SubiKids Preschool Bible Lesson
Bible Lesson: Adam & Eve’s Sin / 8/9 July 2017Key Bible verse: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1
Intro Songs (on TV)
- B.I.B.L.E
The B I B L E
Yes that’s the book for me
I stand alone on the Word of God
The B I B L E / Point to fingers of 1 hand (1 finger per letter)
Hold hands open like a book
2 fingers ‘standing’ on the open plam of other hand
Point to fingers of 1 hand (1 finger per letter)
- I’ve got hands
I’ve got hands that can clap clap clap (x3)
Cos God made my hands…AMEN!
I’ve got feet that can stomp stomp stomp (x3)
Cos God made my feed…AMEN!
I’ve got eyes that can read God’s word (x3)
Cos God made my eyes…AMEN!
I’ve got ears that can hear God’s word (x3)
Cos God made my ears…AMEN! / Clap
Amen ® through hands up in the air
Stamp feet
Amen ® through hands up in the air
Point to eyes
Amen ® through hands up in the air
Cup hands behind ears
Amen ® through hands up in the air
Bible Story
This is the Bible – the Bible is the true word of God!The Bible tells us that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
God made everything – and he made 2 very special named Adam and Eve.
Read Bible pg 14 – 25 (2 stories)
God was sad that Adam and Eve did not obey Him.
But God also knew that one day, He would send Jesus to save the whole world from sin.
Pray and thank God for forgiving us when we do wrong.
Bible Story Activity
Set up a large smiley face on 1 side of the roomSet up a large sad face on the other side of the room
Call out different scenarios – children run to smile or sad face, depending on the scenario
Eg: Help your mum clean the house J, Draw on the walls L, Help wipe the table J, Hit your friend L, Throw all your toys around the room L, Share your toys with your brother J, Help your sister J…
Bible Verse
2nd week of Bible verseIn the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
In the beginning / Palms facing in, finger tips together ® swing palms to point outward
(like closed doors opening)
God / Point up
Created the heavens / Arms up-stretched and then sweep outward in a large circle
And the earth / Arms continue to bottom of circle ® hold palms together, facing up
Video – Adam and Eve sin.mp4
JUNIOR / KPPColouring in – Adam and Eve / Colouring in – Hidden picture
- Find Adam, Eve and the serpent
- Colour in picture
Closing Song
- Butterfly song
Actions for each animal:
Butterfly – link thumbs together and flap rest of hands
Robin – thumb meets all the fingers; open and close as if beaks of a bird
Fish – palms together and wiggle hands
Heart – left index finger to right index, left thumb to right thumb = shape of heart
Smile – use finger to trace smile on face
Jesus – fingers form a cross
Child – cradle a baby
Making me me – pat chest
Elephant – lift arm like elephant trunk
Kangaro – jump
Octopus – wave arms on the side
Wiggle worm – wiggle finger
Fuzzy wuzzy bear – rub hands in hair
Crocodile – arms stretched forward, clap hands together like crocodile mouth
SubiKids Preschool Bible Lesson
Bible Lesson: Adam & Eve’s Sin / 8/9 July 2017Key Bible verse: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1
SubiKids Preschool Bible Lesson
Bible Lesson: Adam & Eve’s Sin / 8/9 July 2017Key Bible verse: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1