Te Hiringa i te Mahara




Unit Plan Overview 3

Lesson 1 He aha te momo pūoro pai ki a koe?

Plan 5

Tasks and Activities 6

Lesson 2 Ngā Pūoro Pai

Plan 9

Tasks and Activities 10

Lesson 3 Ngā Momo Pūoro

Plan 14

Tasks and Activities 15

Lesson 4 Patapatai

Plan 19

Tasks and Activities 20

Lesson 5 Ruia

Plan 23

Tasks and Activities 24

Lesson 6 He pai ake te waiata!

Plan 30

Tasks and Activities 31

Lesson 7 Kupu Tūhono

Plan 36

Tasks and Activities 37

Lesson 8 Tito Waiata

Plan 40

Tasks and Activities 41

Māori Curriculum in the Mainstream

UNIT 3 / Ūmere
Year 11 / 8 lessons
KOEKE – Level / 5
TE ROA – Duration / 8 x 50 meneti
WHAINGA PAETAE / 5.1 Communicate about past activities and events
5.2 Communicate about present and past states, feelings and opinions
5.3 Communicate about past habits and routines
5.4 Describe, compare and contrast people, places and things
This Unit Plan includes kaupapa Māori references from He Aratohu 2007 Integrating Kaupapa Māori into Mainstream Secondary School Teaching and Learning Programmes-Practical Guidelines for teachers of all subjects. This will be released in 2008 – see www.thm.ac.nz
Mainstream / He Aratohu
Kaupapa Māori Te Hao model
Teacher knowledge: Moderate - High
ESSENTIAL LEARNING AREA AND STRAND / Language and Languages: Te Reo Māori
Whenu Torohū – Strand receptive
Whakarongo, Pānui, Mātakitaki
Whenu Whakaputa – Strand expressive
Kōrero, Tuhituhi, Whakaari / Papatūānuku
Oral – Listening, speaking
Tūmatauenga, Rongomātāne
Written – Reading, writing
Tangaroa, Ruaumoko
Visual – Viewing, presenting
Hineraumati, Tānerore, Tangaroa, Ruaumoko
TE REO MĀORI / Ngā Aria o te reo
Te āhua / Te Wetewete i te reo
Kei hea?
Ko wai…
Nō hea…
Ko te…
He aha te mahi pai ki a koe?
Kore i te pai ki au
He pai ake tētahi mea i tētahi atu mea
Nā te mea… / Kupu hou
ngā momo kupu āhua anō
anga / Kiwaha
I tua mai o tērā
Learning outcomes Specific outcomes for fellow students to achieve by the end of the Unit. / By the end of this Unit students will be able to:
1. Express likes and dislikes about things.
2. Conduct a survey.
3. Research, record and present information on a favourite singer.
4. Use structures learnt to participate confidently in a quiz.
5. Construct sentence patterns in a text
6. Compare and contrast people and things.
7. Use conjoining words to extend language.
8. Compose a waiata aligned to a genre.
Teaching points
Points emphasised to help students understand the task and achieve the learning outcomes. / 1. Increasing and retaining new vocab is critical to speaking well. Introducing;
Kei hea?, Ko wai…, Nō hea…, Ko te, He aha te mahi pai ki a koe?, Kāore i te pai ki
au, He pai ake tētahi mea ki tētahi mea, Nā te mea…
2. Constructing questions and recording responses
3. Instructions on how to complete a survey
4. State a particular reason for a particular viewpoint
MAHI IA RA - Daily routine / Karakia, te wā, te āhua o te rangi, ngā ngohe, te mahi kāinga, karakia whakakapi
Learning activities the students will be required to do
I-Individual, independently / Lesson 1 He aha te momo pūoro pai ki
a koe?
1. Hei whakahikohiko (C/G).
2. Explain to students that the lesson is
about expressing likes and dislikes in
music (C).
3. Te whakatakoto reo (C/G).
4. Tuhi rerenga kōrero. Activity 1 (P).
5. Karakia (C).
Lesson 2 Ngā pūoro pai.
1. Explain to students that the lesson is
about finding out likes and dislikes in
music (C).
2. Ngā momo pūoro. Activity 2 (G).
3. Whakatakoto reo. Activity 3 (G).
4. Karakia (C).
Lesson 3 Ngā momo pūoro.
1. Hei whakahikohiko (C/G).
2. Explain to students that the lesson is
about finding out peoples likes and
dislikes in music (C).
3. Mahi rangahau. Activity 4 (C).
4. Ko wai rā? (C)
5. Karakia (C).
Lesson 4 Patapatai.
1. Hei whakahikohiko. (C)
2. Explain to students that the lesson is
about music knowledge (C).
3. Patapatai. Activity 5 (C/G).
4. He whakamārama (C).
5. Karakia (C).
Lesson 5 Ruia
1. Explain to the class that this lesson is
about RUIA (C).
2. Kōrero tene (I).
3. Pānui kia mārama. Activity 6 (C/G).
4. Panga kupu. Activity 7(I).
5. Karakia (C).
Lesson 6 He pai ake te waiata!
1. Hei whakahikohiko (C/G)
2. Explain to students that this lesson is
about using describing and comparing
words (C).
3. Kupu āhua. Activity 8 (C/G).
4. Te whakataurite. Activity 9(C).
5. Karakia (C).
Lesson 7 Kupu tūhono.
1. Explain to students that this lesson is
about identifying and using conjoining
words (C).
2. Kupu tūhono. Activities 6 & 8 (P).
3. Whakautu pātai. Activities 6 & 10 (C).
4. Karakia (C).
Lesson 8 Tito waiata.
1. Explain to students that the lesson is
about waiata composition and
assessment of it (C).
2. Tito waiata, waiata mai (G).
3. Whakarongo i te reo o tōna ao.
Activity 11(I).
4. Karakia (C). / He Aratohu
Māori practice
Mihi – a number of activities in this unit acknowledge the attributes and skills of others.
Waiata/Mōteatea/Haka – these are all expressed in one form or another throughout this unit through song, dance, composition, commentary.
Most appropriate method for measuring how well the students have achieved the Learning Outcomes / 1. Observational and formative
2. Oral – in response to teacher and peer questions
3. Peer
4. Written
5. Formative
6. Summative
7. Reference to AS90132 Kōrero i te reo o tōna ao and AS90131 Whakarongo i te reo o tōna ao
Teaching and learning resources used e.g. equipment, texts etc / 1. Karakia
2. Papa Kupu
3. Activities sheets
4. Large newsprint, markers, felt pens
5. Computer/internet access
6. See resources on Te Hiringa i te Mahara http://www.thm.ac.nz/resources/
Unit Plan Number / 3
Unit Plan Name / Ūmere
Lesson Number / 1 of 8
Lesson Title / He aha te momo pūoro pai ki a koe?
Year Level / Y11
Learning Intention/Outcome Statements / 5.2  Communicate about present and past states, feelings and opinions
5.4  Describe, compare and contrast people,
places and things
Teacher and student instructions
Estimated time for completion / 50 minutes
Resource requirements / Activity 1
Tasks in sequence
Some of these tasks are self-explanatory hence are not described in detail below. / Duration
2 / 1. Hei whakahikohiko (C)
2. Explain to students that the lesson is
about expressing likes and dislikes in
music (C).
3. Te whakatakoto reo (C/G).
4. Tuhi rerenga kōrero. Activity 1 (C/P).
5. Karakia (C).
Reference material / Activity 1 answer sheet
Answer/marking schedule/criteria

