Full Length Mirrors

Plane Mirror Images

Lab Report Self-Evaluation Rubric

Report Objectives
“The report contains acceptable statements describing …” / disagree / unsure / agree
… the minimum length of a plane mirror that is needed for a person to see one’s full length
… the mirror’s precise placement on the wall in order to see a full length image
… how the mirror’s size and placement depends on the height of the viewer
… how the mirror’s size and placement depends on how far the viewer is from the mirror
Report Objectives
“The report contains acceptable explanations for …” / disagree / unsure / agree
… why the stated minimum mirror size is valid
… why the stated mirror placement is valid
… why the stated relationship about mirror size, placement, and viewer’s height is valid
… why the stated relationship about mirror size, placement, and viewer’s distance from mirror
is valid
Report Objectives
“The report contains correctly drawn and properly labeled ray diagrams
that aid in the description and explanation of…” / disagree / unsure / agree
… why the stated minimum mirror size is valid
… why the stated mirror placement is valid
… why the stated relationship about mirror size, placement, and viewer’s height is valid
… why the stated relationship about mirror size, placement, and viewer’s distance from mirror
is valid
Lab Objectives
“Everyone in our lab group can now…” / disagree / unsure / agree
… give the minimum length of a plane mirror and its precise placement on the wall for a person
of a given height to see a full length image when standing a designated distance in front of
the mirror
… justify why their response to the above is valid

Plane Mirror Images: Pre-Lab Predictions

Complete these statements in relation to a person’s height and distance away from the mirror. Include diagrams to illustrate your predictions.

How, if at all, does the minimum size of a plane mirror needed for a person to see his/her full length image depend on the person’s height?

How, if at all, does the minimum size of a plane mirror needed for a person to see his/her full length image depend on the person’s distance from the mirror?

How, if at all, does the placement of this minimum size plane mirror depend on the person’s height?

How, if at all, does the placement of this minimum size plane mirror depend on the person’s distance from the mirror?