Time-line for CCS programme : September 2011 – August 2012.
Please note that this schedule may be subject to some change.
29 Aug - 7 Oct Advance estimate payment issued by Pobal. Please note that you will be required to have gone to contract, to have submitted a compliant Fees Policy and also to have submitted an up-to-date Tax Clearance Cert (to Pobal, for CCS only services) before you receive any payment under this programme.
3 October The electronic form used for the service return and a guide will be uploaded onto the webpage listed on the Service Declaration form during this week. The electronic form allows the DCYA compile the data contained into a database, which is then used to verify the eligibility of the children, and to calculate the amounts payable to services.
3 Oct – 7 Oct Distribute letters and Parent Declaration forms to parents
3 Oct – 12 Oct Parents complete the CCS Parent Declaration forms and return them to you before the 12th October 2011. Where the parent is claiming support under the CCS, please ensure that they have provided their PPS number and the PPS number of their child.
You must also ensure that the forms are signed, as without that authorisation, the data cannot be verified under Data Protection legislation.
10 Oct – 14 Oct CCS snap shot week. All Parent Declaration forms should be completed for children attending during this week and returned to the service.
12 -18 Oct Services make their electronic returns. In most cases, this should take no longer than 30 minutes to an hour. To make the return you will need a computer with an internet connection, running either on Windows or Macintosh OS. Broadband is NOT required, and you only need to be on-line (a) when downloading the form, and (b) when you hit the “submit” button on the form. You must also have Adobe Reader 9 or higher version. If you do not have Adobe Reader 9, please download it free from the webpage www.dcya.ie/ccs
Rather than make multiple returns, you are asked not to make this return until you have received all Parent Declaration forms or by the closing date 18 October 2011 at the latest. Please ensure that all the children are attending your service (returns will be cross-referenced, and so if a child has pre-enrolled in 2 services and both services include him/her in their return, payment to both services, in respect of this child, will be delayed, until this Department ascertains which applicant should receive the relevant subvention). Please ensure that each Parent Declaration form is signed both by the parent and by yourself.
When you have completed this return, please sign the Service Declaration (for Data Protection purposes), and send this and all Parent Declaration forms (and any supporting documentation) by registered post to CCS e-returns, Department of Children & Youth Affairs, Hawkins House, Dublin 2, within 24 hours of making your electronic return. Please ensure that you do not retain PPS numbers.
18 October This is the deadline for submission of Service Returns. Meeting the reporting requirements of the programme is a contractual requirement for payment, and so failure to meet this deadline may result in your service losing funding.
21 October The DCYA will forward the PPS numbers to the Dept. of Social Protection, who will in turn verify the appropriate subvention levels.
Nov - Dec The DCYA will inform services of the funding attracted by the information returned by the Dept of Social Protection, and will send details of parent’s entitlements under the programme. In some cases, parents may have to appeal the non-verification of their child’s entitlement (e.g. they may have provided an incorrect PPS number) and they should do this by sending a letter of appeal – within 2 weeks of the list of qualified children issuing, along with any supporting documentation, directly to the CCS Appeals, Department of Children & Youth Affairs, Hawkins House, Dublin 2. Parents may show the service this evidence in advance of sending it, in order to continue availing of subvention pending a successful appeal. If such parents do not show the service this evidence, the service provider does not have to continue provision of subvention until they have been informed of a successful appeal.