Task 1 Hei whakahikohiko

You need: Māori music

Duration: 5 mins

Participation: Class

Objective: To set the mood

1.  Play some reo Māori music while students are settling into class.

2.  Fast for the afternoon classes, moderate for morning classes.

Task 3 Te whakatakoto reo

You need: Switched on minds

Duration: 15 mins

Participation: Class/Groups

Objective: To learn a new language pattern to express what someone likes.

1.  Introduce the language pattern ‘He aha te mea pai ki a koe?’ Variations may include: He aha te hākinakina/mahi/motokā (te aha te aha) pai ki a koe?

2.  Select students to answer the question with the following structure:

·  He whutupōro pā te hākinakina pai ki a au or

·  Ko te whutupōro pā te hākinakina pai ki a au

3.  In pairs students will pose the question to each other to solicit the required response then feedback to the class their partners’ response using ‘ia’ or the person’s name. He tauira: He poiwhana te hākinakina pai ki a ia (ki a ______rānei)

4.  Now introduce the question ‘He aha te momo pūoro pai ki a koe?’

5.  Students must feedback their response to the class.

Task 4 Tuhi rerenga kōrero

You need: Activity 1

Duration: 25 mins

Participation: Class/Pairs

Objective: Extend on use of sentence pattern.

1.  Introduce the negative sentence pattern on the board.

He tauira: He aha te momo pūoro kāore i te pai ki a koe? He taumaha mētara (heavy metal) te momo pūoro kāre i te pai ki a au or ko te momo pūoro kāore i te pai ki a au ko te taumaha mētara.

2.  Select students to respond to this question with the negative response.

3.  Hand out Activity 1 to students. Students are to use the structure learnt in the previous task to extend the use of the language patterns in Activity 1.

