has confirmed booking Mr Nitinbhai Mehta as priest
8C) / Holi 12/03/2017
PJ and HMP are joint convenors and will present budget and further details in due course / PJ/HMP
9) / Fund raising for Building Development Projectby VM
This was covered when discussing EGM (See AGM details above)
10) / AOB
HMP- When do we arrange Hanuman Chalisa as Hanuman Jayanti is on 12th April?
Agreed to hold it on 8thApril 2017. Nilimaben will be the convenor
HMP reported that his subcommittee were not happy with changing Club 3060 to Club 3064. After discussion, it was left to them to be flexible on accepting members of age upto65.
HMP we need to appoint delegates for other associations etc
VJ She has applied for grant under Tesco Bags Trust. She attended crowdfunding workshop and has all the necessary documents and literature. GD/VJ and VM to meet to finalise the requirements for crowdfunding.
HK reported that he is planning a sponsored walk in August. Some venues checked including Trent Park and Vale Farm.
HK meeting held to review Nursery rent. Further meeting to be held after receipt of further report from Hartnell Taylor Cook.
HK said we need to amend constitution following changes agreed at AGM.
HK we need to agree the reduced dates for Navratri 2017. HK to circulate details to BOT
HK reported that Anandbhai is working on getting a Calendar on website for easy Hall booking/availability etc. This will need to be approved by Parul
HK asked if BSNL e Group weekly report should be circulated to BOT members. VM confirmed that it was for GD PJ, RJ and HK. / VJ/GD/VM
Meeting finished at 12:25
Dates for Meetings
21st February 2017, 14th March 2017, 11th April 2017, 9th May 2017, 13th June,2017, 11th July 2017,
15th August 2017,12th September 2017,17th October.2017 and 14th November 2017

Signed Gunvant Dave 21st February 2017

Signed Parul Jani 21st February 2017

Signed Harendra Raval 21st February 2017

Signed Ramnik Joshi 21st February 2017

AppendixA: Agenda for this meeting 10/01/2017


2.Registration and Apologies

3.Approval of minutes of BOT meeting held on 8th November 2016

4.Matters arising from BOT meeting of 8th November 2016

5.Appointment of Office bearers for the year 2017

6.Correspondence by HK/GD

7.Finance report by RJ

8.Report onProgrammes-

(a) Diwali Dhamaka 12th November 2016

(b) Children’s Christmas Party 18th December 2016

(c) AGM 11thDecember 2016

9.Update on Next Programs

  1. Bhajans
  2. Mahashivratri
  3. Holi

10.Fund raising for Building Development Projectby VM

11.Any other Business.

AppendixB: Matters arising from last meeting

1 / BSNL Boardfor the Front of the Building
This is with PJ and BY. They will report to BOT at meeting when everything will be finalised.
Parul to get quote for one new board. – by agm / PJ/BY / Outstanding
2 / Policy and Procedure documents to be prepared
PJ has asked for new dates for courses, three days in last week of Nov/first week of Dec. Once we have been on course, then P&P can be written.
GD to take over from PJ / PP,PJ,GD / Outstanding
3 / Draw upFire procedures.
Will be done after course by PJ, assisted by GD.
New P&P needto include Havan Kundmanagement and safety.GD has reported to subcommittee for Havan Kund fire safety as per fire brigade it has to be self-risk assessed.
BY advised that we need to self-certify each item we have and we need to write a P&P for this.
VM advised that we need to have a fire marshal at each event.
VM advised that egroup have a fire marshal and have done two evacuations already. / PJ/GD / Outstanding
GD to follow up
4 / Risk assessment to be done and Food safety officers etc. appointed
Parul Jani needs to find out about food safety training for all trustees – by end of this week.
Hitesh Purohit advised that we should ask our caterers for a food allergens chart for items ordered each time we place an order.
We need to order food allergen posters. / PJ / Outstanding
GD to follow up
5 / Plastic Cards –details to be circulated to Trustees
At this stage, HMP suggests we carry forward to next year as there is not enough time left to complete this in time for membership renewal this year.
HMP TO obtain revised costs and circulate to BOT. Hope to have it up and running by April 2017 / HMP / Outstanding
6 / Business Cards to be printed.
GD’s have been ordered. Rest will be done by next meeting. HP has sent email to GD, GD, HK and PJ to respond.
To be printed with Names and Trustee for all the Trustees. Those who do not need them should inform HMP ASAP / HMP / Outstanding
7 / RJto look for alternatives to keep extra Deposit monies. / RJ / In progress.
8 / Nursery rent review to send our calculations for revised rent.
Parul to send out report on rent review asap. / HK / In progress
9 / Hall booking P&P in progress. BY to distribute with updated anti-discrimination and disability policy. VM is waiting for this P&P.
BY is willing to check with the charities commission by calling the helpline or to consult a lawyer to get legal advise
GD to check and approve / PJ/BY / In progress
10 / Disability and Equalities policy
GD to check and approve / BY / In progress
11 / Agreed to explore the situation re VAT and Secured and unsecured Loans and setting up Limited Company / RJ/GD
12 / Prepare and distribute Budget for Holi Programme / PJ/HMP
13 / To meet to finalise the requirements for crowdfunding. / VJ/GD/VM
14 / Navratri 2017 Circulate details for 2017 / HK