September 16, 2010
John David Alonzo, Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:37 p.m.
Round table introductions followed; members present shared their names and agency roles. Some agency highlights were shared: Kirk Hancock announced that CAP Board has opened up the agency. Randy Perkins shared they have received a $200,000 grant for Our House - Construction to start in October. He has filed a Letter of Intent with the Texas Homeless Network for a second facility and transitional living site for pregnant girls; ages probably range from 15 to 21. This facility is not designed to compete with Christian Homes, but merely add one more agency to serve this population.
Minutes for the last meeting were review and approved – Motion by Randy Perkins and a 2nd by Mike Murphy
The Financial Report was presented by Mary McLeod. We have $2,600 in our account. Alana will submit and invoice for $600 to send her to the THN conference. She reported that a meeting Community Foundation proved that this is a good method of checks and balances on our account; they act as the fiscal agency. No changes with Community Foundation will occur. McLeod will have access to the account. Community Foundation does not charge the WTHN for their services. Dues will start over again in January 2011.
Chair, J.D. Alonzo shared that the template for our Pocket Pals has been found. An e-mail will be sent out so that members can update the contact information if necessary. Mike Murphy offered to pay the cost of printing the Pocket Pals. Food Bank offered to use their folding machine. We will start by placing 1000 copies in circulation. The Community Resource Fair will be held on October 14th from 4 p.m. to 7:30p.m. at the Abilene Civic Center. We will try to print more Pocket Pals to be given out at that event.
The group discussed how group enthusiasm seems to be great right now and we need to do things to keep up the momentum. The group is feeling we will be able to make a difference and do more than just have a round table discussion and agency updates. The goal would be to be in a position to make some changes by January 2011. It was decided that the October meeting will be used to keep up the momentum by having those who attended the THN conference provide the group with information about the knowledge they attained.
The possibility of having some WTHN members visit the San Antonio one-stop-shop center was presented. This center has 40 different agencies involved. WE would be very interested in how they serve their youth. Mike Murphy mentioned the Five Year Plan could be used as a way to make a difference and not just used as a publication. Martha Smallwood, Randy Perkins and Mike Murphy have knowledge about San Antonio’s efforts and have visited the site. Thirty (30) centers throughout the U.S. were started by the federal government. At the time, San Antonio refused the funds and they went to Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Department of Justice gave San Antonio $2.9 million for start up money. The TNP Building on North 1st was mentioned as a good location for such a center. Mike Murphy met with Joanna West about how our local CRCG feels discouraged at times due to our lack of resources. Alicia Rodriguez asked who our current liaisons for community resources; the group answered that they are primarily 211 and churches at this time. Alicia presented the concept of being proactive. Knowing the sites where the homeless collect could be important for informing people of where to get help. City Lights is a popular center for gathering. Martha Smallwood felt that we need to outreach more, advocate that churches join the WTHN – they need to know about us and we need to know about them. Attempts have been made in the past.
Alicia Lee from 211 presented their monthly report. Basic needs breakout showed $98,000 were provided. Calls for help have increased. There were 6579 calls in 2010 vs. 4560 in 2009. That is an average of over 300 more calls per month. An annual report will be submitted for the fiscal year. Serving our military has been an area of focus.
Alonzo announced that Salvation Army will be accepting applications for Christmas help starting October 4th. This will last for 3 weeks. ON October 23rd, a Saturday has also been set aside for this purpose.
Randy Perkins will not be attending the THN conference; he offered his to give his registration, etc. to anyone who would be interested in going. Everything is already paid for.
Our next meeting will be at Noah Project Administration Building on October 21, 2010. There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Karla Rose,