4.  Teacher may select students to feedback their respective answers to the class.

Activity 1

Unit Plan Number / 3
Unit Plan Name / Ūmere
Lesson Number / 2 of 8
Lesson Title / Ngā Pūoro Pai
Year Level / Y11
Learning Intention/Outcome Statements / 5.2 Communicate about present and past
states, feelings and opinions
5.4 Describe, compare and contrast people,
places and things
Teacher and student instructions
Estimated time for completion / 50 minutes
Resource requirements / Activities 2 & 3
Papa Kupu – English to Māori
Tasks in sequence
Some of these tasks are self-explanatory hence are not described in detail below. / Duration
2 / 1. Explain to students that the lesson is
about finding out likes and dislikes in
music (C).
2. Ngā momo pūoro. Activity 2 (G).
3. Whakatakoto reo. Activity 3 (G).
4. Karakia (C).
Reference Material / Activity 3 – answer sheet
Answer/marking schedule/criteria

Task 2 Ngā momo pūoro

You need: Activity 2

Papa Kupu – English to Māori

Duration: 25 mins

Participation: Groups

Objective: Express opinions and state reasons for a particular viewpoint.

1.  Organise the students into even groups.

2.  Explain to the students that this lesson is about finding out likes and dislikes pertaining to 3 types of music: Reggae, HipHop and Heavy Rock.

3.  Each student must complete Activity 2 by asking every one in their group which genre of music they like or dislike and why?

He tauira: He pai te pūoro Reggae/HipHop/Heavy Rock ki a koe?

The student may respond Āe or Kāo and tick the corresponding box. They also must state why…nā te mea he pai te rangirangi o tēnei momo pūoro……

4.  Students must state views and reasons in regards to each genre of music.

5.  Students must then analyse this information and complete the ‘Ngā Kitenga’ section of Activity 2.

6.  A group representative from each group must report back to the class the findings.

Activity 2

Pātai atu ki ō hoa mahi ngā pātai e hāngai tonu ana ki tēnei rangahautanga.

INGOA / Āe / Kāo / Āe / Kāo / Āe / Kāo
Nā te mea… / Nā te mea… / Nā te mea…
Nā te mea… / Nā te mea… / Nā te mea…
Nā te mea… / Nā te mea… / Nā te mea…
Nā te mea… / Nā te mea… / Nā te mea…
Nā te mea… / Nā te mea… / Nā te mea…
NGĀ KITENGA / Tokohia? / Tokohia? / Tokohia?
He pai / Kāre i te pai / He pai / Kāre i te pai / He pai / Kāre i te pai

Task 3 Whakatakoto reo

You need: Actvity 3 and answer sheet, Papakupu

Duration: 20 mins

Participation: Groups

Objective: Learn language patterns to describe someone or something.

1.  Introduce language patterns and adjectives to describe someone or something.

·  He aha ia?

·  He wahine ia..

·  He wahine kaitā…..

·  He roa ōna makawe

·  He pango te kara o ōna makawe roa….

2.  Students to complete Activity 3.

3.  Check answers from Activity 3 – Answer Sheet.

Activity 3

Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga e whai ake nei:
Kupu hou:
pukumahi / hardworking / kaitā / large
tūpuhi / thin / māia / confident
kiritea / fair skinned / tāroaroa / tall (people)
matatau / clever / rangirua / confused
1. She is a thin girl. / ______
2. Mere is a clever person. / ______
3. Her hair is long. / ______
4. That is a confident speaker. / ______
Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga e whai ake nei:
1. He tangata tāroaroa ia. / ______
2. He wahine kiritea ia. / ______
3. He tangata pukumahi a Hone / ______
4. He rangirua tōna āhua i ētahi wā / ______

Activity 3 – answer sheet

Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga e whai ake nei:
Kupu hou
pukumahi / hardworking / kaitā / large
tūpuhi / thin / māia / confident
kiritea / fair skinned / tāroaroa / tall (people)
matatau / clever / rangirua / confused
1. She is a thin girl. / He kotiro tūpuhi ia.
2. Mere is a clever person. / He tangata matatau a Mere.
3. Her hair is very long. / He tino roa ōna makawe.
4. That is a confident speaker. / He kaikōrero māia tērā.
Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga e whai ake nei:
1. He tāne tāroaroa ia. / He is a tall man.
2. He wāhine kiritea ērā . / Those are fair skinned women.
3. He tangata pukumahi a Hone / Hone is a hardworking person.
4. I ētahi wā he rangirua tōna āhua. / Sometimes he seems confused.
Unit Plan Number / 3
Unit Plan Name / Ūmere
Lesson Number / 3 of 8
Lesson Title / Ngā Momo Pūoro
Year Level / Y11
Learning Intention/Outcome Statements / 5.2 Communicate about present and past
states, feelings and opinions
5.4  Describe, compare and contrast people,
places and things
Teacher and student instructions
Estimated time for completion / 50 minutes
Resource requirements / Activity 4
Activity 4 – hei tauira
Tasks in sequence
Some of these tasks are self-explanatory hence are not described in detail below. / Duration
2 / 1. Hei whakahikohiko (C/G).
2. Explain to students that the lesson is
about finding out peoples likes and
dislikes in music (C).
3. Mahi rangahau. Activity 4 (C).
4. Ko wai rā? (C)
5. Karakia (C).
Reference material / Activity 4
Answer/marking schedule/criteria

Task 1 Hei whakahikohiko

You need: Ngā taringa o ngā tauira